Introducing Shufflecake: plausible deniability for multiple hidden filesystems on Linux

Today we are excited to release Shufflecake, a tool aimed at helping people whose freedom of expression is threatened by repressive authorities or dangerous criminal organizations, in particular: whistleblowers, investigative journalists, and activists for human rights in oppressive regimes. Shufflecake is FLOSS (Free/Libre, Open Source Software). Source code in C is available and released under Read more about Introducing Shufflecake: plausible deniability for multiple hidden filesystems on Linux[…]

AG Recruitment hires Seasonal workers, makes them pay a year’s salary on flights, then dumps them after 2 months leaving them hugely in debt

Nepali workers hired to pick fruit on British farms say they have been left thousands of pounds in debt after being sent home only weeks after they arrived. The fruit pickers were recruited under the government’s seasonal worker scheme and say they were offered work for six months. But less than two months after arriving, Read more about AG Recruitment hires Seasonal workers, makes them pay a year’s salary on flights, then dumps them after 2 months leaving them hugely in debt[…]