Wolverine Gives Your Python Scripts The Ability To Self-Heal bugs using chatGPT

combined Python and a hefty dose of of AI for a fascinating proof of concept: self-healing Python scripts. He shows things working in a video, embedded below the break, but we’ll also describe what happens right here. The demo Python script is a simple calculator that works from the command line, and [BioBootloader] introduces a Read more about Wolverine Gives Your Python Scripts The Ability To Self-Heal bugs using chatGPT[…]

Blach hole streaking through galaxy leaves wake of new stars

There’s an invisible monster on the loose, barreling through intergalactic space so fast that if it were in our solar system, it could travel from Earth to the Moon in 14 minutes. This supermassive black hole, weighing as much as 20 million Suns, has left behind a never-before-seen 200,000-light-year-long “contrail” of newborn stars, twice the Read more about Blach hole streaking through galaxy leaves wake of new stars[…]

Tired Of Web Scraping? Make The AI Do It

a novel approach to the problem of scraping web content in a structured way without needing to write the kind of page-specific code web scrapers usually have to deal with. How? Just enlist the help of a natural language AI. Scrapeghost relies on OpenAI’s GPT API to parse a web page’s content, pull out and Read more about Tired Of Web Scraping? Make The AI Do It[…]

Triggering Blinks i n VR, a useful thing to do

In VR, a blink can be a window of opportunity to improve the user’s experience. We’ll explain how in a moment, but blinks are tough to capitalize on because they are unpredictable and don’t last very long. That’s why researchers spent time figuring out how to induce eye blinks on demand in VR (video) and Read more about Triggering Blinks i n VR, a useful thing to do[…]