Australian Optus telco data debacle gets worse and worse – non-existent security and no govt regulation

[…] The alleged hacker – who threatened to sell the data unless a ransom was paid – took names, birth dates, phone numbers, addresses, and passport, healthcare and drivers’ license details from Optus, the country’s second-largest telecommunications company. Of the 10 million people whose data was exposed, almost 3 million had crucial identity documents accessed. Read more about Australian Optus telco data debacle gets worse and worse – non-existent security and no govt regulation[…]

Blizzard really really wants your phone number to play its games – personal data grab and security risk

When Overwatch 2 replaces the original Overwatch on Oct. 4, players will be required to link a phone number to their accounts. If you don’t, you won’t be able to play Overwatch 2 — even if you’ve already purchased Overwatch. The same two-factor step, called SMS Protect, will also be used on all Call Read more about Blizzard really really wants your phone number to play its games – personal data grab and security risk[…]

FCC rules Satellites must be deorbited within five years of completing missions instead of 25 years

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted new rules to address the growing risk of “space junk” or abandoned satellites, rockets and other debris. The new “5-year-rule” will require low-Earth operators to deorbit their satellites within five years following the completion of missions. That’s significantly less time than the previous guideline of 25 years. Read more about FCC rules Satellites must be deorbited within five years of completing missions instead of 25 years[…]