German court: LAION’s generative AI training dataset is legal thanks to EU copyright exceptions

The copyright world is currently trying to assert its control over the new world of generative AI through a number of lawsuits, several of which have been discussed previously on Walled Culture. We now have our first decision in this area, from the regional court in Hamburg. Andres Guadamuz has provided an excellent detailed analysis Read more about German court: LAION’s generative AI training dataset is legal thanks to EU copyright exceptions[…]

Penguin Random House is adding an AI warning to its books’ copyright pages fwiw

Penguin Random House, the trade publisher, is adding language to the copyright pages of its books to prohibit the use of those books to train AI. The Bookseller reports that new books and reprints of older titles from the publisher will now include the statement, “No part of this book may be used or reproduced Read more about Penguin Random House is adding an AI warning to its books’ copyright pages fwiw[…]

If You Ever Rented From Redbox, Your Private Info Is Up for Grabs

If you’ve ever opted to rent a movie through a Redbox kiosk, your private info is out there waiting for any tinkerer to get their hands on it. One programmer who reverse-engineered a kiosk’s hard drive proved the Redbox machines can cough up transaction histories featuring customers’ names, emails, and rentals going back nearly a Read more about If You Ever Rented From Redbox, Your Private Info Is Up for Grabs[…]

OpenAI’s GPT Store Has Left Some Developers in the Lurch

[…] when OpenAI CEO Sam Altman spoke at the dev day, he touched on potential earning opportunities for developers. “Revenue sharing is important to us,” Altman said.” We’re going to pay people who build the most useful and the most-used GPTs a portion of our revenue.” […] Books GPT, which churns out personalized book recommendations Read more about OpenAI’s GPT Store Has Left Some Developers in the Lurch[…]

Face matching now available on GSA’s, however it still doesn’t work in minimum 10% of the time

The US government’s General Services Administration’s (GSA) facial matching login service is now generally available to the public and other federal agencies, despite its own recent report admitting the tech is far from perfect. The GSA announced general availability of remote identity verification (RiDV) technology through, and the service’s availability to other federal government Read more about Face matching now available on GSA’s, however it still doesn’t work in minimum 10% of the time[…]

Italy is losing its mind because of copyright: it just made its awful Piracy Shield even worse

Walled Culture has been writing about Italy’s Piracy Shield system for a year now. It was clear from early on that its approach of blocking Internet addresses (IP addresses) to fight alleged copyright infringement – particularly the streaming of football matches – was flawed, and risked turning into another fiasco like France’s failed Hadopi law. Read more about Italy is losing its mind because of copyright: it just made its awful Piracy Shield even worse[…]

23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all that genetic DNA data?

[…] The one-and-done nature of Wiles’ experience is indicative of a core business problem with the once high-flying biotech company that is now teetering on the brink of collapse. Wiles and many of 23andMe’s 15 million other customers never returned. They paid once for a saliva kit, then moved on. Shares of 23andMe are now Read more about 23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all that genetic DNA data?[…]

License Plate Readers Are Creating a US-Wide Database of Cars – and political affiliation, planned parenthood and more

At 8:22 am on December 4 last year, a car traveling down a small residential road in Alabama used its license-plate-reading cameras to take photos of vehicles it passed. One image, which does not contain a vehicle or a license plate, shows a bright red “Trump” campaign sign placed in front of someone’s garage. In Read more about License Plate Readers Are Creating a US-Wide Database of Cars – and political affiliation, planned parenthood and more[…]

Insecure Robot Vacuums From Chinese Company Deebot Collect Photos and Audio to Train Their AI

Ecovacs robot vacuums, which have been found to suffer from critical cybersecurity flaws, are collecting photos, videos and voice recordings — taken inside customers’ houses — to train the company’s AI models. The Chinese home robotics company, which sells a range of popular Deebot models in Australia, said its users are “willingly participating” in a Read more about Insecure Robot Vacuums From Chinese Company Deebot Collect Photos and Audio to Train Their AI[…]

Dutch oppose Hungary’s approach to EU child sexual abuse regulation – or total surveillance of every smart device

The Netherlands’ government and opposition are both against the latest version of the controversial EU regulation aimed at detecting online child sexual abuse material (CSAM), according to an official position and an open letter published on Tuesday (1 October). The regulation, aimed at detecting online CSAM, has been criticised for potentially allowing the scanning of private messages Read more about Dutch oppose Hungary’s approach to EU child sexual abuse regulation – or total surveillance of every smart device[…]

Mazda’s $10 Subscription For Remote Start Sparks Backlash After Killing Open Source Option

Mazda recently surprised customers by requiring them to sign up for a subscription in order to keep certain services. Now, notable right-to-repair advocate Louis Rossmann is calling out the brand. He points to several moves by Mazda as reasons for his anger toward them. However, it turns out that customers might still have a workaround. Read more about Mazda’s $10 Subscription For Remote Start Sparks Backlash After Killing Open Source Option[…]

LG Wants to Show You Ads Even When You’re Not Watching TV

The outlet reveals (via Android Authority) that the ads start playing before the screensaver hits the screen and are usually sponsored messages from LG or its partners. The review highlighted one specific ad for the LG Channels app: LG’s free live TV service with ads. FlatpanelsHD adds that according to LG’s ad division, users will Read more about LG Wants to Show You Ads Even When You’re Not Watching TV[…]

ford cars with human ears on their doors driving on a highway

Ford wants to listen in on you in your car to serve you ads as much as possible

Someday soon, if Ford has its way, drivers and passengers may be bombarded with infotainment ads tailored to their personal and vehicle data. This sure-to-please-everyone idea comes via a patent application [PDF] filed by Ford Global Technologies late last month that proposes displaying ads to drivers based on their destination, route, who’s in the car, Read more about Ford wants to listen in on you in your car to serve you ads as much as possible[…]

Resistance to Hungarian presidency’s new push for child sexual abuse prevention regulation – because it’s a draconian spying law asking for 100% coverage of digital comms

Resistance to the Hungarian presidency’s approach to the EU’s draft law to combat online child sexual abuse material (CSAM) was still palpable during a member states’ meeting on Wednesday (4 September). The Hungarian presidency of the Council of the EU aims to secure consensus on the proposed law to combat online child sexual abuse material Read more about Resistance to Hungarian presidency’s new push for child sexual abuse prevention regulation – because it’s a draconian spying law asking for 100% coverage of digital comms[…]

Second Circuit Says Libraries Disincentivize Authors To Write Books By Lending Them For Free

What would you think if an author told you they would have written a book, but they wouldn’t bother because it would be available to be borrowed for free from a library? You’d probably think they were delusional. Yet that argument has now carried the day in putting a knife into the back of the Read more about Second Circuit Says Libraries Disincentivize Authors To Write Books By Lending Them For Free[…]

Internet Archive loses appeal – 4 greedy publishers shut down major library in insane luddite US law system

The Internet Archive’s appeal could spell further trouble for the non-profit, as it is in the middle of a another copyright lawsuit with music publishers that could cost more than $400m if it loses. The Internet Archive has been dealt a serious blow in court, as it lost an appeal case to share scanned books Read more about Internet Archive loses appeal – 4 greedy publishers shut down major library in insane luddite US law system[…]

Dutch DPA fines Clearview €30.5 million for violating the GDPR

Clearview AI is back in hot — and expensive — water, with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) fining the company €30.5 million ($33.6 million) for violating the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The release explains that Clearview created “an illegal database with billions of photos of faces,” including Dutch individuals, and has failed to Read more about Dutch DPA fines Clearview €30.5 million for violating the GDPR[…]

Proposal to spy on all chat messages back on European political agenda

Europe is going to talk again about the possibility of checking all chat messages of citizens for child abuse. On September 4, a (secret) consultation will take place, says Patrick Breyer , former MEP for the Pirate Party. A few years ago, the European Commission came up with the plan to monitor all chat messages Read more about Proposal to spy on all chat messages back on European political agenda[…]

Mozilla removes telemetry service Adjust from mobile Firefox versions – it was spying on you secretly it turns out

Mozilla will soon remove its telemetry service Adjust from the Android and iOS versions of browsers Firefox and Firefox Focus. It appeared that the developer was collecting data on the effectiveness of Firefox ad campaigns without disclosing that. Mozilla, the developers of Firefox, until recently used the telemetry service Adjust to collect data from its Read more about Mozilla removes telemetry service Adjust from mobile Firefox versions – it was spying on you secretly it turns out[…]

Australian Regulators Decide To Write A Strongly Worded Letter About Clearview’s Privacy Law Violations, leave it at that

Clearview’s status as an international pariah really hasn’t changed much over the past few years. It may be generating fewer headlines, but nothing’s really changed about the way it does business. Clearview has spent years scraping the web, compiling as much personal info as possible to couple with the billions of photos it has collected. Read more about Australian Regulators Decide To Write A Strongly Worded Letter About Clearview’s Privacy Law Violations, leave it at that[…]

Dutch officials fine Uber €290M for GDPR violations

Privacy authorities in the Netherlands have imposed a €290 million ($324 million) fine on ride-share giant Uber for sending driver data to servers in the United States – “a serious violation” of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). According to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA), Uber spent years sending sensitive driver information from Read more about Dutch officials fine Uber €290M for GDPR violations[…]

Texas AG Latest To Sue GM For Covertly Selling Driver Data To Insurance Companies

Last year Mozilla released a report showcasing how the auto industry has some of the worst privacy practices of any tech industry in America (no small feat). Massive amounts of driver behavior is collected by your car, and even more is hoovered up from your smartphone every time you connect. This data isn’t secured, often isn’t encrypted, Read more about Texas AG Latest To Sue GM For Covertly Selling Driver Data To Insurance Companies[…]

UK Once Again Denies A Passport Over Applicant’s Name Due To Intellectual Property Concerns – again

I can’t believe this, but it happened again. Almost exactly a decade ago, Tim Cushing wrote about a bonkers story out of the UK in which a passport applicant who’s middle name was “Skywalker” was denied the passport due to purported trademark or copyright concerns. The question that ought to immediately leap to mind should Read more about UK Once Again Denies A Passport Over Applicant’s Name Due To Intellectual Property Concerns – again[…]

New U.N. Cybercrime Treaty Could Threaten Human Rights

The United Nations approved its first international cybercrime treaty yesterday. The effort succeeded despite opposition from tech companies and human rights groups, who warn that the agreement will permit countries to expand invasive electronic surveillance in the name of criminal investigations. Experts from these organizations say that the treaty undermines the global human rights of Read more about New U.N. Cybercrime Treaty Could Threaten Human Rights[…]

Suno & Udio To RIAA: Your Music Is Copyrighted, You Can’t Copyright Styles

AI music generators Suno and Udio responded to the lawsuits filed by the major recording labels, arguing that their platforms are tools for making new, original music that “didn’t and often couldn’t previously exist.” “Those genres and styles — the recognizable sounds of opera, or jazz, or rap music — are not something that anyone Read more about Suno & Udio To RIAA: Your Music Is Copyrighted, You Can’t Copyright Styles[…]