Finally: Countries Start To Rebel Against Corporate Sovereignty, But Ten Years Too Late

Back in 2013, Techdirt wrote about “the monster lurking inside free trade agreements”. Formally, the monster is known as Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), but here on Techdirt we call it “corporate sovereignty“, because that is what it is: a system of secret courts that effectively places companies above a government, by allowing them to sue Read more about Finally: Countries Start To Rebel Against Corporate Sovereignty, But Ten Years Too Late[…]

Science Has a Nasty Photoshopping Problem

Dr. Bik is a microbiologist who has worked at Stanford University and for the Dutch National Institute for Health who is “blessed” with “what I’m told is a better-than-average ability to spot repeating patterns,” according to their new Op-Ed in the New York Times. In 2014 they’d spotted the same photo “being used in two Read more about Science Has a Nasty Photoshopping Problem[…]

Behavior of star clusters challenge Newton’s laws of gravity, point at MOND theory

Certain star clusters do not seem to be following current understandings of Isaac Newton’s laws of gravity, according to new research published on Wednesday. The study, published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, analyzed open star clusters which are formed when thousands of stars are born in a short time period in Read more about Behavior of star clusters challenge Newton’s laws of gravity, point at MOND theory[…]

Whoops! Amazon Left Prime Video DB with viewing habits (Named ‘Sauron’) Unprotected – yup Elasticsearch

Amazon didn’t protect one of its internal servers, allowing anyone to view a database named “Sauron” which was full of Prime Video viewing habits. As TechCrunch reports(Opens in a new window), the unprotected Elasticsearch database was discovered by security researcher Anurag Sen(Opens in a new window). Contained within the database, which anyone who knew the Read more about Whoops! Amazon Left Prime Video DB with viewing habits (Named ‘Sauron’) Unprotected – yup Elasticsearch[…]