Mozilla removes telemetry service Adjust from mobile Firefox versions – it was spying on you secretly it turns out

Mozilla will soon remove its telemetry service Adjust from the Android and iOS versions of browsers Firefox and Firefox Focus. It appeared that the developer was collecting data on the effectiveness of Firefox ad campaigns without disclosing that.

Mozilla, the developers of Firefox, until recently used the telemetry service Adjust to collect data from its Firefox and Firefox Focus apps for both Android and iOS. Through this service, the company collected data on the number of installs of these specific apps following Mozilla’s ad campaigns.


The company’s actions may also result from previous complaints about the default enabling of ‘privacy-protecting ad metrics’ in Firefox. This option has been enabled by default since the July 9 release of Firefox 128.

The service collects data on how users respond to ads, which is shared aggregated with advertisers. Users can disable this option, however.

Mozilla says it regrets enabling such telemetry but defends the reason for turning it on by default. According to the browser provider, advertisers’ desire for information about the effectiveness of their campaigns is very difficult to escape.


Source: Mozilla removes telemetry service Adjust from mobile Firefox versions – Techzine Global

Oh dear. And I thought that Mozilla was the privacy friendly option. 2 strikes now.

Robin Edgar

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