What does that free vs ad supported Facebook / Instagram warning mean, why is it there?

In the EU, Meta has given you a warning saying that you need to choose for an expensive ad free version or continue using targetted adverts. Strangely, considering Meta makes it’s profits by selling your information, you don’t get the option to be paid a cut of the profits they gain by selling your information. Read more about What does that free vs ad supported Facebook / Instagram warning mean, why is it there?[…]

9th Circuit Advances Lawsuit Over Fortnite ‘Emotes;’ Says Dance Moves Are As Protected As Songs

[…] Many courts have already dealt with these lawsuits-come-lately filed by opportunistic people who failed to capitalize on their own pop culture cache but thought it was worth throwing a few hundred dollars in filing fees towards a federal court in hopes that the eventual payoff would be millions. Most of these efforts have failed. Read more about 9th Circuit Advances Lawsuit Over Fortnite ‘Emotes;’ Says Dance Moves Are As Protected As Songs[…]

Korean Financial Regulator Chief: About 100 Stocks Targeted in Naked Short Selling, Indicating Pervasive Illegality

In response to criticism suggesting that the ban on short selling implemented on Nov. 6 is a “political decision” aimed at next year’s general election, Lee Bok-hyun, the head of the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS), directly refuted the claims, stating, “About 100 stocks were identified as targets for naked short selling.” He said that it Read more about Korean Financial Regulator Chief: About 100 Stocks Targeted in Naked Short Selling, Indicating Pervasive Illegality[…]

Data broker’s staggering sale of sensitive info exposed in unsealed FTC filing

[…] The FTC has accused Kochava of violating the FTC Act by amassing and disclosing “a staggering amount of sensitive and identifying information about consumers,” alleging that Kochava’s database includes products seemingly capable of identifying nearly every person in the United States. According to the FTC, Kochava’s customers, ostensibly advertisers, can access this data to Read more about Data broker’s staggering sale of sensitive info exposed in unsealed FTC filing[…]

US Court rules automakers can record and save owner text messages and call logs

A federal judge on Tuesday refused to bring back a class action lawsuit alleging four auto manufacturers had violated Washington state’s privacy laws by using vehicles’ on-board infotainment systems to record and intercept customers’ private text messages and mobile phone call logs. The Seattle-based appellate judge ruled that the practice does not meet the threshold Read more about US Court rules automakers can record and save owner text messages and call logs[…]

WhatsApp will let you hide your IP address from whoever you call

A new feature in WhatsApp will let you hide your IP address from whoever you call using the app. Knowing someone’s IP address can reveal a lot of personal information such as their location and internet service provider, so having the option to hide it is a major privacy win. “This new feature provides an Read more about WhatsApp will let you hide your IP address from whoever you call[…]

Capcom: PC Game Mods Are Essentially Just Cheats By A Different Name – uhm… what’s wrong with cheats (if it’s offline)?

It truly is amazing that the video game industry is so heavily divided on the topic of user-made game mods. I truly don’t understand it. My take has always been very simple: mods are good for gamers and even better for game makers. Why? Simple, mods serve to extend the useful life of video games Read more about Capcom: PC Game Mods Are Essentially Just Cheats By A Different Name – uhm… what’s wrong with cheats (if it’s offline)?[…]

EU Tries To Slip In New Powers To Intercept Encrypted Web Traffic Without Anyone Noticing

The EU is currently updating eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services), an EU regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European Single Market. […] Back in March 2022, a group of experts sent an open letter to MEPs [pdf] […] It warned: The Digital Identity framework includes provisions that Read more about EU Tries To Slip In New Powers To Intercept Encrypted Web Traffic Without Anyone Noticing[…]

EU Commission’s nameless experts behind its “spy on all EU citizens” *cough* “child sexual abuse” law

The EU Ombudsman has found a case of maladministration in the European Commission’s refusal to provide the list of experts, which it first denied existing, with whom they worked together in drafting the regulation to detect and remove online child sexual abuse material. Last December, the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) filed complaints to Read more about EU Commission’s nameless experts behind its “spy on all EU citizens” *cough* “child sexual abuse” law[…]

Researchers posed as foreign actors, and data brokers sold them information on military servicemembers anyway – for pennies

[…] Researchers at Duke University released a study on Monday tracking what measures data brokers have in place to prevent unidentified or potentially malign actors from buying personal data on members of the military. As it turns out, the answer is often few to none — even when the purchaser is actively posing as a Read more about Researchers posed as foreign actors, and data brokers sold them information on military servicemembers anyway – for pennies[…]

YouTube cares less for your privacy than its revenues

YouTube wants its pound of flesh. Disable your ad blocker or pay for Premium, warns a new message being shown to an unsuspecting test audience, with the barely hidden subtext of “you freeloading scum.” Trouble is, its ad blocker detecting mechanism doesn’t exactly comply with EU law, say privacy activists. Ask for user permission or Read more about YouTube cares less for your privacy than its revenues[…]

EU Parliament Fails To Understand That The Right To Read Is The Right To Train. Understands the copyright lobby has money though.

Walled Culture recently wrote about an unrealistic French legislative proposal that would require the listing of all the authors of material used for training generative AI systems. Unfortunately, the European Parliament has inserted a similarly impossible idea in its text for the upcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. The DisCo blog explains that MEPs added new copyright requirements to the Commission’s Read more about EU Parliament Fails To Understand That The Right To Read Is The Right To Train. Understands the copyright lobby has money though.[…]

EU Trys to Implement Client-Side Scanning, death to encryption By Personalised Targeting of EU Residents With Misleading Ads

The EU Commission has been pushing client-side scanning for well over a year. This new intrusion into private communications has been pitched as perhaps the only way to prevent the sharing of child sexual abuse material (CSAM). Mandates proposed by the EU government would have forced communication services to engage in client-side scanning of content. Read more about EU Trys to Implement Client-Side Scanning, death to encryption By Personalised Targeting of EU Residents With Misleading Ads[…]

YouTube is cracking down on ad blockers globally. Time to go to the next video site. Vimeo, are you listening?

YouTube is no longer preventing just a small subset of its userbase from accessing its videos if they have an ad blocker. The platform has gone all out in its fight against the use of add-ons, extensions and programs that prevent it from serving ads to viewers around the world, it confirmed to Engadget. “The Read more about YouTube is cracking down on ad blockers globally. Time to go to the next video site. Vimeo, are you listening?[…]

Researchers devise method using mirrors to monitor nuclear stockpiles offsite

Researchers say they have developed a method to remotely track the movement of objects in a room using mirrors and radio waves, in the hope it could one day help monitor nuclear weapons stockpiles. According to the non-profit org International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, nine countries, including Russia, the United States, China, France, the Read more about Researchers devise method using mirrors to monitor nuclear stockpiles offsite[…]

Drugmakers Are Set To Pay 23andMe Millions To Access Your DNA – which is also your families DNA

GSK will pay 23andMe $20 million for access to the genetic-testing company’s vast trove of consumer DNA data, extending a five-year collaboration that’s allowed the drugmaker to mine genetic data as it researches new medications. Under the new agreement, 23andMe will provide GSK with one year of access to anonymized DNA data from the approximately Read more about Drugmakers Are Set To Pay 23andMe Millions To Access Your DNA – which is also your families DNA[…]

Privacy advocate challenges YouTube’s ad blocking detection (which isn’t spyware)

Last week, privacy advocate (and very occasional Reg columnist) Alexander Hanff filed a complaint with the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) decrying YouTube’s deployment of JavaScript code to detect the use of ad blocking extensions by website visitors. On October 16, according to the Internet Archives’ Wayback Machine, Google published a support page declaring that Read more about Privacy advocate challenges YouTube’s ad blocking detection (which isn’t spyware)[…]

Apple’s MAC Address Privacy Feature Has Never Worked

Ever since Apple re-branded as the “Privacy” company several years back, it’s been rolling out features designed to show its commitment to protecting users. Yet while customers might feel safer using an iPhone, there’s already plenty of evidence that Apple’s branding efforts don’t always match the reality of its products. In fact, a lot of Read more about Apple’s MAC Address Privacy Feature Has Never Worked[…]

Air Canada Sues Website That Helps People Book More Flights simultaneously Calls own website team incompetent beyond belief

I am so frequently confused by companies that sue other companies for making their own sites and services more useful. It happens quite often. And quite often, the lawsuits are questionable CFAA claims against websites that scrape data to provide a better consumer experience, but one that still ultimately benefits the originating site. Over the Read more about Air Canada Sues Website That Helps People Book More Flights simultaneously Calls own website team incompetent beyond belief[…]

New French AI Copyright Law Would Effectively Tax AI Companies, Enrich French taxman

This blog has written a number of times about the reaction of creators to generative AI. Legal academic and copyright expert Andres Guadamuz has spotted what may be the first attempt to draw up a new law to regulate generative AI. It comes from French politicians, who have developed something of a habit of bringing in new laws attempting Read more about New French AI Copyright Law Would Effectively Tax AI Companies, Enrich French taxman[…]

Empowering Responsible and Compliant Practices: Bridging the Gap for US Citizens and Corporations with the New EU-US Data Privacy Framework

The Data Privacy Framework (DPF) presents new legal guidance to facilitate personal data sharing between US companies and their counterparts in the EU and the UK. This framework empowers individuals with greater control over their personal data and streamlines business operations by creating common rules around interoperable dataflows. Moreover, the DPF will help enable clear Read more about Empowering Responsible and Compliant Practices: Bridging the Gap for US Citizens and Corporations with the New EU-US Data Privacy Framework[…]

Clearview Gets $10 Million UK Fine Reversed, Now Owes Slightly Less To Governments Around The World

Here’s how things went for the world’s most infamous purveyor of facial recognition tech when it came to its dealings with the United Kingdom. In a word: not great. In addition to supplying its scraped data to known human rights abusers, Clearview was found to have supplied access to a multitude of UK and US Read more about Clearview Gets $10 Million UK Fine Reversed, Now Owes Slightly Less To Governments Around The World[…]

Google Decides To Pull Up The Ladder On The Open Internet, Pushes For Unconstitutional Regulatory Proposals

It’s pretty much the way of the world: beyond the basic enshittification story that has been so well told over the past year or so about how companies get worse and worse as they get more and more powerful, there’s also the well known concept of successful innovative companies “pulling up the ladder” behind them, Read more about Google Decides To Pull Up The Ladder On The Open Internet, Pushes For Unconstitutional Regulatory Proposals[…]

Universal Music sues AI start-up Anthropic for scraping song lyrics – will they come after you for having read the lyrics or memorised the song next?

Universal Music has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against artificial intelligence start-up Anthropic, as the world’s largest music group battles against chatbots that churn out its artists’ lyrics. Universal and two other music companies allege that Anthropic scrapes their songs without permission and uses them to generate “identical or nearly identical copies of those lyrics” Read more about Universal Music sues AI start-up Anthropic for scraping song lyrics – will they come after you for having read the lyrics or memorised the song next?[…]

Equifax poked with paltry $13.4 million following 147m customer data breach in 2017

Credit bureau company, Equifax, has been fined US$13.4 million by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), a UK financial watchdog, following its involvement in “one of the largest” data breaches ever. This cyber security incident took place in 2017 and saw Equifax’s US-based parent company, Equifax Inc., suffer a data breach that saw the personal data Read more about Equifax poked with paltry $13.4 million following 147m customer data breach in 2017[…]