Nuclear Fusion Scientists Successfully Recreate Net Energy Gain

[…] Reuters reports that scientists with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s National Ignition Facility in California repeated a fusion ignition reaction. The lab’s first breakthrough was announced by the U.S. Department of Energy in December. While the previous experiment produced net energy gain, a spokesperson from the lab told the outlet that this second experiment, Read more about Nuclear Fusion Scientists Successfully Recreate Net Energy Gain[…]

MIT Boffins Build Battery Alternative Out of Cement, Carbon Black, and Water

Long-time Slashdot reader KindMind shares a report from The Register: Researchers at MIT claim to have found a novel new way to store energy using nothing but cement, a bit of water, and powdered carbon black — a crystalline form of the element. The materials can be cleverly combined to create supercapacitors, which could in Read more about MIT Boffins Build Battery Alternative Out of Cement, Carbon Black, and Water[…]

Scientists Beam Space-Based Solar Power to Earth for First Time

[…] The experiment is a part of Caltech’s Space Solar Power Project, and the institute announced a successful transmission via press release yesterday. The researchers conducted the power transfer experiment using the Microwave Array for Power-transfer Low-orbit Experiment, or MAPLE, which is a small prototype aboard the in-orbit Space Solar Power Demonstrator (SSPD-1) that launched Read more about Scientists Beam Space-Based Solar Power to Earth for First Time[…]

Bio-inspired Nanocomposite Membranes for Osmotic Energy Harvesting: Joule

Context & Scale Osmotic energy is a renewable energy with zero emissions and minimal daily variations. However, the membranes for osmotic energy harvesting must have multiple properties that are thought to be impossible to realize to make this technology viable. Here, we show that cartilage-inspired cation-selective composite membrane assembled from aramid nanofibers and boron nitride Read more about Bio-inspired Nanocomposite Membranes for Osmotic Energy Harvesting: Joule[…]

Newly discovered enzyme that turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy

Australian scientists have discovered an enzyme that converts air into energy. The finding, published today in the journal Nature, reveals that this enzyme uses the low amounts of the hydrogen in the atmosphere to create an electrical current. This finding opens the way to create devices that literally make energy from thin air. The research Read more about Newly discovered enzyme that turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy[…]

40-passenger hydrogen electric plane completes maiden flight

Mere weeks after achieving experimental airworthiness certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Universal Hydrogen has successfully taken its 40-passenger regional hydrogen electric plane to the skies. The aircraft took off from Washington state this morning and ascended to an altitude of 3,500 mean sea level (MSL) before safely landing, as you can see in Read more about 40-passenger hydrogen electric plane completes maiden flight[…]

Wind Turbine Giant Develops Solution To Keep Blades Out of Landfills

Vestas, the world’s largest producer of wind turbines, says it has developed a chemical solution that allows the blades — made with durable epoxy resin — to be broken down and recycled. Bloomberg reports: “This signals a new era for the wind industry,” Vestas said in a statement. If it’s implemented at scale, the technology Read more about Wind Turbine Giant Develops Solution To Keep Blades Out of Landfills[…]

Researchers can now pull hydrogen directly from seawater, no filtering required

Researchers at the University of Adelaide announced this week that they made clean hydrogen fuel from seawater without pre-treatment. Demand for hydrogen fuel, a clean energy source that only produces water when burned, is expected to increase in the coming years as the world (hopefully) continues to pivot away from fossil fuels. The findings could Read more about Researchers can now pull hydrogen directly from seawater, no filtering required[…]

Rolls-Royce successfully tests hydrogen-powered jet engine

Britain’s Rolls-Royce (RR.L) said it has successfully run an aircraft engine on hydrogen, a world aviation first that marks a major step towards proving the gas could be key to decarbonising air travel. The ground test, using a converted Rolls-Royce AE 2100-A regional aircraft engine, used green hydrogen created by wind and tidal power, the Read more about Rolls-Royce successfully tests hydrogen-powered jet engine[…]

In France, all large parking lots now have to be covered by solar panels

In France, solar just got a huge boost from new legislation approved through the Senate this week that requires all parking lots with spaces for at least 80 vehicles – both existing and new – be covered by solar panels. The new provisions are part of French president Emmanuel Macron’s large-scale plan to heavily invest Read more about In France, all large parking lots now have to be covered by solar panels[…]

Team creates crystals that generate electricity from heat

To convert heat into electricity, easily accessible materials from harmless raw materials open up new perspectives in the development of safe and inexpensive so-called “thermoelectric materials.” […] The novel synthetic material is composed of copper, manganese, germanium, and sulfur, and it is produced in a rather simple process […] The powders are simply mechanically alloyed Read more about Team creates crystals that generate electricity from heat[…]

BYU profs create new micro nuclear reactor to produce nuclear energy more safely

[…] in Memmott’s new reactor, during and after the nuclear reaction occurs, all the radioactive byproducts are dissolved into molten salt. Nuclear elements can emit heat or radioactivity for hundreds of thousands of years while they slowly cool, which is why nuclear waste is so dangerous (and why in the past, finding a place to Read more about BYU profs create new micro nuclear reactor to produce nuclear energy more safely[…]

The world’s first offshore floating wind-solar pilot just came online in China

China’s government-owned utility State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC) has launched the world’s first commercial offshore floating solar that’s paired with an offshore wind turbine.   SPIC is one of five major electrical utility companies in China, and the world’s largest photovoltaic power generation enterprise. The pilot is located off the coast of Haiyang, a city in Read more about The world’s first offshore floating wind-solar pilot just came online in China[…]

Finally: Countries Start To Rebel Against Corporate Sovereignty, But Ten Years Too Late

Back in 2013, Techdirt wrote about “the monster lurking inside free trade agreements”. Formally, the monster is known as Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), but here on Techdirt we call it “corporate sovereignty“, because that is what it is: a system of secret courts that effectively places companies above a government, by allowing them to sue Read more about Finally: Countries Start To Rebel Against Corporate Sovereignty, But Ten Years Too Late[…]

Revolutionary technique to generate hydrogen more efficiently from water

A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have made a serendipitous scientific discovery that could potentially revolutionize the way water is broken down to release hydrogen gas—an element crucial to many industrial processes. The team, led by Associate Professor Xue Jun Min, Dr. Wang Xiaopeng and Dr. Vincent Lee Wee Siang Read more about Revolutionary technique to generate hydrogen more efficiently from water[…]

A California project would store solar energy to use when the sun goes down in water batteries

The San Diego County Water Authority has an unusual plan to use the city’s scenic San Vicente Reservoir to store solar power so it’s available after sunset. The project, and others like it, could help unlock America’s clean energy future. Perhaps a decade from now, if all goes smoothly, large underground pipes will connect this Read more about A California project would store solar energy to use when the sun goes down in water batteries[…]

Charted: 40 Years of Global Energy Production, by Country

1. Fossil Fuels View the full-size infographic While the U.S. is a dominant player in both oil and natural gas production, China holds the top spot as the world’s largest fossil fuel producer, largely because of its significant production and consumption of coal. Over the last decade, China has used more coal than the rest Read more about Charted: 40 Years of Global Energy Production, by Country[…]

Hydrogen could be harvested from thin air in the desert

[…] To avoid taking water from an already strained local supply, a team led by Gang Kevin Li, senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne, Australia, has built a system which extracts water from airborne vapor using a hygroscopic electrolyte, in this case sulfuric acid. The approach then uses solar-generated electricity to split the water Read more about Hydrogen could be harvested from thin air in the desert[…]

Korean nuclear fusion tokamak reactor achieves 100 million°C for 30 seconds

A nuclear fusion reaction has lasted for 30 seconds at temperatures in excess of 100 million°C. While the duration and temperature alone aren’t records, the simultaneous achievement of heat and stability brings us a step closer to a viable fusion reactor – as long as the technique used can be scaled up. Most scientists agree Read more about Korean nuclear fusion tokamak reactor achieves 100 million°C for 30 seconds[…]

War profiteering Finland govt nationalises 1% of energy companies

With Russia closing the gas pipelines to Europe as a catalyst and using the people of Finland as blackmail material the Finnish government is taking control of company payment structures and grabs 1% of any company that signs up to the possibility of taking a loan from the government at extortionate interest rates. It’s pretty Read more about War profiteering Finland govt nationalises 1% of energy companies[…]

Scientists Find a Simple Way to Produce Hydrogen From Water at Room Temperature

Hydrogen fuel promises to be a clean and abundant source of energy in the future – as long as scientists can figure out ways to produce it practically and cheaply, and without fossil fuels. A new study provides us with another promising step in that direction, provided you can make use of existing supplies of Read more about Scientists Find a Simple Way to Produce Hydrogen From Water at Room Temperature[…]

Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Confirmed: California Team Achieved Ignition

A major breakthrough in nuclear fusion has been confirmed a year after it was achieved at a laboratory in California. Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) National Ignition Facility (NIF) recorded the first case of ignition on August 8, 2021, the results of which have now been published in three peer-reviewed papers. Nuclear fusion Read more about Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Confirmed: California Team Achieved Ignition[…]

A new method boosts wind farms’ energy output, without new equipment

Virtually all wind turbines, which produce more than 5 percent of the world’s electricity, are controlled as if they were individual, free-standing units. In fact, the vast majority are part of larger wind farm installations involving dozens or even hundreds of turbines, whose wakes can affect each other. Now, engineers at MIT and elsewhere have Read more about A new method boosts wind farms’ energy output, without new equipment[…]

The Environmental Impact of Solar Panels

“Switch to solar panels to help save the planet,” they say. And they’re (mostly) right. Solar panels are a great source of clean energy because, unlike fossil fuels, solar energy doesn’t produce harmful carbon emissions while creating electricity. But how “clean” is the process of creating solar panels? Ironically enough, solar panel production is reliant Read more about The Environmental Impact of Solar Panels[…]

Pull jet fuel from thin air? We can do that, say scientists

The aviation industry’s attempts to go green are getting a boost from an unlikely place: carbon-neutral jet fuel pulled from thin air. That may seem far-fetched, but it’s a concept that engineers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) have not only proved experimentally, but apparently proven again at scale. Even better, the fuel Read more about Pull jet fuel from thin air? We can do that, say scientists[…]