Europe launches ‘AI Factories’ initiative


According to the Commission, AI Factories are envisioned as “dynamic ecosystems” that bring together all the necessary ingredients – compute power, data, and talent – to create cutting-edge generative AI models, so it isn’t just about making a supercomputer available and telling people to get on with it.

The ultimate goal for these AI Factories is that they will serve as hubs able to drive advances in AI across various key domains, from health to energy, manufacturing to meteorology, it said.

To get there, the EuroHPC JU says that its AI Factories approach aims to create a one-stop shop for startups, SMEs, and scientific users to facilitate access to services as well as skill development and support.

In addition, an AI Factory will also be able to apply for a grant to develop an optional system/partition focused on the development of experimental AI-optimized supercomputing platforms. The goal of such platforms would be to stimulate the development and design of a wide range of technologies for AI-ready supercomputers.

The EuroHPC JU says it will kick off a two-pronged approach to delivering AI Factories from September. One will be a call for new hosting agreements for the acquisition of a new AI supercomputer, or for an upgraded supercomputer in the case applicants aim to upgrade an existing EuroHPC supercomputer to have AI capabilities.


According to the EuroHPC JU, grants will be offered to cover the operational costs of the supercomputers, as well as to support AI Factory activities and services.

The second prong is aimed at entities that already host a EuroHPC supercomputer capable of training large-scale, general-purpose AI models and emerging AI applications. It will also offer grants to support AI Factory activities.


Source: Europe launches ‘AI Factories’ initiative • The Register

Robin Edgar

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