Samsung forces unkillable adverts down Galaxy S8 buyers’ throats

“Hier heb ik geen 1000 dollar voor betaald!” Source: Samsung verrast gebruikers met advertenties op Galaxy S8 – Webwereld They come with the gaming service which cannot be disabled or uninstalled unless you’re root. Considering you pay through the nose for the most breakable piece of hardware there is, this sounds like a great reason Read more about Samsung forces unkillable adverts down Galaxy S8 buyers’ throats[…]

Samsung blocks ability to remap Galaxy S8’s Bixby button

Samsung wants to keep you locked in the Bixby AI ecosystem in its fight against Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Google Assistant, and others. Source: Samsung blocks ability to remap Galaxy S8’s Bixby button | ZDNet And Bixby won’t work at all during launch. I’m actually not so very happy with Samsung deciding to ditch the Read more about Samsung blocks ability to remap Galaxy S8’s Bixby button[…]

DeskDock – use your android device as a second PC monitor

DeskDock allows you to share your computer’s mouse with your Android devices via a USB cable. The app enables you to control your Android device as if it was an additional monitor for your computer. Simply move your computer’s mouse cursor over the screen boundaries to use it with your Android devices. Source: DeskDock Free Read more about DeskDock – use your android device as a second PC monitor[…]

Rabobank puts NFC payment on all KPN simcards

The simcards have an NFC element that belongs to the Rabobank. I guess that means that Rabobank must then get quite a lot of information from the telco provider that you wouldn’t necessarily want them to have. Worrying. KPN geeft sinds begin dit jaar een nieuw type simkaart uit dat contactloos betalen per telefoon mogelijk Read more about Rabobank puts NFC payment on all KPN simcards[…]

Debloater(Lets remove all that carrier bloat !! Root not required..)

It will disable / block any system and third party application on your device with ease and allow you to enable / unblock the application just as easy. It also reads everything, real-time, directly from your device, so that there are no messy batch files, scripts and txt files, etc. that you have to maintain Read more about Debloater(Lets remove all that carrier bloat !! Root not required..)[…]

New tool could reduce smartphone battery drain by intelligently suppressing background activities

he first large-scale study of smartphones in everyday use by consumers has revealed that apps drain 28.9 percent of battery power while the screen is off. To address the problem, researchers have created a software tool that reduces the energy drain by about 16 percent. Researchers at Purdue University, Intel Corp. and startup company Mobile Read more about New tool could reduce smartphone battery drain by intelligently suppressing background activities[…]

Recon Jet finally ships – HUD sunglasses, not as creepy as Glassholes and works better

Jet’s display is equivalent to a 30” screen viewed from 7 feet (2 m) away. It’s crisp and vibrant in all lighting conditions—and thanks to our patented Glance Detection technology, it wakes up instantly when you glance down, then turns off again when you look away, minimizing distractions and maximizing power efficiency. Only $699 Recon Read more about Recon Jet finally ships – HUD sunglasses, not as creepy as Glassholes and works better[…]

Google Handwriting Input – Finally Graffiti but better!

Google Handwriting Input allows you to handwrite text on your phone or tablet in 82 languages. It supports printed and cursive writing, with or without a stylus. Google Handwriting Input also supports hundreds of emojis, so you can express yourself in any Android app. via Google Handwriting Input – Android Apps on Google Play. I’ve Read more about Google Handwriting Input – Finally Graffiti but better![…]

Pixel OFF save battery on amoled screens

Some AMOLED screen powered devices are able to “turn off” those pixels which are showing black colour. This app will let you to turn off some pixels in order to save your appreciate battery by showing very small black points. As newer devices comes with very high density screens those points will be insignificant to Read more about Pixel OFF save battery on amoled screens[…]

Office Lens Preview

Office Lens takes pictures of pages and using OCR transports them to MS Office format. On Windows phone it’s been around for some time, on Android they are starting the technology. Office Lens Preview – Android Apps on Google Play.

fernapp – libreoffice in the browser

Are you looking for an easy way to access Linux desktop applications LibreOffice, Evolution etc remotely?fernapp makes it possible to run a GUI application on a Linux server and access it from anywhere via web browser!It’s not an ordinary remote desktop. It focuses on the application windows and integrates them nicely. via fernapp. In the Read more about fernapp – libreoffice in the browser[…]