EU sets up High-Level Group on Artificial Intelligence

Following an open selection process, the Commission has appointed 52 experts to a new High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, comprising representatives from academia, civil society, as well as industry. The High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLG) will have as a general objective to support the implementation of the European strategy on AI. Read more about EU sets up High-Level Group on Artificial Intelligence[…]

Transforming Standard Video Into Slow Motion with AI

Researchers from NVIDIA developed a deep learning-based system that can produce high-quality slow-motion videos from a 30-frame-per-second video, outperforming various state-of-the-art methods that aim to do the same. The researchers will present their work at the annual Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) conference in Salt Lake City, Utah this week.  “There are many memorable Read more about Transforming Standard Video Into Slow Motion with AI[…]

A.I. Can Track Human Bodies Through Walls Now, With Just a Wifi Signal

A new piece of software has been trained to use wifi signals — which pass through walls, but bounce off living tissue — to monitor the movements, breathing, and heartbeats of humans on the other side of those walls. The researchers say this new tech’s promise lies in areas like remote healthcare, particularly elder care, Read more about A.I. Can Track Human Bodies Through Walls Now, With Just a Wifi Signal[…]

A machine has figured out Rubik’s Cube all by itself – using a reverse technique called autodictic iteration

In these scenarios, a deep-learning machine is given the rules of the game and then plays against itself. Crucially, it is rewarded at each step according to how it performs. This reward process is hugely important because it helps the machine to distinguish good play from bad play. In other words, it helps the machine Read more about A machine has figured out Rubik’s Cube all by itself – using a reverse technique called autodictic iteration[…]

Uh oh! Here’s yet more AI that creates creepy fake talking heads

Video Machine-learning experts have built a neural network that can manipulate facial movements in videos to create fake footage – in which people appear to say something they never actually said. It could be used to create convincing yet faked announcements and confessions seemingly uttered by the rich and powerful as well as the average Read more about Uh oh! Here’s yet more AI that creates creepy fake talking heads[…]

AI learns to copy human gaming behaviour by watching Youtube

Deep reinforcement learning methods traditionally struggle with tasks where environment rewards are particularly sparse. One successful method of guiding exploration in these domains is to imitate trajectories provided by a human demonstrator. However, these demonstrations are typically collected under artificial conditions, i.e. with access to the agent’s exact environment setup and the demonstrator’s action and Read more about AI learns to copy human gaming behaviour by watching Youtube[…]

AI better than dermatologists at detecting skin cancer, study finds

or the first time, new research suggests artificial intelligence may be better than highly-trained humans at detecting skin cancer. A study conducted by an international team of researchers pitted experienced dermatologists against a machine learning system, known as a deep learning convolutional neural network, or CNN, to see which was more effective at detecting malignant Read more about AI better than dermatologists at detecting skin cancer, study finds[…]

AI can tell who you are by your gait using only floor sensors

Human footsteps can provide a unique behavioural pattern for robust biometric systems. We propose spatio-temporal footstep representations from floor-only sensor data in advanced computational models for automatic biometric verification. Our models deliver an artificial intelligence capable of effectively differentiating the fine-grained variability of footsteps between legitimate users (clients) and impostor users of the biometric system. Read more about AI can tell who you are by your gait using only floor sensors[…]

Robots fight weeds in challenge to agrochemical giants

In a field of sugar beet in Switzerland, a solar-powered robot that looks like a table on wheels scans the rows of crops with its camera, identifies weeds and zaps them with jets of blue liquid from its mechanical tentacles. Undergoing final tests before the liquid is replaced with weedkiller, the Swiss robot is one Read more about Robots fight weeds in challenge to agrochemical giants[…]

Using generative models to make dental crowns better than humans can

Computer vision has advanced significantly that many discriminative approaches such as object recognition are now widely used in real applications. We present another exciting development that utilizes generative models for the mass customization of medical products such as dental crowns. In the dental industry, it takes a technician years of training to design synthetic crowns Read more about Using generative models to make dental crowns better than humans can[…]

New Artificial Intelligence Beats Tactical Experts in Aerial Combat Simulation

ALPHA is currently viewed as a research tool for manned and unmanned teaming in a simulation environment. In its earliest iterations, ALPHA consistently outperformed a baseline computer program previously used by the Air Force Research Lab for research.  In other words, it defeated other AI opponents. In fact, it was only after early iterations of Read more about New Artificial Intelligence Beats Tactical Experts in Aerial Combat Simulation[…]

Human-Machine Teaming Joint Concept Note by UK MoD

Joint Concept Note (JCN) 1/18, Human-Machine Teaming articulates the challenges and opportunities that robotic and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies offer, and identifies how we achieve military advantage through human-machine teams. Its purpose is to guide coherent future force development and help frame defence strategy and policy. The JCN examines: economic and technological trends and the Read more about Human-Machine Teaming Joint Concept Note by UK MoD[…]

Flagship AI Lab announced as Defence Secretary hosts first meet between British and American defence innovators

As part of the MOD’s commitment to pursue and deliver future capabilities, the Defence Secretary announced the launch of AI Lab – a single flagship for Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and data science in defence based at Dstl in Porton Down. AI Lab will enhance and accelerate the UK’s world-class capability in the application of Read more about Flagship AI Lab announced as Defence Secretary hosts first meet between British and American defence innovators[…]

Boffins build smallest drone to fly itself with AI

A team of computer scientists have built the smallest completely autonomous nano-drone that can control itself without the need for a human guidance. Although computer vision has improved rapidly thanks to machine learning and AI, it remains difficult to deploy algorithms on devices like drones due to memory, bandwidth and power constraints. But researchers from Read more about Boffins build smallest drone to fly itself with AI[…]

AI trained to navigate develops brain-like location tracking

Now that DeepMind has solved Go, the company is applying DeepMind to navigation. Navigation relies on knowing where you are in space relative to your surroundings and continually updating that knowledge as you move. DeepMind scientists trained neural networks to navigate like this in a square arena, mimicking the paths that foraging rats took as Read more about AI trained to navigate develops brain-like location tracking[…]

Why Scientists Think AI Systems Should Debate Each Other

Ultimately, AI systems are only useful and safe as long as the goals they’ve learned actually mesh with what humans want them to do, and it can often be hard to know if they’ve subtly learned to solve the wrong problems or make bad decisions in certain conditions. To make AI easier for humans to Read more about Why Scientists Think AI Systems Should Debate Each Other[…]

Infosec brainiacs release public dataset to classify new malware using AI

Researchers at Endgame, a cyber-security biz based in Virginia, have published what they believe is the first large open-source dataset for machine learning malware detection known as EMBER. EMBER contains metadata describing 1.1 million Windows portable executable files: 900,000 training samples evenly split into malicious, benign, and unlabeled categories and 200,000 files of test samples Read more about Infosec brainiacs release public dataset to classify new malware using AI[…]

Artificial intelligence can scour code to find accidentally public passwords

researchers at software infrastructure firm Pivotal have taught AI to locate this accidentally public sensitive information in a surprising way: By looking at the code as if it were a picture. Since modern artificial intelligence is arguably better than humans at identifying minute differences in images, telling the difference between a password and normal code Read more about Artificial intelligence can scour code to find accidentally public passwords[…]

This AI-Controlled Roach Breeding Site Is a Nightmare Factory

In the city of Xichang, located in the southwestern Sichuan province, there is a massive, artificial intelligence-powered roach breeding farm that is producing more than six billion cockroaches per year. The facility, which is described by the South China Morning Post as a multi-story building about the size of two sports fields, is being operated Read more about This AI-Controlled Roach Breeding Site Is a Nightmare Factory[…]

‘Forget the Facebook leak’: China is mining data directly from workers’ brains on an industrial scale

the workers wear caps to monitor their brainwaves, data that management then uses to adjust the pace of production and redesign workflows, according to the company. The company said it could increase the overall efficiency of the workers by manipulating the frequency and length of break times to reduce mental stress. Hangzhou Zhongheng Electric is Read more about ‘Forget the Facebook leak’: China is mining data directly from workers’ brains on an industrial scale[…]

Revealed: how bookies use AI to keep gamblers hooked | Technology | The Guardian

The gambling industry is increasingly using artificial intelligence to predict consumer habits and personalise promotions to keep gamblers hooked, industry insiders have revealed.Current and former gambling industry employees have described how people’s betting habits are scrutinised and modelled to manipulate their future behaviour.“The industry is using AI to profile customers and predict their behaviour in Read more about Revealed: how bookies use AI to keep gamblers hooked | Technology | The Guardian[…]

Europe divided over robot ‘personhood’

While autonomous robots with humanlike, all-encompassing capabilities are still decades away, European lawmakers, legal experts and manufacturers are already locked in a high-stakes debate about their legal status: whether it’s these machines or human beings who should bear ultimate responsibility for their actions. The battle goes back to a paragraph of text, buried deep in a European Read more about Europe divided over robot ‘personhood’[…]

Google uses AI to seperate out audio from a single person in a high noise rate video

People are remarkably good at focusing their attention on a particular person in a noisy environment, mentally “muting” all other voices and sounds. Known as the cocktail party effect, this capability comes natural to us humans. However, automatic speech separation — separating an audio signal into its individual speech sources — while a well-studied problem, Read more about Google uses AI to seperate out audio from a single person in a high noise rate video[…]

Watch artificial intelligence create a 3D model of a person—from just a few seconds of video

Transporting yourself into a video game, body and all, just got easier. Artificial intelligence has been used to create 3D models of people’s bodies for virtual reality avatars, surveillance, visualizing fashion, or movies. But it typically requires special camera equipment to detect depth or to view someone from multiple angles. A new algorithm creates 3D models Read more about Watch artificial intelligence create a 3D model of a person—from just a few seconds of video[…]

This AI Can Automatically Animate New Flintstones Cartoons

Researchers have successfully trained artificial intelligence to generate new clips of the prehistoric animated series based on nothing but random text descriptions of what’s happening in a scene. A team of researchers from the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, trained an AI by feeding it over 25,000 three-second clips Read more about This AI Can Automatically Animate New Flintstones Cartoons[…]