The fanless spinning heatsink: more efficient and immune to dust

There’s a fundamental flaw with fan-and-heatsink cooling systems: no matter how hard the fan blows, a boundary layer of motionless, highly-insulating air remains on the heatsink. You can increase the size of the heatsink and you can blow more air, but ultimately the boundary layer prevents the system from being efficient; it’s simply a physical Read more about The fanless spinning heatsink: more efficient and immune to dust[…]

Gadgets tied to 25 percent of US car crashes

Driving distractions, primarily by cellphones and other electronic devices, are associated with up to 25 percent of U.S. car crashes, according to a report released on Thursday. The study by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), a nonprofit group that works to improve traffic safety, assessed research from more than 350 scientific papers published since Read more about Gadgets tied to 25 percent of US car crashes[…]

Pioneer’s AppRadio delivers iPhone integration, automotive and audio bliss for $400

Which is a shitload cheaper than the JVC KD-AVx77 (EUR. 600,-) or KW-AVX840 (EUR 500,-). It’s a two DIN unit and there’s not so much functionality as the JVC’s have – it only has 4 apps which are limited but Pioneer say they will be adding more. Pioneer’s AppRadio delivers iPhone integration, automotive and audio Read more about Pioneer’s AppRadio delivers iPhone integration, automotive and audio bliss for $400[…]

New Disposable, Medical Camera Is the Size of a Grain of Salt

The German Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration recently reported the development of a camera with a lens attached that is 1 x 1 x 1.5 millimeters in size, which is the size of a grain of salt. At about a cubic millimeter in size, this camera is right at the size limit that the Read more about New Disposable, Medical Camera Is the Size of a Grain of Salt[…]

RE-35 | Digital cartridges for analog 35-mm cameras

This features a pull out system for your old 35 mm camera, turning it into a digital one. It has a USB connection for copying the pictures and recharging. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s not real, but an April Fools joke. Everyone who sees it wishes it was a real product though, it’s making huge Read more about RE-35 | Digital cartridges for analog 35-mm cameras[…]

Celluon evoMouse – laser projected multitouch mousepad

The evoMouse is the evolution of the computer mouse. With the evoMouse, your finger is your pointer and there is no more pushing around a physical mouse. The evoMouse works on nearly any flat surface and requires very little space. It tracks effortlessly to your comfortable and natural movements. With the evoMouse, you can perform Read more about Celluon evoMouse – laser projected multitouch mousepad[…]

Get inPulse and Hack Your Watch

inPulse is the perfect hacker accessory – a fully programmable Bluetooth SmartWatch. inPulse is totally customizable. Our SDK can get you saying ‘Hello, Watch!’ in 5 minutes! Dive deeper and create your own app running right on top of our embedded OS. Code in C and get control over the OLED display, Bluetooth connection, vibrating Read more about Get inPulse and Hack Your Watch[…]

Jawbone Era – with 10mm HD speaker, uUSB charger and accellerometer

My current jawbone has a worse speaker than the Jabra and the earpiece holder doesn’t work so well for me. Now they have a new system to hold it in your ear which hopefully works better, but they’ve addressed all the other niggles I had AND added an accellerometer! oh, and you can see the Read more about Jawbone Era – with 10mm HD speaker, uUSB charger and accellerometer[…]

REI Storm Proof Matches

Waterproof, windproof matches burn in heavy rain and even while wet! Match will not go out until chemical has burned out, then stick can be doused in water to completely extinguish the fire Match sticks are 2 3/4 inches long for added safety to keep from burning fingertips via REI Storm Proof Matches at

PLX Kiwi Wifi – Connect your iPhone / iPod Touch to your car’s OBD2 OBDII Port.

Kiwi Wifi is a plug and play wireless device measuring only 2.75 x 1.25 x 0.6 inches. Kiwi Wifi comes attached with a 6 ft OBDII cable for easy installation. It also comes included with a power switch built-in to prevent the need for having to constantly disconnect your unit from the OBDII port. It Read more about PLX Kiwi Wifi – Connect your iPhone / iPod Touch to your car’s OBD2 OBDII Port.[…]

Nano-Gyroscopes Will Let Cell Phones Navigate Indoors, Underground

Israeli researchers have created the tiniest-ever optical gyroscopes, as small as a grain of sand, but still maintaining the keen accuracy of their counterparts hundreds of times larger. Optical gyroscopes are generally used for navigation in airplanes, ships and satellites, in which they track movement without reference to external navigation points, by measuring the vehicle’s Read more about Nano-Gyroscopes Will Let Cell Phones Navigate Indoors, Underground[…]