YouTube mystery ban on hacking videos has content creators puzzled, looks like they want you to not learn about cybersecurity

YouTube, under fire since inception for building a business on other people’s copyrights and in recent years for its vacillating policies on irredeemable content, recently decided it no longer wants to host instructional hacking videos. The written policy first appears in the Internet Wayback Machine’s archive of web history in an April 5, 2019 snapshot. Read more about YouTube mystery ban on hacking videos has content creators puzzled, looks like they want you to not learn about cybersecurity[…]

Chinese stock photo pusher tries to claim copyright on Event Horizon pic, Chinese Flag

China’s largest stock photo flinger has been forced to backtrack after it tried to put its own price tags on images of the first black hole and the Chinese flag. Visual China Group reportedly tried to hawk out the first-ever image of a supermassive black hole and its shadow, which was the painstaking work of Read more about Chinese stock photo pusher tries to claim copyright on Event Horizon pic, Chinese Flag[…]

Toyota to give royalty-free access to hybrid-vehicle patents

The pledge by one of the world’s biggest automakers to share its closely guarded patents, the second time it has opened up a technology, is aimed at driving industry uptake of hybrids and fending off the challenge of all-battery electric vehicles(EVs). Toyota said it would grant licenses on nearly 24,000 patents on technologies used in Read more about Toyota to give royalty-free access to hybrid-vehicle patents[…]

Paywalls block scientific progress. Research should be open to everyone – how copyright enriches the big boys and kills the little ones all over again

Academic and scientific research needs to be accessible to all. The world’s most pressing problems like clean water or food security deserve to have as many people as possible solving their complexities. Yet our current academic research system has no interest in harnessing our collective intelligence. Scientific progress is currently thwarted by one thing: paywalls. Read more about Paywalls block scientific progress. Research should be open to everyone – how copyright enriches the big boys and kills the little ones all over again[…]

Wow, the EU actually voted to break the internet for big business copyright gain

On Tuesday, after years of negotiation and lobbying, and outcry and protests by activists online, members of the EU parliament voted to adopt the Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market, [PDF] – a collection of rules that ostensibly aim “to ensure that the longstanding rights and obligations of copyright law also apply to Read more about Wow, the EU actually voted to break the internet for big business copyright gain[…]

The EU Just Finalized Copyright Legislation That breaks the Web, despite EU country opposition

The last time the EU tweaked its copyright laws was in 2001, so the idea of updating regulations in the information age made a lot of sense. But critics became alarmed by two sections of the bill: Article 11 (aka the “link tax”) and Article 13 (aka the “upload filters”). In 2018, critics like Tim Read more about The EU Just Finalized Copyright Legislation That breaks the Web, despite EU country opposition[…]

Torrent Paradise Creates Decentralized ‘Pirate Bay’ With IPFS

The BitTorrent protocol has a decentralized nature but the ecosystem surrounding it has some weak spots. Torrent sites, for example, use centralized search engines which are prone to outages and takedowns. Torrent-Paradise tackles this problem with IPFS, a searchable torrent indexer that’s shared by the people. IPFS, short for InterPlanetary File System, has been around Read more about Torrent Paradise Creates Decentralized ‘Pirate Bay’ With IPFS[…]

Europe’s controversial ‘link tax’ sent back after member states rebel – The Verge

Copyright activists just scored a major victory in the ongoing fight over the European Union’s new copyright rules. An upcoming summit to advance the EU’s copyright directive has been canceled, as member states objected to the incoming rules as too restrictive to online creators. The EU’s forthcoming copyright rules had drawn attention from activists for Read more about Europe’s controversial ‘link tax’ sent back after member states rebel – The Verge[…]

Reddit, YouTube, Others Push Against EU Copyright Directive – even the big guys think this is a bad idea. Hint: aside from it being copyright, it’s a REALLY bad idea

With Tumblr’s decision this week to ban porn on its platform, everyone’s getting a firsthand look at how bad automated content filters are at the moment. Lawmakers in the European Union want a similar system to filter copyrighted works and, despite expert consensus that this will just fuck up the internet, the legislation moves forward. Read more about Reddit, YouTube, Others Push Against EU Copyright Directive – even the big guys think this is a bad idea. Hint: aside from it being copyright, it’s a REALLY bad idea[…]

Star Wars: KOTOR Fan Remake Shutting Down After Cease And Desist From Lucasfilm

Back in 2016, an ambitious group of fans began work on an Unreal Engine 4 “reboot” of role-playing, light-sabering classic Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic called Apeiron. The project has made impressive progress since then, but it emitted a tragic Wilhelm scream this week when Lucasfilm lawyers zapped it out of existence. As Read more about Star Wars: KOTOR Fan Remake Shutting Down After Cease And Desist From Lucasfilm[…]

EU hijacking: self-driving car data will be copyrighted…by the manufacturer – not to be released by drivers / engineers / researchers / mechanics

Today, the EU held a routine vote on regulations for self-driving cars, when something decidedly out of the ordinary happened… The autonomous vehicle rules contained a clause that affirmed that “data generated by autonomous transport are automatically generated and are by nature not creative, thus making copyright protection or the right on databases inapplicable.” This Read more about EU hijacking: self-driving car data will be copyrighted…by the manufacturer – not to be released by drivers / engineers / researchers / mechanics[…]

CBS Shuts Down Ambitious Fan Effort To Make A Virtual Starship Enterprise

Before there was Star Trek: Bridge Crew, Ubisoft’s game about piloting the original Enterprise, there was Star Trek Stage-9, a fan project recreating the Enterprise-D from The Next Generation in Unreal Engine. This week the project is no more, following a cease and desist demand by CBS. One of the leads on the project, who Read more about CBS Shuts Down Ambitious Fan Effort To Make A Virtual Starship Enterprise[…]

You know all those movies you bought from Apple? Um, well, think different: You didn’t. Didn’t you learn that from Amazon in 2009?

Remember when you decided to buy, rather than rent, that movie online? We have some bad news for you – you didn’t. Biologist Anders Gonçalves da Silva was surprised this week to find three movies he had purchased through iTunes simply disappeared one day from his library. So he contacted Apple to find out what Read more about You know all those movies you bought from Apple? Um, well, think different: You didn’t. Didn’t you learn that from Amazon in 2009?[…]

Online photos can’t simply be re-published, EU court rules

Internet users must ask for a photographer’s permission before publishing their images, even if the photos were already freely accessible elsewhere online, the European Court of Justice ruled Tuesday. “The posting on a website of a photograph that was freely accessible on another website with the consent of the author requires a new authorisation by that Read more about Online photos can’t simply be re-published, EU court rules[…]

Controversial copyright law rejected by EU parliament

A controversial overhaul of the EU’s copyright law that sparked a fierce debate between internet giants and content creators has been rejected. The proposed rules would have put more responsibility on websites to check for copyright infringements, and forced platforms to pay for linking to news. A slew of high-profile music stars had backed the Read more about Controversial copyright law rejected by EU parliament[…]

EU breaks internet, starts wholesale censorship for rich man copyright holders

The problems are huge, not least because the EU will implement an automated content filter, which means that memes will die, but also, if you have the money to spam the system with requests, you can basically kill any content you want with the actual content holder only having a marginal chance of navigating EU Read more about EU breaks internet, starts wholesale censorship for rich man copyright holders[…]

EU Copyright law could put end to net memes

Memes, remixes and other user-generated content could disappear online if the EU’s proposed rules on copyright become law, warn experts. Digital rights groups are campaigning against the Copyright Directive, which the European Parliament will vote on later this month. The legislation aims to protect rights-holders in the internet age. But critics say it misunderstands the Read more about EU Copyright law could put end to net memes[…]

You can now use your Netflix subscription anywhere in the EU

‘This content is not available in your country’ – a damn annoying message, especially when you’re paying for it. But a new EU regulation means you can now access Netflix, Amazon Prime and other services from any country in Europe, marking an end to boring evenings in hotels watching BBC World News. The European Commission’s Read more about You can now use your Netflix subscription anywhere in the EU[…]

Uzi Nissan Spent 8 Years Fighting The Car Company With His Name. He Nearly Lost Everything To Win. The legal system doesn’t work very well if you have no money.

Nissan the car company never really cared who Uzi Nissan was. Then it decided he had something it wanted very much—the website, which he created for his small retail computer business in 1994—and it sued him for $10 million. When the two Nissans went to war, Uzi Nissan prevailed in the end, but lost Read more about Uzi Nissan Spent 8 Years Fighting The Car Company With His Name. He Nearly Lost Everything To Win. The legal system doesn’t work very well if you have no money.[…]

Danish man convicted of promoting illegal film service

A Danish man has become the first European to be convicted of taking part in the promotion of an illegal online film site.The 39-year-old man was handed a six-month suspended sentence by an Odense court for promoting the illegal online film streaming service Popcorn Time via his website […] More specifically, the man was Read more about Danish man convicted of promoting illegal film service[…]

The Man from Earth Sequel ‘Pirated’ on The Pirate Bay – By Its Creators

More than a decade ago, Hollywood was struggling to get to grips with the file-sharing phenomenon. Sharing via BitTorrent was painted as a disease that could kill the movie industry, if it was allowed to take hold. Tough action was the only way to defeat it, the suits concluded. In 2007, however, a most unusual Read more about The Man from Earth Sequel ‘Pirated’ on The Pirate Bay – By Its Creators[…]

Man’s YouTube Video of White Noise Hit With Five Copyright Claims

On Thursday, Tomczak tweeted a screenshot of the complaints that have been lodged against his video, “10 Hours of Low Level White Noise.” The clip is exactly what its title advertises, and the absurdity of someone claiming ownership of a bunch of frequencies with equal intensity playing simultaneously—that’s all white noise is—clearly illustrates just how Read more about Man’s YouTube Video of White Noise Hit With Five Copyright Claims[…]

Gamers Want DMCA Exemption for ‘Abandoned’ Online Games

Several organizations and gaming fans are asking the Copyright Office to make a DMCA circumvention exemption for abandoned online games, to preserve them for future generations. The exemption would allow museums and libraries to offer copies of abandoned online servers, so these games won’t turn to dust. The U.S. Copyright Office is considering whether or Read more about Gamers Want DMCA Exemption for ‘Abandoned’ Online Games[…]