Cost cutting on JSF dangerous for pilots

In order to reduce costs on the allready expensive F-35, they’ve decided  to remove the shutoff valves for engine coolant and hydraulic lines and five of six dry bay fire-suppression systems. This means if they get hit by 30mm incendiary AAA rounds (very common), it’ll blow up instead of venting the extra pressure in these Read more about Cost cutting on JSF dangerous for pilots[…]

Navy Laser Gun takes out Drone target

Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), the service’s technology development arm, announced today that LaWS (Laser Weapons System) had “successfully tracked, engaged, and destroyed” a drone in flight, during an over-the-water engagement at San Nicholas Island, Calif. via Navy’s Drone Death Ray Takes Out Targets at Sea | Danger Room |

NATO’s Strategic Concept: Experts’ Report on the New Strategic Concept Released

It’s a good document, showing that NATO is definitely heading in the right direction. However, you can tell that much of the experts are stuck in the mud a bit and that the US is using this document to flex its muscles in Iran’s direction. NATO needs to form a new and clear strategic vision, Read more about NATO’s Strategic Concept: Experts’ Report on the New Strategic Concept Released[…]

Predator UAV feeds unencrypted

It looks like the Iranians have found out that the video feeds  from Predator drones are in some cases unencrypted and can be tapped into using a $26,- program called Skygrabber. – Iranian-Backed Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones. Now it turns out that the ROVER system, a hand held video system for infantry, also recieves Read more about Predator UAV feeds unencrypted[…]

Fighter pilots face a dismal future

The U.S. Air Force has a morale problem with its combat pilots. The issue is lack of action for the pilots. That, plus the increased use of unmanned aircraft, and the very real prospect that the age of the manned combat aircraft may be coming to an end.