Express your contempt for US trade policy by living in a shipping container

We’ve seen shipping containers that have been converted into small living or business spaces before, but now architects are getting serious about this novel solution to the US container glut. The problem is that as a country we buy so much cheap stuff from China, that the shipping containers are piling up near the ports Read more about Express your contempt for US trade policy by living in a shipping container[…]

Ann Arbor is first city replacing all streetlights with LEDs

LED lights are far more efficient than standard light bulbs, using a half of the energy and burning five times longer than their rudimentary cousins. It’s a wonder, then, that we don’t see them used more. Ann Arbor, Michigan is the first city in America to replace all its streetlights with fancy, fancy LED lights, Read more about Ann Arbor is first city replacing all streetlights with LEDs[…]

The Torch is bright enough to blind you, hot enough to fry an egg

We’ve heard of a white-hot spotlight, but this flashlight is ridiculous. Manufacturer Wicked Lasers calls this monster The Torch, and the 4100-lumen light packs enough punch to literally set the world on fire, starting up a pile of loose paper in a matter of seconds. Jeez, that’s hot stuff. To give you an idea, a Read more about The Torch is bright enough to blind you, hot enough to fry an egg[…]

Moldable Mouse takes the perfect shape

Great ergonomic strides have been made in the past few years in the field of pointing devices, but this Moldable Mouse design concept by Lite-On takes user-friendliness to its limit. The mouse is made of lightweight modeling clay with a flexible polyurethane and nylon fabric cover that lets you mold it into whatever shape is Read more about Moldable Mouse takes the perfect shape[…]

US Navy to test-fire electric hypercannon

The US Navy will astound the world tomorrow by test-firing a radical new weapon system at an unprecedented power level. The new piece of war-tech on trial is that old sci-fi favourite, an electromagnetic railgun. According to the Office of Naval Research, which is in charge of the project, the electric cannon will deliver over Read more about US Navy to test-fire electric hypercannon[…]

Skull helmet makes you look badass on your Segway

Tired of looking like a wuss on your Segway? Then put down your bike helmet and put on the Skull Helmet from Santiago Chopper. Owning anything from a place called Santiago Chopper is guaranteed to add +1 to your self esteem, but this brain bucket (that’s cool biker slang for “helmet”) will “scare the crap Read more about Skull helmet makes you look badass on your Segway[…]

USB Missile Launches gets wireless, camera upgrades

Technology has come quite a long way since the original USB Missile Launcher was unveiled a year ago. It was so popular that biggie Microsoft wanted some USB desktop weapon action and has teamed up with Dream Cheeky for vastly improved missile launchers. The first launcher is attacking the biggest flaw of the missile launching Read more about USB Missile Launches gets wireless, camera upgrades[…]

Underwater turbines could power the state of Florida

t’s easy to track the tidal movements of the ocean by looking at waves, but all of that energy is moved around under the surface of the water as well. Florida Atlantic University’s Center of Excellence in Ocean Energy Technology hopes to harness these underwater currents by placing 100-foot-in-diameter 20 kilowatt turbines that are anchored Read more about Underwater turbines could power the state of Florida[…]

Bluetooth helmet makes voices in your head a good thing

Outdoor types who are into extreme sports: listen up. You don’t have to rely on some wired-up coat that controls your MP3 player when there’s a helmet that can do it for you. Hammacher Schlemmer has a winter sports helmet with Bluetooth headphones built in. The transmitter wirelessly connects to an iPod sitting safely and Read more about Bluetooth helmet makes voices in your head a good thing[…]

Scramjet-powered planes (and missiles) may be closer than you think

The race to build a working and dependable scramjet is happening all the world over — the United States, China, Australia and who knows who else all want one. DARPA’s HTV-3X, also known as Blackswift, is an unmanned scramjet-powered plane that may take to the skies as soon as 2012, hitting speeds of up to Read more about Scramjet-powered planes (and missiles) may be closer than you think[…]

Digital Veil obscures beauties and beasts behind a wall of light

The Digital Veil is an art piece by Soomi Park that combines black and white flash animations with a wearable LCD screen. The wearer’s face is visible through the white parts of the animations and obscured by the black areas, so onlookers are presented with a distorted face that’s always shifting. The wearer can randomly Read more about Digital Veil obscures beauties and beasts behind a wall of light[…]

Electric Cruiser is a mash-up of a unicycle, Segway, laziness

The Mademoto Electric Cruiser has done the unthinkable and taken all of the beneficial purposes out of rollerskates, skateboards and other manual modes of rolling transportation. Thank of the Electric Cruiser as the front half of an electric moped, a juiced up unicycle or a severely gimped Segway. It is designed to happily drag you Read more about Electric Cruiser is a mash-up of a unicycle, Segway, laziness[…]

Japanese cigarette machine reads faces to determine age

Unlike in the States, cigarette machines are everywhere in Japan. Rather than get rid of them due to the problem of underage kids being able to buy packs of smokes from them like we did here, they’re using technology to keep the machines around and ensure that only adults can make purchases from them. A Read more about Japanese cigarette machine reads faces to determine age[…]