Homeopathy not effective for any medical condition

After a years-long review of hundreds of studies, Australia’s top medical research agency has concluded that homeopathy is essentially useless for treating any medical condition. Researchers with the National Health and Medical Research Council conducted a review of published studies on homeopathy and report that they could not find any good quality evidence to support Read more about Homeopathy not effective for any medical condition[…]

This Map Shows Where the Happiest and Unhappiest People Live in the US

All other things being equal, the south, parts of the west, and upper midwest are the happiest places in the United States according to a recent study. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of British Columbia took data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which asked 300,000 individuals to report on their Read more about This Map Shows Where the Happiest and Unhappiest People Live in the US[…]

People Can Be Convinced They Committed a Crime That Never Happened

Evidence from some wrongful-conviction cases suggests that suspects can be questioned in ways that lead them to falsely believe in and confess to committing crimes they didn’t actually commit. New research provides lab-based evidence for this phenomenon, showing that innocent adult participants can be convinced, over the course of a few hours, that they had Read more about People Can Be Convinced They Committed a Crime That Never Happened[…]

Besides Lifestyle and Inherited Genes, Cancer Risk Also 66% Tied to Bad Luck

The researchers, from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, analyzed published scientific papers to identify the number of stem cells, and the rate of stem-cell division, among 31 tissue types, though not for breast and prostate tissue, which they excluded from the analysis. Then they compared the total number of lifetime stem-cell Read more about Besides Lifestyle and Inherited Genes, Cancer Risk Also 66% Tied to Bad Luck[…]

Antidepressants rapidly alter brain architecture

A single dose of a popular class of psychiatric drug used to treat depression can alter the brain’s architecture within hours, even though most patients usually don’t report improvement for weeks, a new study suggests. More than 1 in 10 adults in the U.S. use these drugs, which adjust the availability of a chemical transmitter Read more about Antidepressants rapidly alter brain architecture[…]

ads showing sexy women make male consumers less charitable

What happens when you use images of sexy women to attract men’s attention? According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, male consumers who are shown images of sexy women feel less connected to other people and are less likely to purchase products advertised as benefiting others or make charitable contributions. via Read more about ads showing sexy women make male consumers less charitable[…]

Predicting Successful Memes using Network and Community Structure [on Twitter]

Lilian Weng, Filippo Menczer, Yong-Yeol Ahn from Cornell University have created a model that can take a small amount of tweets and tell 2 months in advance whether the tweets will go viral and become a meme or not. This is a network based model, that takes into account: connectivity: number of early adopters, size Read more about Predicting Successful Memes using Network and Community Structure [on Twitter][…]

Shifting employee bonuses from self to others increases satisfaction and productivity at work

Providing employees with a bonus to spend on charities or co-workers may increase job satisfaction and team sales, according to results published September 18 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Lalin Anik from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University and colleagues from other institutions.Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-09-shifting-employee-bonuses-satisfaction-productivity.html#jCp http://phys.org/news/2013-09-shifting-employee-bonuses-satisfaction-productivity.html

The effect of subliminal priming on sleep duration

Two experiments primed college students with either sleep-related or neutral words and then assessed sleep during a 25 minute nap period. Both experiments showed that participants primed with sleep-related words reported having slept longer than did those primed with neutral words. Furthermore, both experiments showed that sleep-primed participants exhibited lower heart rate. Experiment 2 also Read more about The effect of subliminal priming on sleep duration[…]

Corked Wine Plugs Up Your Nose

Ever send a bottle of wine back at a restaurant? If you weren’t just being a pretentious snob, then it was probably because the wine seemed “corked”—had a musty odor and didn’t taste quite right. Most likely, the wine was contaminated with a molecule called 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA), the main cause of cork taint. But a Read more about Corked Wine Plugs Up Your Nose[…]

Scientific evidence of what works in education often ignored

According to Gina Kolata in the New York Times, The Institute of Education Sciences in the Department of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, has supported 175 randomized controlled studies, like the studies used in medicine, to find out what works and doesn’t work, which are reported in the What Works Clearinghouse. Surprisingly, the choice of Read more about Scientific evidence of what works in education often ignored[…]