MIT Boffins Build Battery Alternative Out of Cement, Carbon Black, and Water

Long-time Slashdot reader KindMind shares a report from The Register: Researchers at MIT claim to have found a novel new way to store energy using nothing but cement, a bit of water, and powdered carbon black — a crystalline form of the element. The materials can be cleverly combined to create supercapacitors, which could in Read more about MIT Boffins Build Battery Alternative Out of Cement, Carbon Black, and Water[…]

Will Browsers Be Required By Law To Stop You From Visiting Infringing Sites?

Mozilla’s Open Policy & Advocacy blog has news about a worrying proposal from the French government: In a well-intentioned yet dangerous move to fight online fraud, France is on the verge of forcing browsers to create a dystopian technical capability. Article 6 (para II and III) of the SREN Bill would force browser providers to create Read more about Will Browsers Be Required By Law To Stop You From Visiting Infringing Sites?[…]

Academic Book About Emojis Can’t Include The Emojis It Talks About Because Of Copyright

Jieun Kiaer, an Oxford professor of Korean linguistics, recently published an academic book called Emoji Speak: Communications and Behaviours on Social Media. As you can tell from the name, it’s a book about emoji, and about how people communicate with them: Exploring why and how emojis are born, and the different ways in which people Read more about Academic Book About Emojis Can’t Include The Emojis It Talks About Because Of Copyright[…]

AI-assisted mammogram cancer screening could cut radiologist workloads in half

A newly published study in the the Lancet Oncology journal has found that the use of AI in mammogram cancer screening can safely cut radiologist workloads nearly in half without risk of increasing false-positive results. In effect, the study found that the AI’s recommendations were on par with those of two radiologists working together. “AI-supported Read more about AI-assisted mammogram cancer screening could cut radiologist workloads in half[…]

Microsoft Comes Under Blistering Criticism For ‘Grossly Irresponsible’ Azure Security

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Microsoft has once again come under blistering criticism for the security practices of Azure and its other cloud offerings, with the CEO of security firm Tenable saying Microsoft is “grossly irresponsible” and mired in a “culture of toxic obfuscation.” The comments from Amit Yoran, chairman and Read more about Microsoft Comes Under Blistering Criticism For ‘Grossly Irresponsible’ Azure Security[…]

IBM and NASA open source satellite-image-labeling AI model

IBM and NASA have put together and released Prithvi: an open source foundation AI model that may help scientists and other folks analyze satellite imagery. The vision transformer model, released under an Apache 2 license, is relatively small at 100 million parameters, and was trained on a year’s worth of images collected by the US Read more about IBM and NASA open source satellite-image-labeling AI model[…]

Couple admit laundering $4B of stolen Bitfinex Bitcoins

Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan on Thursday pleaded guilty to money-laundering charges related to the 2016 theft of some 120,000 Bitcoins from Hong Kong-based Bitfinex. The Feds arrested Lichtenstein, 35, and Morgan, 33, in February 2022 following the US government’s tracing of about 95,000 of the stolen BTC – worth about $3.6 billion at the Read more about Couple admit laundering $4B of stolen Bitfinex Bitcoins[…]

Special License For Supercars Will Be Required In South Australia by 2024

The state of South Australia, home to 1.8 million people, is treading that well-worn path with new laws regulating the use of “ultra high-powered vehicles” on the road. The issue stems from a fatal crash in 2019 when 15-year-old Sophia Naismith was tragically struck and killed by an out-of-control Lamborghini Huracan driven by Alexander Campbell. Read more about Special License For Supercars Will Be Required In South Australia by 2024[…]

Tesla Hackers Find ‘Unpatchable’ Jailbreak to Unlock Paid Features for Free

A security researcher along with three PhD students from Germany have reportedly found a way to exploit Tesla’s current AMD-based cars to develop what could be the world’s first persistent “Tesla Jailbreak.” The team published a briefing ahead of their presentation at next week’s Blackhat 2023. There, they will present a working version of an Read more about Tesla Hackers Find ‘Unpatchable’ Jailbreak to Unlock Paid Features for Free[…]