The N-Prize

It was the X-Prize that Burt Rutan’s Spaceship 1 took when it launched into space and recovered. Google is offering the Lunar X-Prize together with the X-Prize foundation for the first team that lands on the moon and transmits back to earth. The N-Prize is for a microsat launched into space for a price of Read more about The N-Prize[…]

Push and Synchronization – Email, Calendar, Address Book

Synchronica is the one solution I’ve found for synching the iphone. Winfonie Mobile 2 has been tested and known to work allowing you to synchronise your iphone with lotus organizer 6.1. There are two versions: one for your contacts and one for your calendar. No to do list or notes as the iphone doesn’t support Read more about Push and Synchronization – Email, Calendar, Address Book[…]


This is an SD card with 2 GB RAM which uploads photos wirelessly to your computer and to the web, of course. But, Eye-Fi Explore also automatically adds geographic location labels to your photos. Eye-Fi ยป Eye-Fi Explore It plugs into loads of online galleries, not just Flickr but also Gallery… The technology also works Read more about Eye-Fi[…]

Origo Industries: Capture your car’s CO2 and use it to re-power your vehicle – and your home

Origo Industries has developed a system that captures the CO2 from your vehicle’s engine and then allows you to turn these emissions into fuel at your own home to re-power your car. The same fuel could also be used to power your house. The system uses a revolutionary new approach where CO2 is regenerated through Read more about Origo Industries: Capture your car’s CO2 and use it to re-power your vehicle – and your home[…]

Data Retention Effectively Changes the Behavior of Citizens in Germany

The problem with surveillance is not primarily that some bored officer might learn about some embarrassing private detail (although this is a problem as well). The fundamental problem with surveillance is that it changes people. People under surveillance behave differently than people who are not monitored – differently than free people. Unfortunately, this fundamental problem Read more about Data Retention Effectively Changes the Behavior of Citizens in Germany[…]

Self-replicating 3D Printer

The reprap machine sprays plastics in layers untill they solidify and then sprays more layers, thus creating 3D plastic objects. It can even replicate itself! The machine is completely open source and you can build it yourself for around EUR. 450,- and some time. You can find the instructions here

Turn the iPhone into a Palm

StyleTap will allow you to run all those Palm Pilot programmes on an iPhone or iPod Touch, which means finally a proper agenda (Agendus!) and hopefully a graffiti input? Wonder how the sync works… Anyway, if Palm won’t give me a good phone / organiser thing, then I’ll take the iPhone now kthxbye


Nowadays, fireplaces are no longer just the plain old hole in the wall with chimney and wood affairs anymore. Designer fireplaces are the way to go! Digifire: Radius Design: Safretti BV: Of course all these guys have a whole load more models available, and variations on the models shown here.