“Smart soil” grows 138% bigger crops using 40% less water

[…] in areas where water is more scarce it can be hard to grow crops and feed populations, so scientists are investigating ways to boost efficiency. Building on earlier work, the new study marks a good step in that direction. The soil gets its “smart” moniker thanks to the addition of a specially formulated hydrogel, Read more about “Smart soil” grows 138% bigger crops using 40% less water[…]

Space Force tests small satellite jammer to protect against a ‘space-enabled attack’

The U.S. Space Force is testing a new ground-based satellite jamming weapon to help keep U.S. military personnel safe from potential “space-enabled” attacks. The tests were conducted by Space Training and Readiness Command, or STARCOM, which is responsible for educating and training U.S. Space Force personnel. The satellite jammer is known as the Remote Modular Read more about Space Force tests small satellite jammer to protect against a ‘space-enabled attack’[…]

First trial on British Army vehicle for high-powered laser weapon

For the first time scientists and engineers have successfully fired a high powered laser energy weapon from a British Army combat vehicle. This ground-breaking test, conducted at Dstl’s range in Porton Down, saw the laser weapon neutralise targets at distances in excess of 1km. The high-energy laser weapon mounted on to a British Army Wolfhound Read more about First trial on British Army vehicle for high-powered laser weapon[…]