Thin edge-lit LCD TVs Break Faster Under Prolonged Use: tested for 10k hours

[…] At the time of this article’s publication, our 100 TVs had been running for over 10,000 hours since the launch of the test, which represents roughly six years of use in a typical U.S. household


The results of this investigation are unequivocal: edge-lit TVs are inherently prone to significant durability issues, including warped reflector sheets, cracked light guide plates, and burnt-out LEDs due to concentrated heat. These problems manifest after prolonged use at maximum brightness, posing a significant risk to their long-term reliability.


we recommend prioritizing models with better heat distribution, such as direct-lit or FALD TVs, for improved longevity and performance.


Excluding the 18 OLEDs, which have burn-in from constantly streaming CNN, over 25% of the 82 LCD TVs in our test suffer from visible uniformity issues.

It gets worse if we look at LCD TVs by their sub-type. Seven out of the eleven (64%) edge-lit models in our test suffer from uniformity issues, one has outright failed, and others are in the process of doing so. In contrast, only 14 out of the 71 (20%) full-array local dimming (FALD) and direct-lit TVs have uniformity issues.

The issues we’ve encountered with the edge-lit TVs in our test seem to be the same across models and brands


Brand/Model/Year LG QNED80 2022 LG NANO85 2021 Samsung AU8000 2021
Time to Issue Onset 7,600 3,300 2,200
50% Gray Uniformity

@ ~10 000 h

LG QNED80 2022 - 50% Gray Uniformity Picture - 10 000h LG NANO85 2021 - 50% Gray Uniformity Picture - 10 000 h Samsung AU8000 - 50% Gray Uniformity Picture - 10 000 h
Brand/Model/Year Samsung Q60A QLED 2021 Samsung Q70A QLED 2021 Samsung The Frame 2022
Time to Issue Onset 2,200 2,200 3,300
50% Gray Uniformity

@ ~10 000 h

Samsung Q60A - 50% Gray Uniformity Picture - 10 000 h Samsung Q70A - 50% Gray Uniformity Picture - 10 000 h Samsung The Frame 2022 - 50% Gray Uniformity Picture - 10 000 h
Brand/Model/Year Samsung Q60B QLED 2022
Time to Issue Onset 5,500
50% Gray Uniformity

@ ~10 000 h

 Samsung Q60B - 50% Gray Uniformity Picture - 10 000 h


Source: Thin LCD TVs Break Faster Under Prolonged Use: Key Findings From Running 100 TVs for Over 10,000 Hours –

Robin Edgar

Organisational Structures | Technology and Science | Military, IT and Lifestyle consultancy | Social, Broadcast & Cross Media | Flying aircraft