Facebook releases Horizon, a reinforcement learning platform

Horizon is an open source end-to-end platform for applied reinforcement learning (RL) developed and used at Facebook. Horizon is built in Python and uses PyTorch for modeling and training and Caffe2 for model serving. The platform contains workflows to train popular deep RL algorithms and includes data preprocessing, feature transformation, distributed training, counterfactual policy evaluation, Read more about Facebook releases Horizon, a reinforcement learning platform[…]

NVIDIA Launches Year-Long Research Residency Program

If you’re a researcher looking to deepen your exposure to AI, NVIDIA invites you to apply to its new AI Research Residency program. During the one-year, paid program, residents will be paired with an NVIDIA research scientist on a joint project and have the opportunity to publish and present their findings at prominent research conferences Read more about NVIDIA Launches Year-Long Research Residency Program[…]

Google AI offering a share of $25m for social AI ideas

Google.org is issuing an open call to organizations around the world to submit their ideas for how they could use AI to help address societal challenges. Selected organizations will receive support from Google’s AI experts, Google.org grant funding from a $25M pool, credit and consulting from Google Cloud, and more. Source: Impact Challenge – Google Read more about Google AI offering a share of $25m for social AI ideas[…]

Flex Logix Says It’s Solved Deep Learning’s DRAM Problem

Deep learning has a DRAM problem. Systems designed to do difficult things in real time, such as telling a cat from a kid in a car’s backup camera video stream, are continuously shuttling the data that makes up the neural network’s guts from memory to the processor. The problem, according to startup Flex Logix, isn’t Read more about Flex Logix Says It’s Solved Deep Learning’s DRAM Problem[…]

Experimental AI lie detector will help screen EU travelers

In the future, you might talk to an AI to cross borders in the European Union. The EU and Hungary’s National Police will run a six-month pilot project, iBorderCtrl, that will help screen travelers in Hungary, Greece and Latvia. The system will have you upload photos of your passport, visa and proof of funds, and Read more about Experimental AI lie detector will help screen EU travelers[…]

Artificial intelligence bot trained to recognize galaxies

Researchers have taught an artificial intelligence program used to recognise faces on Facebook to identify galaxies in deep space. The result is an AI bot named ClaRAN that scans images taken by radio telescopes. Its job is to spot radio galaxies—galaxies that emit powerful radio jets from supermassive black holes at their centres. ClaRAN is Read more about Artificial intelligence bot trained to recognize galaxies[…]

AI can predict the structure of chemical compounds thousands of times faster than quantum chemistry

AI can help chemists crack the molecular structure of crystals much faster than traditional modelling methods, according to research published in Nature Communications on Monday. Scientists from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), a research institute in Switzerland, have built a machine learning programme called SwiftML to predict how the atoms in molecules shift Read more about AI can predict the structure of chemical compounds thousands of times faster than quantum chemistry[…]

Facebook says it removed 8.7M child exploitation posts with new machine learning tech

Facebook announced today that it has removed 8.7 million pieces of content last quarter that violated its rules against child exploitation, thanks to new technology. The new AI and machine learning tech, which was developed and implemented over the past year by the company, removed 99 percent of those posts before anyone reported them, said Read more about Facebook says it removed 8.7M child exploitation posts with new machine learning tech[…]

20 top lawyers were beaten by legal AI reading NDAs. The lawyers are cautiosly happy that AI can take over drudge work

In a landmark study, 20 top US corporate lawyers with decades of experience in corporate law and contract review were pitted against an AI. Their task was to spot issues in five Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), which are a contractual basis for most business deals. The study, carried out with leading legal academics and experts, saw Read more about 20 top lawyers were beaten by legal AI reading NDAs. The lawyers are cautiosly happy that AI can take over drudge work[…]

Linguists, update your resumes because Baidu thinks it has cracked fast AI translation

AI can translate between languages in real time as people speak, according to fresh research from Chinese search giant Baidu and Oregon State University in the US. Human interpreters need superhuman concentration to listen to speech and translate at the same time. There are, apparently, only a few thousand qualified simultaneous interpreters and the job Read more about Linguists, update your resumes because Baidu thinks it has cracked fast AI translation[…]

Alexa heard what you did last summer – and she knows what that was, too: AI recognizes activities from sound

Boffins have devised a way to make eavesdropping smartwatches, computers, mobile devices, and speakers with endearing names like Alexa better aware of what’s going on around them. In a paper to be presented today at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) in Berlin, Germany, computer scientists Gierad Laput, Karan Ahuja, Mayank Read more about Alexa heard what you did last summer – and she knows what that was, too: AI recognizes activities from sound[…]

Twitter releases all foreign election campaign influencing tweets and media for you to study

n line with our principles of transparency and to improve public understanding of alleged foreign influence campaigns, Twitter is making publicly available archives of Tweets and media that we believe resulted from potentially state-backed information operations on our service. Examples of the content include:   While this dataset is of a size that a degree Read more about Twitter releases all foreign election campaign influencing tweets and media for you to study[…]

NASA and Google using AI to hunt down potentially habitable planets

Astrobiologists are mostly interested in rocky exoplanets that lie in the habitable zone around their parent stars, where liquid water may exist on its surface. NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has spotted a handful of these in the so-called Goldilocks Zone – where it’s not too cold or too hot for life. As such, a second team Read more about NASA and Google using AI to hunt down potentially habitable planets[…]

The US military wants to teach AI some basic common sense

Wherever artificial intelligence is deployed, you will find it has failed in some amusing way. Take the strange errors made by translation algorithms that confuse having someone for dinner with, well, having someone for dinner. But as AI is used in ever more critical situations, such as driving autonomous cars, making medical diagnoses, or drawing life-or-death Read more about The US military wants to teach AI some basic common sense[…]

Google’s AI Bots Invent New Legs to Scamper Through Obstacle Courses

Using a technique called reinforcement learning, a researcher at Google Brain has shown that virtual robots can redesign their body parts to help them navigate challenging obstacle courses—even if the solutions they come up with are completely bizarre. Embodied cognition is the idea that an animal’s cognitive abilities are influenced and constrained by its body Read more about Google’s AI Bots Invent New Legs to Scamper Through Obstacle Courses[…]

Stanford AI bot to negotiate sales for you with Craigslist

Artificially intelligent bots are notoriously bad at communicating with, well, anything. Conversations with the code, whether it’s between themselves or with people, often go awry, and veer off topic. Grammar goes out the window, and sentences become nonsensical. […] Well, a group of researchers at Stanford University in the US have figured out how to, Read more about Stanford AI bot to negotiate sales for you with Craigslist[…]

AI lifeline to help devs craft smartmobe apps that suck a whole lot less… battery capacity

Artificial intelligence can help developers design mobile phone apps that drain less battery, according to new research. The system, dubbed DiffProff, will be presented this week at the USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation conference in California, was developed by Charlie Hu and Abhilash Jindal, who have a startup devoted to better battery Read more about AI lifeline to help devs craft smartmobe apps that suck a whole lot less… battery capacity[…]

DoNotPay App Lets You ‘Sue Anyone By Pressing a Button’. Success rate: 50%

a new, free app promises to let you “sue anyone by pressing a button” and have an AI-powered lawyer fight your case. Do Not Pay, a free service that launched in the iOS App store today, uses IBM Watson-powered artificial intelligence to help people win up to $25,000 in small claims court. It’s the latest Read more about DoNotPay App Lets You ‘Sue Anyone By Pressing a Button’. Success rate: 50%[…]

Introducing MLflow: an Open Source Machine Learning Platform for tracking, projects and models

MLflow is inspired by existing ML platforms, but it is designed to be open in two senses: Open interface: MLflow is designed to work with any ML library, algorithm, deployment tool or language. It’s built around REST APIs and simple data formats (e.g., a model can be viewed as a lambda function) that can be Read more about Introducing MLflow: an Open Source Machine Learning Platform for tracking, projects and models[…]

Building your own PC for AI is 10x cheaper than renting out GPUs on cloud, apparently

Jeff Chen, an AI techie and entrepreneur at Stanford University in the US, believes that a suitable machine can be built for about $3,000 (~£2,300) without including tax. At the heart of the beast is an Nvidia GeForce 1080Ti GPU, a 12-core AMD Threadripper processor, 64GB of RAM, and a 1TB SSD card for data. Read more about Building your own PC for AI is 10x cheaper than renting out GPUs on cloud, apparently[…]

Google is using AI to predict floods in India and warn users

For years Google has warned users about natural disasters by incorporating alerts from government agencies like FEMA into apps like Maps and Search. Now, the company is making predictions of its own. As part of a partnership with the Central Water Commission of India, Google will now alert users in the country about impending floods. Read more about Google is using AI to predict floods in India and warn users[…]

Hadoop and NoSQL backups timed by AI

Machine learning data management company Imanis Data has introduced an autonomous backup product powered by machine learning. The firm said users can specify a desired RPO (Recovery Point Objective) and its SmartPolicies tech then set up the backup schedules. The tech is delivered as an upgrade to the Imanis Data Management Platform (IDMP) product. SmartPolicies Read more about Hadoop and NoSQL backups timed by AI[…]

AI’s ‘deep-fake’ vids surge ahead in realism

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and Facebook Reality Lab are presenting Recycle-GAN, a generative adversarial system for “unsupervised video retargeting” this week at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) in Germany. Unlike most methods, Recycle-GAN doesn’t rely on learning an explicit mapping between the images in a source and target video to perform a Read more about AI’s ‘deep-fake’ vids surge ahead in realism[…]

Wow, great invention: Now AI eggheads teach machines how to be sarcastic using Reddit

It’s tricky. Computers have to follow what is being said by whom, the context of the conversation and often some real world facts to understand cultural references. Feeding machines single sentences is often ineffective; it’s a difficult task for humans to detect if individual remarks are cheeky too. The researchers, therefore, built a system designed Read more about Wow, great invention: Now AI eggheads teach machines how to be sarcastic using Reddit[…]

Facebook creates an AI-based tool to automate bug fixes

SapFix, which is still under development, is designed to generate fixes automatically for specific bugs before sending them to human engineers for approval. Facebook, which announced the tool today ahead of its @Scale conference in San Jose, California, for developers building large-scale systems and applications, calls SapFix an “AI hybrid tool.” It uses artificial intelligence Read more about Facebook creates an AI-based tool to automate bug fixes[…]