Interactive Urban Growth Map
The BBC has a map showing the population of urban centres globally over time. What it very specifically shows is that the Middle East and Asia are growing at an astonishing pace.
The BBC has a map showing the population of urban centres globally over time. What it very specifically shows is that the Middle East and Asia are growing at an astonishing pace.
Nice little optical illusion, showing the effect of imprinting on the cones in our eyes.
An interesting way of viewing the globe using maps where countries get larger as they have more of a property and smaller as they have less. This site has quite a few properties they’ve mapped the world to.
This guy hooked a few hundred random number generators up all over the world and they feed to a single output. When major world events occur statistical anomalies occur with the random number generation. Caused by world consciousness or something.
Flower vendors cause 50 police injured, 11 seriously and take another 11 police hostage, set up road blocks and refuse to budge. Who’d have thunk it?
A nice wikihowto on how to go about opening your mind
Instead of just moving blood around, PT-141 – a nasal inhalor – works on the brain causing arousal, for both men and women. So you don’t just walk around with a huge erection, you also actually feel like having sex too!
In a sample size of 232 users, people had their eye movements tracked and mapped over three different websites. This showed that people viewed websites in an F-shaped pattern. Interesting pictures.
Over the ages, going back a long way – very inventive some of them
If you’re an anti-tourist and just want to see… more… of the place.
The Wall Street Journal letters editor has a lovely rant on how a six year old kid could possibly be ‘sexually harassing’ another six year old girl by placing two fingers inside a girl’s waistband. It ruminates on how ridiculous the situation is becoming in America – take heed Europe, we don’t want to go Read more about The 20th century sissy[…]
The tunbridge heist which netted the robbers GBP 50m – making it the biggest heist in the past 100 years – now has a reward offered by the security company on it for GBP 2m.
First it’s peak oil, then the Shell tells us they don’t have as many reserves as they’ve been telling us, then the scientists claim that oil will NEVER run out, and now Kuwait – believed to hold 10% of the world’s oil reserves – claims that they actually… uhm… have only HALF what they thought Read more about Peak Oil just keeps happening![…]
Soothe a burn, cure a toothache, clear a stuffed nose… 18 tricks…
Let ’em know you care.. So, they’re not your usual trite. inane, sappy e-cards. Next time someone sends you one of those, reply with one of these. That is, if you really don’t want to hear from them again.
Having actually grown up with a great deal of exposure to Dr Seuss, I can appreciate the odd green eggs and ham pun here and there, but material like this, makes me want to gouge my eyes out.
Pure pwnage liek 0wnz n00bz liek totally! An excellent ‘reality TV documentary’ style series about the life of the pro gamer, 0wning n00bz on internet for free download. First rate, very funny, original and well worth watching… BOOM! HEADSHOT! I’m gonna so own you with my micro!
Global warming? Global dimming? Arms control? Corporate power? Manipulative media? This site covers it all..
THE world’s largest frozen peat bog is melting. An area stretching for a million square kilometres across the permafrost of western Siberia is turning into a mass of shallow lakes as the ground melts, according to Russian researchers just back from the region. The sudden melting of a bog the size of France and Germany Read more about Climate warning as Siberia melts[…]
Numbers and statistics mapped to the Blue Marble.
Yup – you can now download Ed Wood’s infamous classic, the worst movie ever made, in its entirety for free!
Not the crap people are throwing around these days. So what do you do? You Protest! How? Well, by getting a team of actors, newspeople, etc together and coordinating actions in front of live, rollling news of course. The cheese ninja, tigers, evangelists and more bravely disrupt the news where reporters report bullshit…
This one’s done by Rachel Stevens. You know, I think they’re on to something here. Instead of the usual PSAs where we get bombarded with statistics by pompous ugly people, they should just have hot chicks in their underwear telling us to exercise more, eat greens, recycle and generally make the world a Better Read more about Public Service Announcement[…]
Alain Robert aka ze French Spiderman. This guy makes a sport out of free climbing the worlds largest buildings. Seriously. Check out the Photo gallery
El reg has a good article on birdflu. Why haven’t my local media outlets reported on events such as [Feb 2005] report of probable person to person transmission of bird flu in Vietnam? I find that to be a little more interesting that, say, the latest creepy news from the Michael Jackson Trial. P2P transmission Read more about Birdflu[…]