Country / Region Requests received and processed URLs requested URLs accepted URLs rejected Percentage of URLs acceptedAustria 45 103 67 36 65%Belgium 49421 105316 25%Bulgaria 4 10 8 2 80%Croatia 3 8 4 4 50%Cyprus 2 2 0 2 0%Czech Republic 12 20 13 7 65%Denmark 24 33 19 14 58%Estonia 8 4933 16 67%Finland 32112 42 70 38%France 895 2,495 1,065 1,426 43%Germany 460 1,705897 807 53%Greece 5 43 043 0%Hungary 2 3 3 0 100%Ireland 28 126 85 41 67%Italy 178 625417 208 67%Latvia 13 3216 16 50%Lithuania 2 2 1 1 50%Luxembourg 2 5 14 20%Malta 2 3 1 2 33%Netherlands 152854 596257 70%Norway 24 50 22 28 44%Poland 19 172 116 56 67%Portugal 4 20 10 10 50%Romania 7 62 28 34 45%Russia 23 33 17 16 52%Slovakia 1 2 2 0 100%Slovenia 8 13 8 5 62%Spain 143 383 134 242 35%Sweden 113 315 126189 40%Switzerland 68 273 153 120 56%United Kingdom 539 2,306 1,2561,026 54%Total 2,867 10,280 5,245 4,998 51%Note: This table shows the number of URLs that were accepted and rejected for European and Russian requests received between July 1 and December 31, 2020 that were processed as of February 15, 2021. The number of URLs accepted and rejected may not reflect requests still pending review as of February 15, 2021. For example, processing delays may result if more information is needed to complete the review on a request.
Cumulative “Right to be forgotten” requests, May 2014 – December 2020
Requests received and processed URLs requested URLs accepted URLs rejected Percentage of URLs accepted Total 41,613 133,972 62,373 71,562 47% Note: This table shows the number of URLs that were accepted and rejected for European and Russian requests received between May 2014 and December 31, 2020 that were processed as of February 15, 2021. The number of URLs accepted and rejected may not reflect requests still pending review as of February 15, 2021. For example, processing delays may result if more information is needed to complete the review on a request.
Source: Content Removal Request Report | Microsoft CSR
In some countries apparently it is normal for a single request to make sweeping right to be forgotten deletion requests.
Robin Edgar
Organisational Structures | Technology and Science | Military, IT and Lifestyle consultancy | Social, Broadcast & Cross Media | Flying aircraft