A neural network can learn to organize the world it sees into concepts and MIT has found a way to show how it’s doing it

As good as they are at causing mischief, researchers from the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab realized GANs are also a powerful tool: because they paint what they’re “thinking,” they could give humans insight into how neural networks learn and reason. This has been something the broader research community has sought for a long time—and it’s Read more about A neural network can learn to organize the world it sees into concepts and MIT has found a way to show how it’s doing it[…]

Netflix password sharing may soon be impossible due to new AI tracking

A video software firm has come up with a way to prevent people from sharing their account details for Netflix and other streaming services with friends and family members. UK-based Synamedia unveiled the artificial intelligence software at the CES 2019 technology trade show in Las Vegas, claiming it could save the streaming industry billions of dollars over the next Read more about Netflix password sharing may soon be impossible due to new AI tracking[…]

Y’know how you might look at someone and can’t help but wonder if they have a genetic disorder? We’ve taught AI to do the same

Artificial intelligence can potentially identify someone’s genetic disorders by inspecting a picture of their face, according to a paper published in Nature Medicine this week. The tech relies on the fact some genetic conditions impact not just a person’s health, mental function, and behaviour, but sometimes are accompanied with distinct facial characteristics. For example, people Read more about Y’know how you might look at someone and can’t help but wonder if they have a genetic disorder? We’ve taught AI to do the same[…]

AI learns to Navigate the Web, fill in forms – without a human built training set

Learning in environments with large state and action spaces, and sparse rewards, can hinder a Reinforcement Learning (RL) agent’s learning through trial-and-error. For instance, following natural language instructions on the Web (such as booking a flight ticket) leads to RL settings where input vocabulary and number of actionable elements on a page can grow very Read more about AI learns to Navigate the Web, fill in forms – without a human built training set[…]

AI Automatically Sorts Cancer Cells to determine most effective treatment

A team of researchers in Japan have devised an artificial intelligence (AI) system that can identify different types of cancer cells using microscopy images. Their method can also be used to determine whether the cancer cells are sensitive to radiotherapy. The researchers reported their findings in the journal Cancer Research. In cancer patients, there can Read more about AI Automatically Sorts Cancer Cells to determine most effective treatment[…]

Mapping All of the Trees with Machine Learning

Much fuss has been made over city trees in recent years. Urban trees reduce crime and help stormwater management (yay!). Cities and towns across the U.S. are losing 36 million trees a year (boo!). But, hold up—climate change is accelerating the growth of urban trees in metropolises worldwide (boo/yay?). Urban trees are under such scrutiny Read more about Mapping All of the Trees with Machine Learning[…]

New Photo Wake-Up System Turns Still Images Into 3D animations

The system, called Photo Wake-Up, creates a 3D animation from a single photo. In the paper, the researchers compare it to the moving portraits at Hogwarts, a fictitious part of the Harry Potter world that a number of tech companies have tried to recreate. Previous attempts have been mildly successful, but this system is impressive Read more about New Photo Wake-Up System Turns Still Images Into 3D animations[…]

This AI Just Mapped Every Solar Panel in the United States

n some states, solar energy accounts for upwards of 10 percent of total electricity generation. It’s definitely a source of power that’s on the rise, whether it be to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels, nuclear power, or the energy grid, or simply to take advantage of the low costs. This form of energy, however, Read more about This AI Just Mapped Every Solar Panel in the United States[…]

Machine learning-detected signal predicts time to earthquake

Machine-learning research published in two related papers today in Nature Geoscience reports the detection of seismic signals accurately predicting the Cascadia fault’s slow slippage, a type of failure observed to precede large earthquakes in other subduction zones. Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers applied machine learning to analyze Cascadia data and discovered the megathrust broadcasts a Read more about Machine learning-detected signal predicts time to earthquake[…]

An AI system has just created the most realistic looking photos ever

AI systems can now create images of humans that are so lifelike they look like photographs, except the people in them don’t really exist. See for yourself. Each picture below is an output produced by a generative adversarial network (GAN), a system made up of two different networks including a generator and a discriminator. Developers Read more about An AI system has just created the most realistic looking photos ever[…]

Outdoor Ad Impact Forecaster (Dutch)

De impact van een buitenreclame campagne wordt voor 40% bepaald door de creatie van de uiting, voor 30% door het merk en voor 30% door de mediadruk. De Outdoor Ad Impact Forecaster analyseert vooraf een campagne op basis van deze drie kenmerken en geeft een rapport dat binnen 24 tot 48 uur de impact van een Out-of-Home campagne Read more about Outdoor Ad Impact Forecaster (Dutch)[…]

I Tried Predictim AI That Scans for ‘Risky’ Babysitters. Turns out founders don’t have kids

The founders of Predictim want to be clear with me: Their product—an algorithm that scans the online footprint of a prospective babysitter to determine their “risk” levels for parents—is not racist. It is not biased. “We take ethics and bias extremely seriously,” Sal Parsa, Predictim’s CEO, tells me warily over the phone. “In fact, in Read more about I Tried Predictim AI That Scans for ‘Risky’ Babysitters. Turns out founders don’t have kids[…]

Nvidia Uses AI to Render Virtual Worlds in Real Time

Nvidia announced that AI models can now draw new worlds without using traditional modeling techniques or graphics rendering engines. This new technology uses an AI deep neural network to analyze existing videos and then apply the visual elements to new 3D environments. Nvidia claims this new technology could provide a revolutionary step forward in creating Read more about Nvidia Uses AI to Render Virtual Worlds in Real Time[…]

Creepy Chinese AI shames CEO for jaywalking on public displays throughout city – but detected the CEO on an ad on a bus

Dong Mingzhu, chairwoman of China’s biggest maker of air conditioners Gree Electric Appliances, who found her face splashed on a huge screen erected along a street in the port city of Ningbo that displays images of people caught jaywalking by surveillance cameras. That artificial intelligence-backed surveillance system, however, erred in capturing Dong’s image on Wednesday Read more about Creepy Chinese AI shames CEO for jaywalking on public displays throughout city – but detected the CEO on an ad on a bus[…]

CV Compiler is a robot that fixes your resume to make you more competitive

Machine learning is everywhere now, including recruiting. Take CV Compiler, a new product by Andrew Stetsenko and Alexandra Dosii. This web app uses machine learning to analyze and repair your technical resume, allowing you to shine to recruiters at Google, Yahoo and Facebook. The founders are marketing and HR experts who have a combined 15 Read more about CV Compiler is a robot that fixes your resume to make you more competitive[…]

Can AI Create True Art?

just last month, AI-generated art arrived on the world auction stage under the auspices of Christie’s, proving that artificial intelligence can not only be creative but also produce world class works of art—another profound AI milestone blurring the line between human and machine. Naturally, the news sparked debates about whether the work produced by Paris-based Read more about Can AI Create True Art?[…]

AIs Are Getting Better At Playing Video Games…By Cheating

Earlier this year, researchers tried teaching an AI to play the original Sonic the Hedgehog as part of the The OpenAI Retro Contest. The AI was told to prioritize increasing its score, which in Sonic means doing stuff like defeating enemies and collecting rings while also trying to beat a level as fast as possible. Read more about AIs Are Getting Better At Playing Video Games…By Cheating[…]

Google is using AI to help The New York Times digitize 5 million historical photos

The New York Times doesn’t keep bodies in its “morgue” — it keeps pictures. In a basement under its Times Square office, stuffed into cabinets and drawers, the Times stores between 5 million and 7 million images, along with information about when they were published and why. Now, the paper is working with Google to Read more about Google is using AI to help The New York Times digitize 5 million historical photos[…]

OpenAI releases learning site for Reinforcement Learning: Spinning Up in Deep RL!

Welcome to Spinning Up in Deep RL! This is an educational resource produced by OpenAI that makes it easier to learn about deep reinforcement learning (deep RL). For the unfamiliar: reinforcement learning (RL) is a machine learning approach for teaching agents how to solve tasks by trial and error. Deep RL refers to the combination Read more about OpenAI releases learning site for Reinforcement Learning: Spinning Up in Deep RL![…]

Artificial intelligence predicts Alzheimer’s years before diagnosis

Timely diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is extremely important, as treatments and interventions are more effective early in the course of the disease. However, early diagnosis has proven to be challenging. Research has linked the disease process to changes in metabolism, as shown by glucose uptake in certain regions of the brain, but these changes can Read more about Artificial intelligence predicts Alzheimer’s years before diagnosis[…]

Why Big Tech pays poor Kenyans to teach self-driving cars

Each day, Brenda leaves her home here to catch a bus to the east side of Nairobi where she, along with more than 1,000 colleagues in the same building, work hard on a side of artificial intelligence we hear little about – and see even less. In her eight-hour shift, she creates training data. Information Read more about Why Big Tech pays poor Kenyans to teach self-driving cars[…]

These Animated AI Bots Learned to Dress Themselves, Awkwardly

The ability to put our clothes on each day is something most of us take for granted, but as computer scientists from Georgia Institute of Technology recently found out, it’s a surprisingly complicated task—even for artificial intelligence. As any toddler will gladly tell you, it’s not easy to dress oneself. It requires patience, physical dexterity, Read more about These Animated AI Bots Learned to Dress Themselves, Awkwardly[…]

AINED looks at a Dutch national AI strategy – calls for info (Dutch)

De initiatiefnemers van AINED ontwikkelen met ondersteuning van de Boston Consulting Group (BCG) en DenkWerk een Nationale Strategie Artificial Intelligence (AI) voor Nederland, geïnitieerd door het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. Het projectteam doet dit vanuit de overtuiging dat in het Nederlandse landschap de mogelijkheden van AI nog te weinig worden benut, en de Read more about AINED looks at a Dutch national AI strategy – calls for info (Dutch)[…]

20th Century Fox is using AI to analyze movie trailers and find out what films audiences will like

Machine learning is, at heart, the art of finding patterns in data. That’s why businesses love it. Patterns help predict the future, and predicting the future is a great way to make money. It’s sometimes unclear how these things fit together, but here’s a perfect example from film studio 20th Century Fox, which is using Read more about 20th Century Fox is using AI to analyze movie trailers and find out what films audiences will like[…]