E.C.Snaith and Son Ltd – Supplier Of Military Medals, Ribbons, Badges, Buttons & Insignia
E.C.Snaith and Son Ltd – Supplier Of Military Medals, Ribbons, Badges, Buttons & Insignia.
E.C.Snaith and Son Ltd – Supplier Of Military Medals, Ribbons, Badges, Buttons & Insignia.
The only way for Europe to project the military might it needs to be able to protect its vast economic interests is by unifying the military and foreign policies of its member states. Only this will allow the economies of scale necessary to create an effective, non duplicated, expeditionary tool for politicians to use when Read more about NL pushes for closer European defence[…]
Specifically the qra (quick reactiin alert) and renegade tasks http://www.defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws/2013/10/23/46208943/Nederland_en_Belgie_gaan_samen_luchtruim_bewaken Not only does this make economic sense, but also taking a wider view at European military cooperation, this is hopefully a first step towards many more far reaching integrated forces within the EU. Doing so will ease economic defense spending burdens, but also create a Read more about Netherlands and Belgium to share aerial protection[…]
All the documentation pertaining to the replacement of the Dutch F-16 fleet has been put online in a website. True transparent democracy! http://vervanging-f16.rekenkamer.nl/
Each Black Hornet system consists of two aircraft, with a single controller for the UAS and its payload and a base station. A tablet-sized monitor is also part of the package, which totals approximately 2kg (4.4lb). The UAS carries three cameras – one looking straight ahead, one straight down and one at 45˚ forward and Read more about British Army operators detail Black Hornet UAV attributes[…]
It looks like something from the movie “Firefox”. Iran's new Qaher-313 stealth fighter: No, it's not April fools day – The DEW Line.
This is an annual publication in Dutch concerning the armed forces. The main tasks are covered, as well as the ministry, materiel, locations, personnel and finances. Kerngegevens Defensie | Brochure | Rijksoverheid.nl.
The gun is coupled with it’s own ammunition, which is manufactured to tight tolerances. It then feeds video into a recitcle or ipad app with HUD information on it. You point a laser at the target and move the gun aimer to cover the pip. Once it does, the gun fires. This makes it extremely Read more about $17,000 Linux-powered rifle brings “auto-aim” to the real world | Ars Technica[…]
Two laser modules mounted onto Revolver Gun air defense turrets made by Oerlikon and attached to additional power modules. The laser modules are 30 kW and 20 kW, but a Beam Superimposing Technology (BST) combines two lasers to focus in a “superimposed, cumulative manner” that wreaks havoc on its targets. First, the system sliced through Read more about German Military Laser Destroys Targets Over 1Km Away[…]
This article has links to how the US uses simulators and what their capabilities are. They talk about training for UAV’s, the network centric way in which they’re trying to link up simulators globally, how they’re used to train for large force employments, using them to practice 4 ship formations and of course, the limitations Read more about How far can simulations go versus live flying?[…]
And all the experts were saying it would be years before they could do anything with it when it was delivered to the Navy on September 25th. It looks like the Chinese are serious about putting it in operation as soon as they possibly can. China Lands First Jet on Its Aircraft Carrier | Military.com.
A group of aeromedical specialists saw problems with the oxygenation of pilots in the F-22 and came up with a package of fixes for it. The fix per aircraft would have been $100,000 but the costs were deemed too high and the group was disbanded in 2007. Air Force Insiders Foresaw F-22 Woes | Military.com.
The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force received a brutal wake-up call when 15 insurgents broke through the wire at Bastion at about 22:00 local time. Dressed in US combat fatigues and armed with automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and suicide vests, they launched “a well-coordinated attack,” it says. Once on the base, the raiders attacked the Read more about Camp Bastion attack shocks ISAF, destroys 6 AV8B Harriers[…]
A group of researchers led by Professor Todd Humphreys from the University of Texas at Austin Radionavigation Laboratory recently succeeded in raising the eyebrows of the US government. With just around $1,000 in parts, Humphreys’ team took control of an unmanned aerial vehicle operated by the US Department of Homeland Security. They used the same Read more about $1000,- to hack US UAVs and control them[…]
Using lasers, they guide lightning to their targets: “For very powerful and high intensity laser pulses, the air can act like a lens, keeping the light in a small-diameter filament,” said Fischer. “We use an ultra-short-pulse laser of modest energy to make a laser beam so intense that it focuses on itself in air and Read more about Guided lighting weapons[…]
The boat is 39 feet long and can reach a top speed of 28 knots. Using a modified version of the unmanned Shadow surveillance aircraft technology that logged 700,000 hours of duty in the Middle East, the boat can be controlled remotely from 10 to 12 miles away from a command station on land, at Read more about Common Unmanned Surface Vessel for Navy[…]
Melville ten Cate of ECA, housed in Schiphol, claims to have secured EUR 283 million to finance the business plan I have been harping on about for the last 25 years: he wants to buy 24 light combat aircraft to start an Integrated Opposing Force (IOPFOR) which will be used as an agressor training service Read more about ECA secures funds for NATO aggressor aircraft purchase – they say[…]
It looks awesome! Boeing shows off new Super Hornet display – The DEW Line.
The Joint Forces Command has been established to ensure that a range of vital military capabilities, functions and organisations – such as medical services, training and education, intelligence, and cyber – are organised and managed effectively and efficiently to support success on operations. On 2 April 2012, the following organisations transferred to the Joint Forces Read more about New UK Joint Forces Command established[…]
This technique by Intelligent Textiles has been developed for military purposes, but can obviously have benefits for everyone. Using a central battery pack, wiring is woven in such a way that it can charge several items at once. “One of the problems with conventional cables is that breakages can be catastrophic. What we do here Read more about Charge devices using your clothes[…]
Because of all the problems associated with carrying firearms or other weaponry into ports, private security firms convert barges into floating armories in international waters where no one will bother them. APNewsBreak: Piracy Fighters Use Floating Armories : NPR.
The gun forms vortex rings by forcing air or some other gas at high velocity down the gun’s cylinder. The ring forms when the friction of the cylinder wall causes a thin layer of the gas to roll forward on itself like a donut. Imagine a tornado formed into a donut shape. The ring revolves Read more about Vortex Ring Gun fires gas at 90 mph[…]
The EM Railgun launcher is a long-range weapon that fires projectiles using electricity instead of chemical propellants. Magnetic fields created by high electrical currents accelerate a sliding metal conductor, or armature, between two rails to launch projectiles at 4,500 mph to 5,600 mph. via With a bang, Navy begins tests on electromagnetic railgun prototype launcher.
“The GPS navigation is the weakest point,” the Iranian engineer told the Monitor, giving the most detailed description yet published of Iran’s “electronic ambush” of the highly classified US drone. “By putting noise [jamming] on the communications, you force the bird into autopilot. This is where the bird loses its brain.” The “spoofing” technique that Read more about Iran used GPS spoofing to hijack US UAV and force it to land[…]
Exclusive: Iran hijacked US drone, says Iranian engineer – CSMonitor.com.