
Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd (SPR Ltd) a small UK based company, has demonstrated a remarkable new space propulsion technology. The company has sucessfully tested both an experimental thruster and a demonstrator engine which use patented microwave technology to convert electrical energy directly into thrust. No propellant is used in the conversion process. Thrust is produced Read more about Emdrive[…]

Stunning Ferrari Monza concept is ready for takeoff

While most crazy fast concept cars use aerodynamics to keep the wheels firmly planted on the ground, designer Iman Maghsoudi has taken the opposite tack with his wild Ferrari Monza concept. Once you reach a predetermined speed, an onboard computer changes the car’s aerodynamic profile, using winglets called canards ahead of the front wheels to Read more about Stunning Ferrari Monza concept is ready for takeoff[…]

Europe launches its first re-supply ship to the ISS

ESA PR 15-2008. Jules Verne, the first of the European Space Agency%u2019s Automated Transfer Vehicles (ATV), a new series of autonomous spaceships designed to re-supply and re-boost the International Space Station (ISS), was successfully launched into low Earth orbit by an Ariane 5 vehicle this morning. It’s around 3 times as large as the US Read more about Europe launches its first re-supply ship to the ISS[…]