Scratch repairing car paint
You can, with a Nissan! Within a week any scratch will have repaired itself – lasts three years…
You can, with a Nissan! Within a week any scratch will have repaired itself – lasts three years…
And planes and any other type of heavy machinery. By putting vibration detectors on the chassis you can tell where problems are occuring and have software tell you where things are going wrong. Neat!
Researchers at Rice University have managed to build a nanocar with suspension, axles, wheels, everything. The wheels are only one atom big. They have a nano-engine for it, but they have yet to fit the car with it.
Yup, today is the startday for the second autonomous robot vehicle race – you know, the one where last year they pumped in millions of $$$ and ended up with no vehicle going further than what was it? 15 feet or something?!!! Lets see if they do better this year 😀
A history on the Taxicab here
You want your car to have some AUTHORITY? You want them to RESPECT you? Then this is the car for you: The firearm bracket in the rear centre armrest provides space for an MP 5 and three magazines. The bracket is electromagnetically locked and is opened from the front seats using a switch. The firearm Read more about BMW 5 Series Authority Vehicles[…]
The basic principles are relatively simple to lay out: a high energy laser is used to heat and compress a small amount of deuterium, a stable isotope of hydrogen. When the deuterium gets sufficiently hot, the outer layers detonate, sending a shockwave towards the centre of the sample. From The Register
Wingwarping to the extreme – current wings use leading and trailing edge slats to change their shape in order to create more lift at different angles of attack (angles of aircraft and thus wing pitch into the airflow). This usually creates 3 seperate surfaces for control, but if you look at the way birds reshape Read more about Morphing wings[…]
MOSCOW – A Russian rocket manufacturer is proposing sending space tourists on a ride around the moon for $100 million, and a top official of the nation’s space agency said the project could be viable. from here Just slightly more expensive than going with Burt Rutan and Richard Branson on Virgin Galactic at $100m
Live webcasts from the ISS to be found here
After not having been able to finish the first time (or making it further than 5% of the course!) they’re going to give it another bash this time: The DARPA Grand Challenge! The team that develops an autonomous ground vehicle that finishes the designated route most quickly within 10 hours will receive $2 million. The Read more about DARPA Robocars take 2[…]
Well, pneumatic actually – but looks very cool and easy to install
What to do with your car? How about turn it into a massive Blaupunkt Acurabot!
Here’s a bunch of pics of it’s first flight – Go Virgin take on Boeing! This is the Airbus site for it
Wow this guy makes Pulse Jet engines in his garage, mounts them on what look like wheelchairs and zooms these things up and down!
Atmospheric Internet and Cell phones using huge geostationary zeppelins which will last around 18 months on station before needing recharging – flying whales that supply you with what you need – and at a fraction of the cost
Make you fasta, stronga mo bionic!
Yes, the Land Warrior is here – looks like a battlemech, and it walks around – very impressive. Except top speed (1.5 kmph). But it looks very very cool.
NASA giant converted 747s;act=ST;f=5;t=99