Lifehacker Windows Applications

Lifehacker has some of its own productivity software on their page: Windows Applications Texter (text substitution) Save countless keystrokes by automatically replacing abbreviations with commonly used phrases you define, like email signatures and common acronyms. Swept Away (automatic window minimizer) A simple system tray utility that automatically minimizes applications that you aren’t using. ClickWhen (timed Read more about Lifehacker Windows Applications[…]

Magic Fireballs Howto

Make some cotton balls from a t-shirt, make sure it holds together using some string, douse in lighter fluid and amaze your friends as you play with them in your hands whilst a foot high flame shoots from them. The video instruction is really quite impressive.

Techdirt: ICANN Finally Realizes Domain Tasting Is A Problem, Might Fix It Sometime This Decade

Two issues in this story: Because registrars allow you to return a domain without costs within 5 days, domain kiting or tasting allows unscrupulous companies to register a domain, see how much traffic it generates and throw it back for free or re-register it every 5 days, allowing them to get free domains. Apparently the Read more about Techdirt: ICANN Finally Realizes Domain Tasting Is A Problem, Might Fix It Sometime This Decade[…]