Disable Startup

This program takes around 4MB space but saves it later. Whenever a program wants to add itself as a startup program, this gives you the option of allowing or disallowing it. This means no more unwanted adobe crap starting up with your PC.

JPG Magazine

JPG Magazine is a crowd sourcing art experiment: they let people submit and vote on the pictures that would be printed in the bi-monthly issue. The results were a vibrant, colourfull amateur(ish) photography magazine. Unfortunately the venture has had to close down, but they have all their issues for free online so you can still Read more about JPG Magazine[…]


This turns your ipod touch into an ebook reader. It has sources to free books (such as Project Guthenburg) and also allows you to buy commercial books for around $8 – $10.

Sex offenders a US Subclass of human

Showing that there is no limit to how far the US is willing to push people around, they’re now forcing convicted sex offenders to submit their online email adresses and passwords. They’re allready forced to walk around and tell everyone in their environment they’re sex offenders, they have limited movement and that after they’re supposed Read more about Sex offenders a US Subclass of human[…]