Judge issues arrest warrant for Darth Vader

A judge has demanded a Darth Vader impersonator be dragged before him after he succumbed to the Dark Side, attacked two Jedi with a metal crutch, and failed to show up for the resulting court appearance on an assault rap. According to the Telegraph, Arwel Wynne Jones interrupted an outdoors TV interview* with brothers Barney Read more about Judge issues arrest warrant for Darth Vader[…]

Do Not Reply

Someone has registered donotreply.com and has a catchall email adress. The mails he receives come from everywhere, including pdf files detailing with computers in banks are unpatched and for what vulnerabilities; from the government; TSA; etc etc. He posts a few of them and some excerpts on the website.

Magic Fireballs Howto

Make some cotton balls from a t-shirt, make sure it holds together using some string, douse in lighter fluid and amaze your friends as you play with them in your hands whilst a foot high flame shoots from them. The video instruction is really quite impressive.


Judy Sugden is creating a new designer cat species – the toyger; a house cat that looks like a tiger. There are difficulties and she’s not there yet, but she’s getting there. She hopes for a proper looking toyger around 2010/2012 after which they’ll probably fetch $4000,- a piece.

Prove you did park

On this site you can buy and sell parking meter tickets you have had or want. So the next time you get a fine for not having a parking ticket, you buy one here and send it with your covering letter to prove you did, in fact, have the ticket!

Chinese Aircraft Carrier

Odd this! It’s a chinese replica of a US aircraft carrier at around 7/8ths scale and is used as a “Military Education Center” at the “Orient Green Boat After-School Camp for Youngsters.” Near Shanghai it’s worth visiting with a $6,- surcharge…

Extreme Ironing

Everything has to be extreme nowadays, even ironing. The idea is simple – take your shirt and ironing board to extreme locations and… press your shirt. These people are ironing whilst skydiving, whilst scubadiving, in gondola’s, and any place you can think of. There’s a huge gallery of submitted pictures, proving that there are actually Read more about Extreme Ironing[…]