OpenAI bot bursts into the ring, humiliates top Dota 2 pro gamer in ‘scary’ one-on-one bout

In a shock move on Friday evening, the software agent squared up to top Dota 2 pro gamer Dendi, a Ukrainian 27-year-old, at the Dota 2 world championships dubbed The International. The OpenAI agent beat Dendi in less than 10 minutes in the first round, and trounced him again in a second round, securing victory Read more about OpenAI bot bursts into the ring, humiliates top Dota 2 pro gamer in ‘scary’ one-on-one bout[…]

MIT Real time automatic image retouching on your phone

System can apply a range of styles in real-time, so that the viewfinder displays the enhanced image. […] at Siggraph, the premier digital graphics conference, researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and Google are presenting a new system that can automatically retouch images in the style of a professional photographer. It’s so Read more about MIT Real time automatic image retouching on your phone[…]

Artificially intelligent painters invent new styles of art

The team – which also included researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey and Facebook’s AI lab in California – modified a type of algorithm known as a generative adversarial network (GAN), in which two neural nets play off against each other to get better and better results. One creates a solution, the other judges Read more about Artificially intelligent painters invent new styles of art[…]

Draw Together with a Neural Network

We made an interactive web experiment that lets you draw together with a recurrent neural network model called sketch-rnn. We taught this neural net to draw by training it on millions of doodles collected from the Quick, Draw! game. Once you start drawing an object, sketch-rnn will come up with many possible ways to continue Read more about Draw Together with a Neural Network[…]

Intel Launches Movidius Neural Compute Stick: Deep Learning and AI on a $79 USB Stick

Meanwhile, the on-chip memory has increased from 1 GB on the Fathom NCS to 4 GB LPDDR3 on the Movidius NCS, in order to facilitate larger and denser neural networks. And to cap it all off, Movidius has been able to reduce the MSRP to $79 – citing Intel’s “manufacturing and design expertise” – lowering Read more about Intel Launches Movidius Neural Compute Stick: Deep Learning and AI on a $79 USB Stick[…]

AI quickly cooks malware that AV software can’t spot

Hyrum Anderson, technical director of data science at security shop Endgame, showed off research that his company had done in adapting Elon Musk’s OpenAI framework to the task of creating malware that security engines can’t spot. The system basically learns how to tweak malicious binaries so that they can slip past antivirus tools and continue Read more about AI quickly cooks malware that AV software can’t spot[…]

Humanity uploaded an AI to Mars and lets it shoot rocks with lasers

AEGIS doesn’t cover general operations, which are still directed by humans. Instead it lets Curiosity pick its own targets on which to focus its ChemCam, an instrument that first vaporizes Martian rocks with a laser and then studies the resulting gases. AEGIS does so after analysing images captured by Curiosity’s NavCam, which snaps stereo images, Read more about Humanity uploaded an AI to Mars and lets it shoot rocks with lasers[…]

Artificial intelligence can now predict suicide risk with remarkable accuracy

In trials, results have been 80-90% accurate when predicting whether someone will attempt suicide within the next two years, and 92% accurate in predicting whether someone will attempt suicide within the next week. The prediction is based on data that’s widely available from all hospital admissions, including age, gender, zip codes, medications, and prior diagnoses. Read more about Artificial intelligence can now predict suicide risk with remarkable accuracy[…]

Scientists Are Now Using AI to Predict Autism in Infants

Despite all the headway that science has made in understanding autism in recent years, knowing which children will one day develop autism is still almost impossible to predict. Children diagnosed with autism appear to behave normally until around two, and until then there is often no indication that anything is wrong. […] In a paper Read more about Scientists Are Now Using AI to Predict Autism in Infants[…]

AI-powered dynamic pricing turns its gaze to the fuel pumps

With the use of Artificial Intelligence PriceCast Fuel detects behavioral patterns in Big Data (all available data relevant to the sale) and relates to customer and competitor reactions with a frequency and level of accuracy that users of traditional pricing systems only can dream about,” the company explains in a brochure [PDF]. “Dynamically mapping customer Read more about AI-powered dynamic pricing turns its gaze to the fuel pumps[…]

Google AI has access to 1.6m NHS patients data – without permission

The document – a data-sharing agreement between Google-owned artificial intelligence company DeepMind and the Royal Free NHS Trust – gives the clearest picture yet of what the company is doing and what sensitive data it now has access to. The agreement gives DeepMind access to a wide range of healthcare data on the 1.6 million Read more about Google AI has access to 1.6m NHS patients data – without permission[…]

Real-Time User-Guided Image Colorization with Learned Deep Priors within minutes

We train on a million images, with simulated user inputs. To guide the user towards efficient input selection, the system recommends likely colors based on the input image and current user inputs. The colorization is performed in a single feed-forward pass, enabling real-time use. Even with randomly simulated user inputs, we show that the proposed Read more about Real-Time User-Guided Image Colorization with Learned Deep Priors within minutes[…]

This Artificially Intelligent Speech Generator Can Fake Anyone’s Voice

“We train our models on a huge dataset with thousands of speakers,” Jose Sotelo, a team member at Lyrebird and a speech synthesis expert, told Gizmodo. “Then, for a new speaker we compress their information in a small key that contains their voice DNA. We use this key to say new sentences.” The end result Read more about This Artificially Intelligent Speech Generator Can Fake Anyone’s Voice[…]

Caffe2 Open Source Brings Cross Platform Machine Learning Tools to Developers

We’re committed to providing the community with high-performance machine learning tools so that everyone can create intelligent apps and services. Caffe2 is shipping with tutorials and examples that demonstrate learning at massive scale which can leverage multiple GPUs in one machine or many machines with one or more GPUs. Learn to train and deploy models Read more about Caffe2 Open Source Brings Cross Platform Machine Learning Tools to Developers[…]

AI Otto buys stock for ecommerce, decreases customer returns

The idea is to collect and analyse quantities of information to understand consumer tastes, recommend products to people and personalise websites for customers. Otto’s work stands out because it is already automating business decisions that go beyond customer management. The most important is trying to lower returns of products, which cost the firm millions of Read more about AI Otto buys stock for ecommerce, decreases customer returns[…]

There’s a big problem with AI: even its creators can’t explain how it works

No one really knows how the most advanced algorithms do what they do. That could be a problem. Source: There’s a big problem with AI: even its creators can’t explain how it works It’s a good run down of some of the places where accountability (self-driving cars, medical recommendations, AI driven tanks and drones, Siri, Read more about There’s a big problem with AI: even its creators can’t explain how it works[…]

Open sourcing Sonnet – a new library for constructing neural networks with Tensorflow

We have found that the flexibility and adaptiveness of TensorFlow lends itself to building higher level frameworks for specific purposes, and we’ve written one for quickly building neural network modules with TF. We are actively developing this codebase, but what we have so far fits our research needs well, and we’re excited to announce that Read more about Open sourcing Sonnet – a new library for constructing neural networks with Tensorflow[…]

This AI stuff is all talk! Bots invent their own language to natter away behind humans’ backs

At first, the bot lingo was more like Morse code: an abstract symbol was agreed upon and then scattered among spaces to create meaning, the researchers explained in a blog post. The team tweaked the experiment so that there was a slight penalty on every utterance for every bot, and they added an incentive to Read more about This AI stuff is all talk! Bots invent their own language to natter away behind humans’ backs[…]

MXNet – Amazon machine learning Open sourced

MXNet stands for mix and maximize. The idea is to combine the power of declartive programming together with imperative programming. In its core, a dynamic dependency scheduler that automatically parallelizes both symbolic and imperative operations on the fly. A graph optimization layer on top of that makes symbolic execution fast and memory efficient. The library Read more about MXNet – Amazon machine learning Open sourced[…]

Google Cloud can now recognise items in videos

Cloud Video Intelligence API (now in Private Beta) uses powerful deep-learning models, built using frameworks like TensorFlow and applied on large-scale media platforms like YouTube. The API is the first of its kind, enabling developers to easily search and discover video content by providing information about entities (nouns such as “dog,” “flower” or “human” or Read more about Google Cloud can now recognise items in videos[…]

Keras – deep learning library for Tensorflow and Theano

Keras: Deep Learning library for Theano and TensorFlow You have just found Keras. Keras is a high-level neural networks library, written in Python and capable of running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation. Being able to go from idea to result with the least Read more about Keras – deep learning library for Tensorflow and Theano[…]