Dutch courts respect computer privacy

To my surprise, Dutch higher courts dispute the right of music companies (in NL BREIN is the equivalent of RIAA) to obtain IP addresses from your ISP, hack your computer, scan your harddrive and then link it to an individual. BREIN comes out stinky in the court’s verdict as breaching privacy laws. Hurray for freedom!

Airlines for smokers – Smintair

Finally someone has decided to fly those fuckers who banned us from smoking in the face: Smintair (Smoking International Airways) is planning to open a route between Dusseldorf and Tokyo, for smokers only! Apparently they will have an above average air cleansing system and extra comforts. They hope to make the first flight on March Read more about Airlines for smokers – Smintair[…]

World Mapper

An interesting way of viewing the globe using maps where countries get larger as they have more of a property and smaller as they have less. This site has quite a few properties they’ve mapped the world to.

Send an e-card

Let ’em know you care.. http://gbehh.com/cards/index_cards.html So, they’re not your usual trite. inane, sappy e-cards. Next time someone sends you one of those, reply with one of these. That is, if you really don’t want to hear from them again.

Pure Pwnage

Pure pwnage liek 0wnz n00bz liek totally! An excellent ‘reality TV documentary’ style series about the life of the pro gamer, 0wning n00bz on internet for free download. First rate, very funny, original and well worth watching… BOOM! HEADSHOT! I’m gonna so own you with my micro!