The One Best Way to run
This running technique has helped people become the fastest runners in the world and gets rid of injuries. It’s based on landing on the balls of your feet, not heels. The Once and Future Way to Run –
This running technique has helped people become the fastest runners in the world and gets rid of injuries. It’s based on landing on the balls of your feet, not heels. The Once and Future Way to Run –
The genetics of happiness: Transporter of delight | The Economist.
The quest to build the perfect lie detector – Neuroscience –
An interesting article who’s main premise is that feminists thought being a man was better because they were all over the place in top jobs, but forgot that men were also all over the bottom of society (in jail, being junkies, etc). Now there’s a load of anti-man / men are worse than women literature Read more about Is There Anything Good About Men[…]
Het Hof geeft preciseringen over de aansprakelijkheid van ondernemingen die op internet een elektronische marktplaats beheren voor de door hun gebruikers gepleegde merkinbreuken De nationale rechter moet deze ondernemingen kunnen gelasten om niet alleen maatregelen te nemen om de inbreuken op de intellectuele-eigendomsrechten te doen eindigen, maar ook om nieuwe inbreuken van die aard te Read more about EU court determines that intermediary is responsible for authenticity of goods sold on site[…]
Open-Xchange | Blog.
Portugal drug law show results ten years on, experts say – Yahoo! News.
Here we aimed to demonstrate that swinging can modulate physiological parameters of human sleep. To this end, we chose to study sleep during an afternoon nap using polysomnography and EEG spectral analyses. We show that lying on a slowly rocking bed 0.25 Hz facilitates the transition from waking to sleep, and increases the duration of Read more about Napping in a hammock – faster and better[…]
Well… 70% of his upper thigh. Still impressive though. US soldier Isaias Hernandez ‘re-grows leg’ after pig bladder hormone injection | Mail Online.
Humans react in a seemingly irrational manner during emergency evacuations; sometimes, people even get trampled in the process. But what if architects and developers could predict how large crowds might move through their buildings in the event of an emergency–and then tweak the designs to ensure that everything runs smoothly?That’s the premise of MassMotion, a Read more about Mass Motion – 3d human crowd simulator[…]
The manufacturer, based in Coalbrookdale, Shropshire, has now made a cooker which looks exactly like a traditional Aga, in cast iron, but which can be fired up with a flick of a switch. Rather than the usual six hour delay before the machine is ready to cook, the new Aga Total Control, will be ready Read more about New generation Aga: turns on in 8 minutes, by iPhone[…]
It turns out that getting people to fill in a survey, the best way is to talk at a moderate pace and pause occasionally. Pitch doesn’t really factor in, unless you’re a male and talk with a naturally high pitch, which doesn’t work for you. Persuasive speech: The way we, um, talk sways our listeners.
Gratuitous Randomness: You’re a Liar – Denver Art – Show and Tell.
Gym machines are boring, CrossFit is sadistic, and dieting sucks. Luckily, none of them is essential to being truly fit. Through years of trial and error — and humiliation at the hands of some of the world’s top trainers — the author discovered the secrets to real health. The article starts to get useful at Read more about Everything You Know About Fitness is a Lie[…]
We knew that the act of smiling makes you feel better. It turns out that analysing yearbook photo’s or baseball cards shows that people with the wider smile live longer, do better, have a happier life! The Untapped Power Of Smiling – Eric Savitz – The Tech Trade – Forbes.
UNEP head Achim Steiner said: “The way humanity manages or mismanages its nature-based assets, including pollinators, will in part define our collective future in the 21st century. The fact is that of the 100 crop species that provide 90 per cent of the world’s food, over 70 are pollinated by bees. via World’s bees face Read more about World’s bees still face multiple threats[…]
Unilyzer – Social Media Dashboard Share25Social Media ManagementWant to understand the return on your investment ROI from social media? Need to show your clients, investors, or manager results? Now you can with the Unilyzer Social Media Dashboard. Simply add your social accounts and let Unilyzer do the tracking and reporting. Social Media Metrics Facebook Fan Read more about Social Media Dashboard | Unilyzer[…]
This is the extraordinary story of how someone with an average memory became the fastest American to memorise a deck of cards. Secrets of a Mind-Gamer –
Whilst she was visiting the family in Pakistan. It took her 3 years to get off the list, when the man put in for a promotion and they discovered he was married to a terrorist during the routine background check. Immigration Officer Puts Wife on the No-Fly List – Lowering the Bar.
The commission on human rights gently reminds governments that in order for people to be able to be part of a democracy they have a right to know what their governments are up to and there are only very strict exceptions to this. UN defends human right to WikiLeaked info • The Register.
People use status updates to share what’s on their minds, to tell others what they’re doing, and to gather feedback from friends. The different ways people use status updates form some interesting patterns. In this study, we looked at the usage of words in different “word categories” in status updates. This led us to discover Read more about Facebook status updates analysed[…]
Worms that were genetically modified by McGill University researchers not only survived exposure to a banned poison, they lived even longer than normal worms, challenging scientists’ understanding of the aging process. Dr. Siegfried Hekimi and his student Dr. Wen Yang, who are in the Montreal university’s biology department, planned to test the so-called “free radical Read more about theory of free radical ageing debunked some more[…]
It’s a chair, which is also a gym. Loads of excercises! Only $599,-
WakeMate is a wristband system you charge with USB which uses BlueTooth to connect with your iphone, android, blackberry. When you go to sleep, it monitors your sleep using actigraphy in order to wake you up during the REM portion of your sleep, or as close as possible to it, within the 20 minute band Read more about WakeMate[…]