Tanker Aacquisition part loads more
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Earlier I’ve
In a bid demanding that the greatest time wasting, useless silliness at airports not come from the TSA, the FDA has ruled that it is to impound all penile sex toys due to safety concerns. We are talking about penis pumps, cock rings, etc.
This uses the built in accellerometer to record your cars performance. Apparently it works as well as more expensive dedicated hardware.
Yes, this article has the mandatory OMG I can’t believe he’s on the watchlist cast of characters, but what’s more interesting is the two other points the article makes: 1) there is paperwork to get off the watchlist, but at 3 years and counting it’s still not being processed 2) people have now been on Read more about terror ‘watch list’ newness?[…]
The US Navy is going laser crazy! They want: Solid-State Fiber Laser Free Electron Laser High-Power Microwave Directed Energy Weapons The Revolutionary Approach to Time-Critical Long Range Strike (RATTLRS) Program Next Generation Integrated Power Systems Electromagnetic Railgun Laser-based Landing Aids and probably more. Where are the SWFLs*? Anyway, this is all high on the Office Read more about Frickin’ Lasers[…]
These students have built a program that will combine high res pictures of an environment and fuse them with a lower quality video of the same scene, raising the colour depth, resolution, clarity and detail of the scene as well as allowing you to remove objects, edit inline over all angles. It’s very very impressive, Read more about Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene[…]
If you don’t vote the way we want, we can toss you out of your office and out of the building, even if you’re an assemblywoman!
TinEye searches the web based on pictures you upload or link to. It will find the same picture elsewhere and tell you where that is, even if the other picture has been edited. So you can find where else the picture is used and see variations of it all over the web.
Iran has just launched a satellite into space using it’s own rocket.
The UK government has put up a site detailing what it thinks are the largest risks to the UK. Surprisingly, terrorism and other general fear mongering isn’t really up there – it’s more about natural events, which sounds realistic to me.
A collection of how to, instructional and DIY videos %u2013 Life Videopedia – all the videos are short and to my surprise so far they all seem well shot and instructed
The coating causes water to bead up into drops and roll or bounce off a surface, can be applied by spraying, spinning or dipping and allows you to determine the path which the droplets take when they roll off. This is extremely usefull to prevent icing on aircraft (which is extremely dangerous) but also to Read more about Transparent coating repels water[…]
little gif animated favicons (the icons that live next to the URL) work in Firefox!
I can’t put it any better than el Reg can. Apparently the arctic ice has actually grown by 30% since August 2007.
Foliage Penetrating Synthetic Aperture Radar Lockheed Martin has developed a radar that strips away foliage and allows you to track targets under the treetops. the dual-band FOPEN system uses low-frequency radio waves to achieve high-resolution penetration of concealed areas –– natural ones like leaves or wood, or man-made camouflage –– with relatively low loss in Read more about Foliage Penetrating Synthetic Aperture Radar (FOPEN)[…]
This game developer posted an open question asking why people pirated his games. He got loads of responses and he’s summed them up. Not only is he posting his findings, he’s also going to do something about it. I really hope it works out for him, as what he’s doing looks like a shining example Read more about Talking To Pirates[…]
Left-click anywhere on the desktop, hold the ‘Control’ key and move the scroll wheel on the mouse – the desktop icons will grow smaller or larger depending upon the direction of your scroll.
8 people bought this app at the maximum price the apple app store allowed, $999,- before it was pulled. And now, here we can find it documented on youtube and a cracked version of it.
Who needs to buy an extensive game client like WoW, Conan, or install huge things like Second Life, when the internet function you use most, namely http, port 80 or the www – whatever you like to call the internets – can BE the game, populated by thousands of denizens either playing a game or Read more about The Web as an MMORG[…]
The Electraflyer is an electric aircraft. And why not?!
l This is U.S. Army Research Office and the National Science Foundation’s Nano-Scale Science and Engineering Center funded and the University of California, Berkeley, led by Xiang Zhang claims to have manufactured materials that redirect the light around the objects. In the past we’ve seen more of this, of course… Invisible tanks using cameras Light Read more about Scientists closer to invisibility cloak[…]
And in pretty astounding news, Steve Jobs has confirmed that the iphone has a kill switch for applications Apple doesn’t want you to have. The list has nothing to do with allowing access to some kernel core as some people have conjectured.
This is an amazing piece of kit! the Dome House is an igloo-shaped structure built from snap-together wall sections made of 100% expanded polystyrene foam (styrofoam). It might seem like an odd choice of material for a house, but the company lists a number of advantages that styrofoam has over traditional materials. Unlike wood and Read more about Styrofoam Dome House[…]
Nope – that’s when the Large Hadron Collider finally gets fired up!
Google has released a way updated version of Google Trends, namely Google Insights for Search. Insights allows you to compare search query popularity over regions (globally, continents, countries, counties, etc), show you what each search term is used for within context and allows you to specify time ranges. It doesn’t have an export to csv Read more about Google Insights for Search[…]