De Europese Commissie wil dat internetaanbieders en hostingpartijen, maar ook platformen zoals Facebook, monitoren wat hun gebruikers publiceren. Elke tekst, foto en filmpje dat gebruikers wil zetten zou dan eerst door een filter van de entertainmentindustrie gehaald moeten worden. Hoe zoiets in de praktijk zou moeten werken is volstrekt onduidelijk.
Source: Massaal verzet tegen omstreden EU contentfilters – Emerce
They want ISPs and hosts as well as content providers such as Facebook to filter all posted content through an entertainment industry filter before posting online. How this will work – technically as well as who has oversight over what the entertainment industry deems inappropriate – is unclear. This kind of censorship on a massive scale is exactly why we fought the Nazis and the Cold War: for a free and open society.

Robin Edgar
Organisational Structures | Technology and Science | Military, IT and Lifestyle consultancy | Social, Broadcast & Cross Media | Flying aircraft