TensorFlow Quantum

TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ) is a quantum machine learning library for rapid prototyping of hybrid quantum-classical ML models. Research in quantum algorithms and applications can leverage Google’s quantum computing frameworks, all from within TensorFlow. TensorFlow Quantum focuses on quantum data and building hybrid quantum-classical models. It integrates quantum computing algorithms and logic designed in Cirq, and Read more about TensorFlow Quantum[…]

Utah has given all its camera feeds to an AI, turning it Into a Surveillance Panopticon

The state of Utah has given an artificial intelligence company real-time access to state traffic cameras, CCTV and “public safety” cameras, 911 emergency systems, location data for state-owned vehicles, and other sensitive data. The company, called Banjo, says that it’s combining this data with information collected from social media, satellites, and other apps, and claims Read more about Utah has given all its camera feeds to an AI, turning it Into a Surveillance Panopticon[…]

Browser Tool Erases People From Live Webcam Feeds in Real Time

Jason Mayes apparently likes to do things the hard way: He’s developed an AI-powered tool for browsers that can erase people from live webcam feeds in real-time but leave everything else in the shot. Mayes is a Google web engineer who developed his Disappearing-People tool using Javascript and TensorFlow, which is Google’s free, open source Read more about Browser Tool Erases People From Live Webcam Feeds in Real Time[…]

Google’s Autoflip Can Intelligently Crop Videos

Google has released an open-source tool, Autoflip, that could make bad cropping a thing of the past by intelligently reframing video to correctly fit alternate aspect ratios. In a blog post, Google’s AI team wrote that footage shot for television and desktop computers normally comes in a 16:9 or 4:3 format, but with mobile devices Read more about Google’s Autoflip Can Intelligently Crop Videos[…]

From models of galaxies to atoms, simple AI shortcuts speed up simulations by billions of times

Modeling immensely complex natural phenomena such as how subatomic particles interact or how atmospheric haze affects climate can take many hours on even the fastest supercomputers. Emulators, algorithms that quickly approximate these detailed simulations, offer a shortcut. Now, work posted online shows how artificial intelligence (AI) can easily produce accurate emulators that can accelerate simulations Read more about From models of galaxies to atoms, simple AI shortcuts speed up simulations by billions of times[…]

Aftermarket $998,- Self-Driving Tech vs. Tesla Auto­pilot, Cadillac Super Cruise

Thanks to recent software updates, the most sophisticated systems—Cadillac‘s Super Cruise and Tesla‘s Autopilot—are more capable today than they were initially. This report on those systems includes a lesser known third player. For $998, upstart Comma.ai sells an aftermarket dash cam and wiring harness that taps into and overrides the factory-installed assistance systems in many Read more about Aftermarket $998,- Self-Driving Tech vs. Tesla Auto­pilot, Cadillac Super Cruise[…]

Deterrence in the Age of Thinking Machines – they escalate a whole lot quicker than people

The greater use of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems by the militaries of the world has the potential to affect deterrence strategies and escalation dynamics in crises and conflicts. Up until now, deterrence has involved humans trying to dissuade other humans from taking particular courses of action. What happens when the thinking and decision Read more about Deterrence in the Age of Thinking Machines – they escalate a whole lot quicker than people[…]

Neural Networks Upscale Film from 1896 to 4K, Make It Look Like It Was Shot on a Modern Smartphone

Denis Shiryaev wondered if it could be made more compelling by using neural network powered algorithms (including Topaz Labs’ Gigapixel AI and DAIN) to not only upscale the footage to 4K, but also increase the frame rate to 60 frames per second. You might yell at your parents for using the motion smoothing setting on Read more about Neural Networks Upscale Film from 1896 to 4K, Make It Look Like It Was Shot on a Modern Smartphone[…]

Google to translate and transcribe conversations in real time

Google on Tuesday unveiled a feature that’ll let people use their phones to both transcribe and translate a conversation in real time into a language that isn’t being spoken. The tool will be available for the Google Translate app in the coming months, said Bryan Lin, an engineer on the Translate team. Right now the Read more about Google to translate and transcribe conversations in real time[…]

A Closer Look Into Neon and Its Artificial Humans

In short, a Neon is an artificial intelligence in the vein of Halo’s Cortana or Red Dwarf’s Holly, a computer-generated life form that can think and learn on its own, control its own virtual body, has a unique personality, and retains its own set of memories, or at least that’s the goal. A Neon doesn’t Read more about A Closer Look Into Neon and Its Artificial Humans[…]

U.S. government limits exports of artificial intelligence software – seem to have forgotten what happened when they limited cryptographic exports in the 90s

The Trump administration will make it more difficult to export artificial intelligence software as of next week, part of a bid to keep sensitive technologies out of the hands of rival powers like China. Under a new rule that goes into effect on Monday, companies that export certain types of geospatial imagery software from the Read more about U.S. government limits exports of artificial intelligence software – seem to have forgotten what happened when they limited cryptographic exports in the 90s[…]

Researchers detail AI that de-hazes and colorizes underwater photos

Ever notice that underwater images tend to be be blurry and somewhat distorted? That’s because phenomena like light attenuation and back-scattering adversely affect visibility. To remedy this, researchers at Harbin Engineering University in China devised a machine learning algorithm that generates realistic water images, along with a second algorithm that trains on those images to Read more about Researchers detail AI that de-hazes and colorizes underwater photos[…]

NVidia AI auto-generates 3D objects from 2D snaps

Boring 2D images can be transformed into corresponding 3D models and back into 2D again automatically by machine-learning-based software, boffins have demonstrated. The code is known as a differentiable interpolation-based renderer (DIB-R), and was built by a group of eggheads led by Nvidia. It uses a trained neural network to take a flat image of Read more about NVidia AI auto-generates 3D objects from 2D snaps[…]

Researchers report breakthrough in ‘distributed deep learning’

Online shoppers typically string together a few words to search for the product they want, but in a world with millions of products and shoppers, the task of matching those unspecific words to the right product is one of the biggest challenges in information retrieval. Using a divide-and-conquer approach that leverages the power of compressed Read more about Researchers report breakthrough in ‘distributed deep learning’[…]

On-Device, Real-Time Hand Tracking with MediaPipe

The ability to perceive the shape and motion of hands can be a vital component in improving the user experience across a variety of technological domains and platforms. For example, it can form the basis for sign language understanding and hand gesture control, and can also enable the overlay of digital content and information on Read more about On-Device, Real-Time Hand Tracking with MediaPipe[…]

Fresh efforts at Google to understand why an AI system says yes or no launches Explainable AI product

Google has announced a new Explainable AI feature for its cloud platform, which provides more information about the features that cause an AI prediction to come up with its results. Artificial neural networks, which are used by many of today’s machine learning and AI systems, are modelled to some extent on biological brains. One of Read more about Fresh efforts at Google to understand why an AI system says yes or no launches Explainable AI product[…]

MarioNETte: with only a few pictures a human behind a webcam can “drive” the picture to copy facial expressions realistically

When there is a mismatch between the target identity and the driver identity, face reenactment suffers severe degradation in the quality of the result, especially in a few-shot setting. The identity preservation problem, where the model loses the detailed information of the target leading to a defective output, is the most common failure mode. The Read more about MarioNETte: with only a few pictures a human behind a webcam can “drive” the picture to copy facial expressions realistically[…]

Boffins harnessed the brain power of mice to build AI models that can’t be fooled

researchers recorded the brain activity of mice staring at images and used the data to help make computer vision models more robust against adversarial attacks. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) used for object recognition in images are all susceptible to adversarial examples. These inputs have been tweaked in some way, whether its adding random noise or Read more about Boffins harnessed the brain power of mice to build AI models that can’t be fooled[…]

Ancestry Taps AI To Sift Through Millions of Obituaries

Algorithms identified death notices in old newspaper pages, then another set of algorithms pulled names and other key details into a searchable database. From a report: Ancestry used artificial intelligence to extract obituary details hidden in a half-billion digitized newspaper pages dating back to 1690, data invaluable for customers building their family trees. The family Read more about Ancestry Taps AI To Sift Through Millions of Obituaries[…]

This Trippy T-Shirt Makes You Invisible to AI

In modern cities, we’re constantly surveilled through CCTV cameras in both public and private spaces, and by companies trying to sell us shit based on everything we do. We are always being watched. But what if a simple T-shirt could make you invisible to commercial AIs trying to spot humans? A team of researchers from Read more about This Trippy T-Shirt Makes You Invisible to AI[…]

The ‘Three-Body Problem’ Has Perplexed Astronomers Since Newton Formulated It. A.I. Just Cracked It in Under a Second.

The mind-bending calculations required to predict how three heavenly bodies orbit each other have baffled physicists since the time of Sir Isaac Newton. Now artificial intelligence (A.I.) has shown that it can solve the problem in a fraction of the time required by previous approaches. Newton was the first to formulate the problem in the Read more about The ‘Three-Body Problem’ Has Perplexed Astronomers Since Newton Formulated It. A.I. Just Cracked It in Under a Second.[…]

AI allows paralyzed person to ‘handwrite’ with his mind twice as fast as using a cursor to select letters

People who are “locked in”—fully paralyzed by stroke or neurological disease—have trouble trying to communicate even a single sentence. Electrodes implanted in a part of the brain involved in motion have allowed some paralyzed patients to move a cursor and select onscreen letters with their thoughts. Users have typed up to 39 characters per minute, Read more about AI allows paralyzed person to ‘handwrite’ with his mind twice as fast as using a cursor to select letters[…]

An AI Pioneer Wants His Algorithms to Understand the ‘Why’

In March, Yoshua Bengio received a share of the Turing Award, the highest accolade in computer science, for contributions to the development of deep learning—the technique that triggered a renaissance in artificial intelligence, leading to advances in self-driving cars, real-time speech translation, and facial recognition. Now, Bengio says deep learning needs to be fixed. He Read more about An AI Pioneer Wants His Algorithms to Understand the ‘Why’[…]

TensorFlow 2.0 is now available!

TensorFlow 2.0 is driven by the community telling us they want an easy-to-use platform that is both flexible and powerful, and which supports deployment to any platform. TensorFlow 2.0 provides a comprehensive ecosystem of tools for developers, enterprises, and researchers who want to push the state-of-the-art in machine learning and build scalable ML-powered applications. Coding Read more about TensorFlow 2.0 is now available![…]