How to erase memories

If you administer this drug whilst you’re visualising something, the drug removes first certain (possibly unconcious) associations with the memory and should after continued use, be able to remove the memory entirely.

Optimism for cloning extinct species

DNA splicing has now come such a long way from 5 years ago, that the experts are starting to become optimistic of being able to reacreate whole DNA sequences and cloning them into living animals fairly soon in the future. These guys want woolly mammoths back. Give me a sabre tooth tiger!

Translating blood movements into physical actions

Hitachi scientists have a machine that tracks the blood moving around in the brain using optical topography, and by thinking of calculations you can force blood to go through a specific area of the brain, allowing the machinery to perform an action. Currently it seems to be a binary system, but they’re hopeful that it Read more about Translating blood movements into physical actions[…]

THC cures lung cancer?

THC is the active ingredient in marjhuana and hashish, if you didn’t know. This stuff apparently cuts tumor growth in half and also inhibits the tumor’s ability to grow. Which is why all those hippies never get lung cancer – a strange statistic that has puzzled many 🙂

Road Traffic Simulator

The university of Dresden has developed a simulator in a java applet which allows you to change loads of variables on a road with an inroad in an attempt to see what causes traffic jams. Watch your road congest in front of your eyes as you add traffic lights!