ETSI launches specification group on Securing Artificial Intelligence

ETSI is pleased to announce the creation of a new Industry Specification Group on Securing Artificial Intelligence (ISG SAI). The group will develop technical specifications to mitigate threats arising from the deployment of AI throughout multiple ICT-related industries. This includes threats to artificial intelligence systems from both conventional sources and other AIs. The ETSI Securing Read more about ETSI launches specification group on Securing Artificial Intelligence[…]

AI equal with human experts in medical diagnosis with images, study finds

Artificial intelligence is on a par with human experts when it comes to making medical diagnoses based on images, a review has found. The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare has caused excitement, with advocates saying it will ease the strain on resources, free up time for doctor-patient interactions and even aid the development of Read more about AI equal with human experts in medical diagnosis with images, study finds[…]

No Bones about It: People Recognize Objects by Visualizing Their “Skeletons”

Humans effortlessly know that a tree is a tree and a dog is a dog no matter the size, color or angle at which they’re viewed. In fact, identifying such visual elements is one of the earliest tasks children learn. But researchers have struggled to determine how the brain does this simple evaluation. As deep-learning Read more about No Bones about It: People Recognize Objects by Visualizing Their “Skeletons”[…]

New Data Science Cheat Sheet, by Maverick Lin

Below is an extract of a 10-page cheat sheet about data science, compiled by Maverick Lin. This cheatsheet is currently a reference in data science that covers basic concepts in probability, statistics, statistical learning, machine learning, deep learning, big data frameworks and SQL. The cheatsheet is loosely based off of The Data Science Design Manual by Steven Read more about New Data Science Cheat Sheet, by Maverick Lin[…]

Scammer Successfully Deepfaked CEO’s Voice To Fool Underling Into Transferring $243,000

The CEO of an energy firm based in the UK thought he was following his boss’s urgent orders in March when he transferred funds to a third-party. But the request actually came from the AI-assisted voice of a fraudster. The Wall Street Journal reports that the mark believed he was speaking to the CEO of Read more about Scammer Successfully Deepfaked CEO’s Voice To Fool Underling Into Transferring $243,000[…]

IBM open sources Adverserial Robustness 360 toolbox for AI

This is a library dedicated to adversarial machine learning. Its purpose is to allow rapid crafting and analysis of attacks and defense methods for machine learning models. ART provides an implementation for many state-of-the-art methods for attacking and defending classifiers. Documentation for ART:

IBM releases AI Fairness 360 tool open source

The AI Fairness 360 toolkit is an open-source library to help detect and remove bias in machine learning models. The AI Fairness 360 Python package includes a comprehensive set of metrics for datasets and models to test for biases, explanations for these metrics, and algorithms to mitigate bias in datasets and models. The AI Fairness Read more about IBM releases AI Fairness 360 tool open source[…]

IBM releases AI Explainability tools

The AI Explainability 360 toolkit is an open-source library that supports interpretability and explainability of datasets and machine learning models. The AI Explainability 360 Python package includes a comprehensive set of algorithms that cover different dimensions of explanations along with proxy explainability metrics. The AI Explainability 360 interactive experience provides a gentle introduction to the Read more about IBM releases AI Explainability tools[…]

Google  Neural net can spot breast, prostate tumors through microscope

Google Health’s so-called augmented-reality microscope has proven surprisingly accurate at detecting and diagnosing cancerous tumors in real time. The device is essentially a standard microscope decked out with two extra components: a camera, and a computer running AI software with an Nvidia Titan Xp GPU to accelerate the number crunching. The camera continuously snaps images Read more about Google  Neural net can spot breast, prostate tumors through microscope[…]

Mysterious, Ancient Radio Signals Keep Pelting Earth. Astronomers Designed an AI to Hunt Them Down..

Sudden shrieks of radio waves from deep space keep slamming into radio telescopes on Earth, spattering those instruments’ detectors with confusing data. And now, astronomers are using artificial intelligence to pinpoint the source of the shrieks, in the hope of explaining what’s sending them to Earth from — researchers suspect — billions of light-years across Read more about Mysterious, Ancient Radio Signals Keep Pelting Earth. Astronomers Designed an AI to Hunt Them Down..[…]

AI system ‘should be recognised as inventor’

An artificial intelligence system should be recognised as the inventor of two ideas in patents filed on its behalf, a team of academics says. The AI has designed interlocking food containers that are easy for robots to grasp and a warning light that flashes in a rhythm that is hard to ignore. Patents offices insist Read more about AI system ‘should be recognised as inventor’[…]

How Facebook is Using Machine Learning to Map the World Population

When it comes to knowing where humans around the world actually live, resources come in varying degrees of accuracy and sophistication. Heavily urbanized and mature economies generally produce a wealth of up-to-date information on population density and granular demographic data. In rural Africa or fast-growing regions in the developing world, tracking methods cannot always keep Read more about How Facebook is Using Machine Learning to Map the World Population[…]

Meet the AI robots being used to help solve America’s recycling crisis

The way the robots work is simple. Guided by cameras and computer systems trained to recognize specific objects, the robots’ arms glide over moving conveyor belts until they reach their target. Oversized tongs or fingers with sensors that are attached to the arms snag cans, glass, plastic containers, and other recyclable items out of the Read more about Meet the AI robots being used to help solve America’s recycling crisis[…]

Intellectual Debt (in AI): With Great Power Comes Great Ignorance

For example, aspirin was discovered in 1897, and an explanation of how it works followed in 1995. That, in turn, has spurred some research leads on making better pain relievers through something other than trial and error. This kind of discovery — answers first, explanations later — I call “intellectual debt.” We gain insight into Read more about Intellectual Debt (in AI): With Great Power Comes Great Ignorance[…]

Waymo and DeepMind mimic evolution to develop a new, better way to train self-driving AI

The two worked together to bring a training method called Population Based Training (PBT for short) to bear on Waymo’s challenge of building better virtual drivers, and the results were impressive — DeepMind says in a blog post that using PBT decreased by 24% false positives in a network that identifies and places boxes around Read more about Waymo and DeepMind mimic evolution to develop a new, better way to train self-driving AI[…]

IBM gives cancer-killing drug AI projects to the open source community

Researchers from IBM’s Computational Systems Biology group in Zurich are working on AI and machine learning (ML) approaches to “help to accelerate our understanding of the leading drivers and molecular mechanisms of these complex diseases,” as well as methods to improve our knowledge of tumor composition. “Our goal is to deepen our understanding of cancer Read more about IBM gives cancer-killing drug AI projects to the open source community[…]

Machine learning has been used to automatically translate long-lost languages

Jiaming Luo and Regina Barzilay from MIT and Yuan Cao from Google’s AI lab in Mountain View, California. This team has developed a machine-learning system capable of deciphering lost languages, and they’ve demonstrated it by having it decipher Linear B—the first time this has been done automatically. The approach they used was very different from Read more about Machine learning has been used to automatically translate long-lost languages[…]

Good luck deleting someone’s private info from a trained neural network – it’s likely to bork the whole thing

AI systems have weird memories. The machines desperately cling onto the data they’ve been trained on, making it difficult to delete bits of it. In fact, they often have to be completely retrained from scratch with the newer, smaller dataset. That’s no good in an age where individuals can request their personal data be removed Read more about Good luck deleting someone’s private info from a trained neural network – it’s likely to bork the whole thing[…]

‘Superhuman’ AI Crushes Poker Pros at Six-Player Texas Hold’em

Computer scientists have developed a card-playing bot, called Pluribus, capable of defeating some of the world’s best players at six-person no-limit Texas hold’em poker, in what’s considered an important breakthrough in artificial intelligence. Two years ago, a research team from Carnegie Mellon University developed a similar poker-playing system, called Libratus, which consistently defeated the world’s Read more about ‘Superhuman’ AI Crushes Poker Pros at Six-Player Texas Hold’em[…]

AI Trained on Old Scientific Papers Makes Discoveries Humans Missed

In a study published in Nature on July 3, researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory used an algorithm called Word2Vec sift through scientific papers for connections humans had missed. Their algorithm then spit out predictions for possible thermoelectric materials, which convert heat to energy and are used in many heating and cooling applications. The Read more about AI Trained on Old Scientific Papers Makes Discoveries Humans Missed[…]

That this AI can simulate universes in 30ms is not the scary part. It’s that its creators don’t know why it works so well

The accuracy of the neural network is judged by how similar its outputs were to the ones created by two more traditional N-body simulation systems, FastPM and 2LPT, when all three are given the same inputs. When D3M was tasked with producing 1,000 simulations from 1,000 sets of input data, it had a relative error Read more about That this AI can simulate universes in 30ms is not the scary part. It’s that its creators don’t know why it works so well[…]

EU should ban AI-powered citizen scoring and mass surveillance, say experts

A group of policy experts assembled by the EU has recommended that it ban the use of AI for mass surveillance and mass “scoring of individuals”; a practice that potentially involves collecting varied data about citizens — everything from criminal records to their behavior on social media — and then using it to assess their Read more about EU should ban AI-powered citizen scoring and mass surveillance, say experts[…]