Your Cash Is No Good Here. Literally. – So how to pay if you don’t like plastic: which helps the banks but not your spending patterns

As more retailers—including Drybar and Sweetgreen—ban paper money, it’s making things awkward for customers without plastic. [paywalled] Source: Your Cash Is No Good Here. Literally. – WSJ   Oh dear, not accepting money – when the pain signals in your brain are not set off by clicking a bank pass, but are when you have Read more about Your Cash Is No Good Here. Literally. – So how to pay if you don’t like plastic: which helps the banks but not your spending patterns[…]

In Blow to Amazon and Walmart, India Bans a Key Part of Their Business Strategy

The Indian government sent a strong screw you to Amazon and the Walmart-owned Flipkart on Wednesday, banning e-commerce companies from selling products from companies that they have an equity interest in or “entering into exclusive agreements with sellers,” CNBC reported. India already bans e-commerce sites from selling products directly, per the New York Times, which Read more about In Blow to Amazon and Walmart, India Bans a Key Part of Their Business Strategy[…]

Uber’s Arbitration Policy Comes Back to Bite It in the Ass

Over 12,000 Uber drivers found a way to weaponize the ridesharing platform’s restrictive contract in what’s possibly the funniest labor strategy of the year. But first: a bit of background. One of the more onerous aspects of the gig economy is its propensity to include arbitration agreements in the terms of service—you know, the very Read more about Uber’s Arbitration Policy Comes Back to Bite It in the Ass[…]

When Discounts Hurt Sales: Too much discounting and too many positive reviews can hurt sales

By tracking the sales of 19,978 deals on and conducting a battery of identification and falsification tests, we find that deep discounts reduce sales. A 1% increase in a deal’s discount decreases sales by 0.035%–0.256%. If a merchant offers an additional 10% discount from the sample mean of 55.6%, sales could decrease by 0.63%–4.60%, Read more about When Discounts Hurt Sales: Too much discounting and too many positive reviews can hurt sales[…]

EU anti Geo-blocking comes into force: unlocking e-commerce in the EU

Under the new rules, traders will not be able to discriminate between customers with regard to the general terms and conditions – including prices – in three cases: for goods that are either delivered in a member state to which the trader offers delivery or are collected at a location agreed with the customer for Read more about EU anti Geo-blocking comes into force: unlocking e-commerce in the EU[…]

mobile providers in NL urged to stop killing unused data and phone minutes, as technically the user has paid for it and if they exceed the maximum they are fined

Telecomaanbieders moeten stoppen met het laten vervallen van ongebruikte data en belminuten. Dat schrijft de Consumentenbond in een brief aan de tien grootste aanbieders. Consumenten met een mobiel abonnement verliezen nu aan het einde van iedere maand hun ongebruikte belminuten en data binnen hun bundel. Tegelijkertijd betalen ze extra voor iedere minuut of MB die Read more about mobile providers in NL urged to stop killing unused data and phone minutes, as technically the user has paid for it and if they exceed the maximum they are fined[…]

Elon Musk to Resign as Tesla Chairman, Pay 2x $20 Million Fine in SEC Settlement Over Catastrophic ‘420’ Tweet

In August, Tesla CEO Elon Musk set off an entirely preventable and catastrophic chain of events by tweeting that he was “considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.” Musk provided no financing details, and the Securities and Exchange Commission later determined that he never finalized any kind of deal with the Saudi sovereign wealth Read more about Elon Musk to Resign as Tesla Chairman, Pay 2x $20 Million Fine in SEC Settlement Over Catastrophic ‘420’ Tweet[…]

You know all those movies you bought from Apple? Um, well, think different: You didn’t. Didn’t you learn that from Amazon in 2009?

Remember when you decided to buy, rather than rent, that movie online? We have some bad news for you – you didn’t. Biologist Anders Gonçalves da Silva was surprised this week to find three movies he had purchased through iTunes simply disappeared one day from his library. So he contacted Apple to find out what Read more about You know all those movies you bought from Apple? Um, well, think different: You didn’t. Didn’t you learn that from Amazon in 2009?[…]

The End for Fin7: Feds cuff suspected super-crooks after $$$m stolen from 15m+ credit cards

The FBI has arrested the alleged three leaders of an international crime syndicate that stole huge numbers of credit card numbers – which were subsequently sold on and used to rack up tens of millions of dollars in spending sprees. Speaking in Seattle, USA, where the Feds’ cybersecurity taskforce is based, agents said the “Fin7” Read more about The End for Fin7: Feds cuff suspected super-crooks after $$$m stolen from 15m+ credit cards[…]

Bitcoin mining now apparently accounts for almost one percent of the world’s energy consumption

According to testimony provided by Princeton computer scientist Arvind Narayanan to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, no matter what you do to make cryptocurrency mining harware greener, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the overall network’s flabbergasting energy consumption. Instead, Narayanan told the committee, the only thing that really determines Read more about Bitcoin mining now apparently accounts for almost one percent of the world’s energy consumption[…]

The cashless society is a con – and big finance is behind it

All over the western world banks are shutting down cash machines and branches. They are trying to push you into using their digital payments and digital banking infrastructure. Just like Google wants everyone to access and navigate the broader internet via its privately controlled search portal, so financial institutions want everyone to access and navigate Read more about The cashless society is a con – and big finance is behind it[…]

A curious tale of the priest, the broker, the hacked newswires, and $100m of insider trades

Two former investment bankers, one of whom is also a priest, have been found guilty of an elaborate scam – hacking newswires to read press releases prior to publication, and trade millions using this insider information. Vitaly Korchevsky, formerly a veep at Morgan Stanley and a pastor at the Slavic Evangelical Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Read more about A curious tale of the priest, the broker, the hacked newswires, and $100m of insider trades[…]

Hackers steal $30m from top Seoul bithumb exchange

Hackers stole more than $30 million worth of cryptocurrencies from South Korea’s top bitcoin exchange, sending the unit’s price falling around the world on Wednesday. The virtual currency was priced at $6,442 dollars late afternoon in Seoul, down about 4.4 percent from 24 hours earlier, after the latest attack on Bithumb raised concerns over cryptocurrency Read more about Hackers steal $30m from top Seoul bithumb exchange[…]

Bitcoin Price: ‘Bloody Sunday’ Not Caused by Coinrail Hack

As CCN reported, the little-known Coinrail became the latest cryptocurrency exchange to fall prey to hackers, who are said to have made off with approximately $40 million worth of tokens, a fairly pedestrian figure relative to some of the hacks seen over the years. Later that day, the bitcoin price began to careen downwards, taking Read more about Bitcoin Price: ‘Bloody Sunday’ Not Caused by Coinrail Hack[…]

Hackers Stole Over $20 Million From Misconfigured Ethereum Clients

A group of hackers has stolen over $20 million worth of Ethereum from Ethereum-based apps and mining rigs, Chinese cyber-security firm Qihoo 360 Netlab reported today. The cause of these thefts is Ethereum software applications that have been configured to expose an RPC [Remote Procedure Call] interface on port 8545. The purpose of this interface Read more about Hackers Stole Over $20 Million From Misconfigured Ethereum Clients[…]

Blockchain’s Once-Feared 51% Attack Is Now Becoming Regular among smaller coins

Monacoin, bitcoin gold, zencash, verge and now, litecoin cash. At least five cryptocurrencies have recently been hit with an attack that used to be more theoretical than actual, all in the last month. In each case, attackers have been able to amass enough computing power to compromise these smaller networks, rearrange their transactions and abscond Read more about Blockchain’s Once-Feared 51% Attack Is Now Becoming Regular among smaller coins[…]

McAfee’s Cryptocurrency Leaks Personal Information for Thousands of Investors

On Mar 30, researchers at Kromtech Security identified a database open to the public containing full names, addresses, email addresses, encrypted passwords, wallet information, along with links to scanned passports, driver’s licenses, and other IDs for over 25,000 investors of the newly created Bezop. The information was found within a MongoDB database without any security. Read more about McAfee’s Cryptocurrency Leaks Personal Information for Thousands of Investors[…]

Tried checking under the sofa? Indian BTC exchange Coinsecure finds itself $3.5m lighter

Indian Bitcoin exchange Coinsecure has mislaid 438.318 BTC belonging to its customers. In a statement by parent firm Secure Bitcoin Traders Pvt, posted late on Thursday, the biz said its chief security officer had extracted a bunch of Bitcoin to distribute to punters – and discovered the funds were “lost in the process.” The vanished Read more about Tried checking under the sofa? Indian BTC exchange Coinsecure finds itself $3.5m lighter[…]

Do you have a browser based bitcoin wallet? Check you’re not hacked if it’s JavaScript based

A significant number of past and current cryptocurrency products contain a JavaScript class named SecureRandom(), containing both entropy collection and a PRNG. The entropy collection and the RNG itself are both deficient to the degree that key material can be recovered by a third party with medium complexity. There are a substantial number of variations Read more about Do you have a browser based bitcoin wallet? Check you’re not hacked if it’s JavaScript based[…]

‘Being cash-free puts us at risk of attack’: Swedes turn against cashlessness

Most consumers already say they manage without cash altogether, while shops and cafes increasingly refuse to accept notes and coins because of the costs and risk involved. Until recently, however, it has been hard for critics to find a hearing. “The Swedish government is a rather nice one, we have been lucky enough to have Read more about ‘Being cash-free puts us at risk of attack’: Swedes turn against cashlessness[…]

Hacker Uses Exploit to Generate Verge Cryptocurrency out of Thin Abir

An unknown attacker has exploited a bug in the Verge cryptocurrency network code to mine Verge coins at a very rapid pace and generate funds almost out of thin air. The Verge development team is preparing a hard-fork of the entire cryptocurrency code to fix the issue and revert the blockchain to a previous state Read more about Hacker Uses Exploit to Generate Verge Cryptocurrency out of Thin Abir[…]

The Lottery Hackers

That’s when it hit him. Right there, in the numbers on the page, he noticed a flaw—a strange and surprising pattern, like the cereal-box code, written into the fundamental machinery of the game. A loophole that would eventually make Jerry and Marge millionaires, spark an investigation by a Boston Globe Spotlight reporter, unleash a statewide Read more about The Lottery Hackers[…]

Tesla’s Amazon Cloud Account Hacked to Mine Cryptocurrency

An unidentified hacker or hackers broke into a Tesla-owned Amazon cloud account and used it to “mine” cryptocurrency, security researchers said. The breach also exposed proprietary data for the electric carmaker. The researchers, who worked for RedLock, a 3-year-old cybersecurity startup, said they discovered the intrusion last month while trying to determine which organization left Read more about Tesla’s Amazon Cloud Account Hacked to Mine Cryptocurrency[…]

Crooks opt for Monero, paypal, ebay and gamesfor laundering

“Platforms like Monero are designed to be truly anonymous, and tumbler services like CoinJoin can [further] obscure transaction origins,” said Dr Mike McGuire, senior lecturer in criminology at Surrey University and author of the study. Many cybercriminals are using virtual currency to convert the illegal proceeds of crime into hard cash and assets. Digital payment Read more about Crooks opt for Monero, paypal, ebay and gamesfor laundering[…]