Spycraft: The Secret History of the CIA’s Spytechs, from Communism to al-Qaeda

This book details the way the CIA built and used technologies to spy on other people and countries. a former head of the CIA’s Office of Technical Service (OTS) and an internationally acclaimed espionage historian join forces to tell the story of the covert devices critical to America’s intelligence operations for more than half a Read more about Spycraft: The Secret History of the CIA’s Spytechs, from Communism to al-Qaeda[…]

First IMOD-based Mirasol displays

reflective interferometric modulation Qualcomm announces working displays which are an OLED / LCD / Plasma competitor: reflective interferometric modulation (IMOD). They offer: low power consumption, visibility in outdoor lighting, and no backlighting requirement

Yawcam – Yet Another Webcam Software

This does what it should do: Yawcam features: .: Video streaming .: Image snapshots .: Built-in webserver .: Motion detection .: Ftp-upload .: Text and image overlays .: Password protection .: Online announcements for communities .: Scheduler for online time .: Multi languages

Matrox Extio F1240 remote graphics unit

The Matrox Extio™ F1240 multi-display Remote Graphics Unit enables the extension of two dual-link video displays, audio and six USB devices, such as keyboard and mouse, by up to 820 feet (250 meters) via a single fiber-optic cable. Designed with passive (fanless) cooling, the Extio 1240 provides a quiet, secure and high reliability environment that Read more about Matrox Extio F1240 remote graphics unit[…]

Camouflage Paint Hides Vehicles From Radar, Subsequent Missiles

A German inventor has developed a paint called AR 1 that can hide a vehicle from radar, and most importantly, “all militarily relevant frequencies.” How it works is unclear, though one test researcher proposes it’s either by reflecting radar waves in a pattern so they cancel one another out, or by utilizing microscopic magnets to Read more about Camouflage Paint Hides Vehicles From Radar, Subsequent Missiles[…]