After 33 Years, GameStop Shuts Down And Disappears ‘Game Informer’

[…] Nobody is going to let decades of journalistic output just suddenly get disappeared out of nowhere… right? When it comes to Game Informer, the GameStop owned video game magazine that has been in production for over three decades, that’s exactly what just happened. Staff at the magazine, which also publishes a website, weekly podcast, Read more about After 33 Years, GameStop Shuts Down And Disappears ‘Game Informer’[…]

Posted in Art

Google will let you search your Chrome browsing history by asking questions like a human – Firefox, you need this!

[…] you’ll be able to ask questions of your browsing history in natural language using Gemini, Google’s family of large language models that power its AI systems. You can type a question like “What was that ice cream shop I looked at last week?” into your address bar after accessing your history and Chrome will Read more about Google will let you search your Chrome browsing history by asking questions like a human – Firefox, you need this![…]

Europe launches ‘AI Factories’ initiative

[…] According to the Commission, AI Factories are envisioned as “dynamic ecosystems” that bring together all the necessary ingredients – compute power, data, and talent – to create cutting-edge generative AI models, so it isn’t just about making a supercomputer available and telling people to get on with it. The ultimate goal for these AI Read more about Europe launches ‘AI Factories’ initiative[…]

EU Commission opens stakeholder participation in drafting general-purpose AI code of practice

The European Commission has issued a call to stakeholders to participate in drafting a code of practice for general-purpose artificial intelligence (GPAI), a key part of compliance with the AI Act for deployers of technology like ChatGPT, according to a press release on Tuesday (30 July). […] a diversity of stakeholders will be engaged in Read more about EU Commission opens stakeholder participation in drafting general-purpose AI code of practice[…]

Thin edge-lit LCD TVs Break Faster Under Prolonged Use: tested for 10k hours

[…] At the time of this article’s publication, our 100 TVs had been running for over 10,000 hours since the launch of the test, which represents roughly six years of use in a typical U.S. household […] The results of this investigation are unequivocal: edge-lit TVs are inherently prone to significant durability issues, including warped reflector Read more about Thin edge-lit LCD TVs Break Faster Under Prolonged Use: tested for 10k hours[…]

Suno & Udio To RIAA: Your Music Is Copyrighted, You Can’t Copyright Styles

AI music generators Suno and Udio responded to the lawsuits filed by the major recording labels, arguing that their platforms are tools for making new, original music that “didn’t and often couldn’t previously exist.” “Those genres and styles — the recognizable sounds of opera, or jazz, or rap music — are not something that anyone Read more about Suno & Udio To RIAA: Your Music Is Copyrighted, You Can’t Copyright Styles[…]

Design flaw has Microsoft Authenticator overwriting MFA accounts, locking users out

[…] For those who rely on Microsoft Authenticator, the experience can go beyond momentary frustration to full-blown panic as they become locked out of their accounts. That’s because, due to an issue involving which fields it uses, Microsoft Authenticator often overwrites accounts when a user adds a new account via QR scan — the most Read more about Design flaw has Microsoft Authenticator overwriting MFA accounts, locking users out[…]

Chrome Web Store warns end is coming for uBlock Origin

[…] With the stable release of Chrome 127 on July 23, 2024, the full spectrum of Chrome users could see the warning. One user of the content-blocking add-on filed a GitHub Issue about the notification. “This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn’t follow best practices for Chrome extensions,” the Chrome Web Read more about Chrome Web Store warns end is coming for uBlock Origin[…]