State of Gaming VR for PC in 2022 – and other things the sites don’t tell you

Despite VR having been hyped up for the last couple of years, not very much has happened in the past two years. The hardware has not really refreshed, but this year at least one new exciting entry has come in and another is promised. Search results of reviews usually have the same group of suspects Read more about State of Gaming VR for PC in 2022 – and other things the sites don’t tell you[…]

Scientists grow human brain cells to play Pong

Researchers have succeeded in growing brain cells in a lab and hooking them up to electronic connectors proving they can learn to play the seminal console game Pong. Led by Brett Kagan, chief scientific officer at Cortical Labs, the researchers showed that by integrating neurons into digital systems they could harness “the inherent adaptive computation Read more about Scientists grow human brain cells to play Pong[…]

NVIDIA Builds AI That Creates 3D Objects for Virtual Worlds

The massive virtual worlds created by growing numbers of companies and creators could be more easily populated with a diverse array of 3D buildings, vehicles, characters and more — thanks to a new AI model from NVIDIA Research. Trained using only 2D images, NVIDIA GET3D generates 3D shapes with high-fidelity textures and complex geometric details. Read more about NVIDIA Builds AI That Creates 3D Objects for Virtual Worlds[…]

FIFA 23 Accidentally Sells For Six Cents, EA Honors The Mistake

FIFA 23 is currently up for preorder around the world, and is supposed to be a full-price retail release, but in one particular market on one particular store, customers could get one hell of a bargain. Last month, anyone browsing the Epic Games Store in India would have seen that while the standard edition of Read more about FIFA 23 Accidentally Sells For Six Cents, EA Honors The Mistake[…]

Virpil VPC Desk Mount linear rail adapter for MongoosT / WarBRD / Stream Deck by SciMonster – Thingiverse Mount your Virpil Throttle and Stick to linear rails so you can slide them along your desk. This allows you to move your HOTAS aside when you use the computer for other work. When flying your aircraft or spaceship, a spring-loaded locking meachanism holds your HOTAS securely in place. The files are designed for Read more about Virpil VPC Desk Mount linear rail adapter for MongoosT / WarBRD / Stream Deck by SciMonster – Thingiverse[…]

Owners Of ‘Gran Turismo 7’ Locked Out Of Single Player Game When Online DRM Servers Go Down – when you don’t own the game you bought

When someone asks me what DRM is, my answer is very simple: it’s anti-piracy software that generally doesn’t stop pirates at all, and, instead, mostly only annoys legitimate buyers. Well, then why do software and video game companies use it at all? Couldn’t tell you. Businesses really want to annoy their own customers? Apparently, yes. Read more about Owners Of ‘Gran Turismo 7’ Locked Out Of Single Player Game When Online DRM Servers Go Down – when you don’t own the game you bought[…]

‘Dark Souls 3’ security hole lets attackers hijack your PC

You might not want to play a Dark Souls game online for a while — not that you necessarily can. As Dexerto and The Verge report, attackers have discovered a security exploit in Dark Souls 3 (and potentially Elden Ring) for Windows that lets attackers remotely execute control and effectively hijack your PC. Streamers like Read more about ‘Dark Souls 3’ security hole lets attackers hijack your PC[…]

Warhammer 40K’s Imperium Is Genocidal – not a Good Thing, Maker Reminds Players

Some Warhammer 40,000 players think the game’s fascist Imperium of Man faction is awesome, and actually has a few good ideas. It does not. To clarify this point—which more than one Warhammer 40K fan appears to have missed—maker Games Workshop put out a statement saying that you do not, under any circumstances, “gotta hand it Read more about Warhammer 40K’s Imperium Is Genocidal – not a Good Thing, Maker Reminds Players[…]

Modders Have Fixed The GTA Trilogy’s Incredibly Ugly Rain

The recently “remastered” GTA trilogy has some of the ugliest rain I’ve ever seen, and a handful of days later, modders have fixed it. No longer will you walk the streets of Vice City at night, only to be covered in the drippings of Spiderman’s leaky web-shooter. Finally, you can be free of that oddly Read more about Modders Have Fixed The GTA Trilogy’s Incredibly Ugly Rain[…]

2K’s GTA Trilogy Pulled For PC, And Rockstar Launcher Is Broken

Something has gone very, very wrong since yesterday’s launch of GTA Trilogy on PC. As of last night, all mention of a PC version has been removed from Rockstar’s own site, and the Rockstar Games Launcher app has gone completely offline. Anyone who bought the remastered collection before it vanished is currently unable to play. Read more about 2K’s GTA Trilogy Pulled For PC, And Rockstar Launcher Is Broken[…]

GTA Trilogy Remaster Not Worth The Lost Mods And Classic Games

After months of rumors, speculation, leaks, and teasers, Rockstar finally released the remastered Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – Definitive Edition collection yesterday. It landed with a thud as players encountered and documented countless visual bugs, gameplay glitches, and odd changes to models and textures. Even viewed in a vacuum, this state of affairs is Read more about GTA Trilogy Remaster Not Worth The Lost Mods And Classic Games[…]

‘Flight Simulator: GOTY Edition’ adds new aircraft and locations on November 18th

Microsoft is spicing up Flight Simulator with an expanded re-release, although this one may be more ambitious than some. It’s releasing Flight Simulator: Game of the Year Edition on November 18th with both a heaping of new content as well as some meaningful feature upgrades. To start, there are five new stand-out aircraft, including the Read more about ‘Flight Simulator: GOTY Edition’ adds new aircraft and locations on November 18th[…]

Game Dev Turns Down $500k Exploitative Contract, explains why – looks like music industry contracts

Receiving a publishing deal from an indie publisher can be a turning point for an independent developer. But when one-man team Jakefriend was approached with an offer to invest half a million Canadian dollars into his hand-drawn action-adventure game Scrabdackle, he discovered the contract’s terms could see him signing himself into a lifetime of debt, Read more about Game Dev Turns Down $500k Exploitative Contract, explains why – looks like music industry contracts[…]

Amazon Drops Policy claiming ownership of Games made by employees After Work Hours Inc. withdrew a set of staff guidelines that claimed ownership rights to video games made by employees after work hours and dictated how they could distribute them, according to a company email reviewed by Bloomberg. […] The old policies mandated that employees of the games division who were moonlighting on projects would need to Read more about Amazon Drops Policy claiming ownership of Games made by employees After Work Hours[…]

1994’s Star Wars: TIE Fighter Remade With Modern Graphics

If EA’s Squadrons wasn’t quite to the scale you were hoping for from your Star Wars flight game, never mind: you can always replay 1994 classic TIE Fighter, which now has vastly-improved visuals and some other modern tweaks instead. What you’re looking at here is TIE Fighter: Total Conversion, which isn’t actually the original TIE Read more about 1994’s Star Wars: TIE Fighter Remade With Modern Graphics[…]

‘GTA Online’ will shut down on PS3 and Xbox 360 on December 16th

It’s almost the end of the line for those who’ve been causing havoc in Los Santos with their friends on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Rockstar Games says it will shut down the Grand Theft Auto Online servers for those consoles on December 16th, bringing an end to the multiplayer mode as well as website Read more about ‘GTA Online’ will shut down on PS3 and Xbox 360 on December 16th[…]

Many Need For Speed Games Are About To Be Erased From Reality

[…] Today, via Reddit (while most the English-speaking world is on a holiday), it’s been announced that Need For Speed: Carbon, Need For Speed: Undercover, Need For Speed: Shift, Shift 2: Unleashed and Need For Speed: The Run will be “retired”. Which I suppose is an apposite word, given they’ll be limping off the tracks Read more about Many Need For Speed Games Are About To Be Erased From Reality[…]

How I cut GTA Online loading times by 70% (GTA fix JSON handler pls)

[…] tl;dr There’s a single thread CPU bottleneck while starting up GTA Online It turns out GTA struggles to parse a 10MB JSON file The JSON parser itself is poorly built / naive and After parsing there’s a slow item de-duplication routine R* please fix If this somehow reaches Rockstar: the problems shouldn’t take more Read more about How I cut GTA Online loading times by 70% (GTA fix JSON handler pls)[…]

Ubisoft offers free games to encourage you to stay at home

Ubisoft thinks it has a simple way to encourage people to stay at home and wait out the COVID-19 pandemic: shower them with games. It’s running a month-long campaign that will give away free games, trials, discounts and other offers to give you something to do while you’re cooped up. It’s starting things off by Read more about Ubisoft offers free games to encourage you to stay at home[…]

123Autoit – NonRoot trial – Apps on Google Play

***** No Root Required, ***** *****Please Look the Following***** ****However need to start a (Backend Service) Per every Boot ***** *****the Install package can be found at the following link***** Please update the backend service for Version 1.3 to use (Speed up mode) ***Daemon Script Install Video*** It is now supported both ARM Read more about 123Autoit – NonRoot trial – Apps on Google Play[…]

Epic Store Rage Has Gotten Out Of Hand

The developers of cutesy Animal Crossing–Pokemon mashup Ooblets just had a weekend from hell. After trying to preempt a tidal wave of rage over their newly announced Epic Games Store exclusivity, they got hit with a swirling tsunami of foaming-at-the-mouth anger, up to and including death threats and anti-Semitic hoaxes. This is the worst overreaction Read more about Epic Store Rage Has Gotten Out Of Hand[…]

Phantom Brigade – turn based mech game where you can see into the future

Phantom Brigade is a hybrid turn-based & real-time tactical RPG, focusing on in-depth customization and player driven stories. As the last surviving squad of mech pilots, you must capture enemy equipment and facilities to level the playing field. Outnumbered and out-gunned, lead The Brigade through a desperate campaign to retake their war-torn homeland.   Source: Read more about Phantom Brigade – turn based mech game where you can see into the future[…]

This Roomba can create its own Doom levels

Game developer and designer Rich Whitehouse gave the world an unusual present this Christmas Eve. It’s called Doomba, and it uses the popular Roomba vacuuming robots to create levels for Doom, the classic first-person shooter. Whitehouse is a 20-year veteran of the game industry, with credits on titles such as the original Prey and Star Read more about This Roomba can create its own Doom levels[…]