The Linkielist

Linking ideas with the world

Anova Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app, stop Bluetooth functionality

Anova, a company that sells smart sous vide cookers, is getting backlash from customers after announcing that it will soon charge a subscription fee for the device’s companion app. […] In a blog post on Thursday, Anova CEO and cofounder Stephen Svajian announced that starting on August 21, people who sign up to use the Read more about Anova Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app, stop Bluetooth functionality[…]

Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60

[…] The study, which tracked thousands of different molecules in people aged 25 to 75, detected two major waves of age-related changes at around ages 44 and again at 60. The findings could explain why spikes in certain health issues including musculoskeletal problems and cardiovascular disease occur at certain ages. “We’re not just changing gradually Read more about Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60[…]

Texas AG Latest To Sue GM For Covertly Selling Driver Data To Insurance Companies

Last year Mozilla released a report showcasing how the auto industry has some of the worst privacy practices of any tech industry in America (no small feat). Massive amounts of driver behavior is collected by your car, and even more is hoovered up from your smartphone every time you connect. This data isn’t secured, often isn’t encrypted, Read more about Texas AG Latest To Sue GM For Covertly Selling Driver Data To Insurance Companies[…]

Singing from memory shows most people can actually sing pitch perfect or very very close

Psychologists from UC Santa Cruz wanted to study “earworms,” the types of songs that get stuck in your head and play automatically on a loop. So they asked people to sing out any earworms they were experiencing and record them on their phones when prompted at random times throughout the day. When researchers analyzed the Read more about Singing from memory shows most people can actually sing pitch perfect or very very close[…]

Researchers figure out how to keep clocks on the Earth, Moon in sync

[…] Our communications and GPS networks all depend on keeping careful track of the precise timing of signals—including accounting for the effects of relativity. The deeper into a gravitational well you go, the slower time moves, and we’ve reached the point where we can detect differences in altitude of a single millimeter. Time literally flows Read more about Researchers figure out how to keep clocks on the Earth, Moon in sync[…]

Patreon will have to use Apple’s in-app purchase system or be removed from the App Store. Also only subscriptions now.

Apple takes a lot of strong positions, but their ultimate hill to die on might just be requiring apps to make purchases through the tech giant. The latest example comes from Patreon, which announced that Apple is requiring it to switch over to the iOS in-app purchase system or risk expulsion. Patreon’s entire purpose is Read more about Patreon will have to use Apple’s in-app purchase system or be removed from the App Store. Also only subscriptions now.[…]

Stratasys sues Bambu Lab over patents used widely by consumer 3D printers | Ars Technica

[…] In two complaints, (1, 2, PDF) filed in the Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division, against six entities related to Bambu Lab, Stratasys alleges that Bambu Lab infringed upon 10 patents that it owns, some through subsidiaries like Makerbot (acquired in 2013). Among the patents cited are US9421713B2, “Additive manufacturing method for printing three-dimensional Read more about Stratasys sues Bambu Lab over patents used widely by consumer 3D printers | Ars Technica[…]

UK Once Again Denies A Passport Over Applicant’s Name Due To Intellectual Property Concerns – again

I can’t believe this, but it happened again. Almost exactly a decade ago, Tim Cushing wrote about a bonkers story out of the UK in which a passport applicant who’s middle name was “Skywalker” was denied the passport due to purported trademark or copyright concerns. The question that ought to immediately leap to mind should Read more about UK Once Again Denies A Passport Over Applicant’s Name Due To Intellectual Property Concerns – again[…]

Amazon-Anthropic Investment Investigated by UK Government – is it a stealth merger?

The U.K. government has launched a preliminary investigation into the partnership between Amazon and Anthropic to see if it will significantly lessen competition. This comes days after a similar probe was announced into Alphabet’s collaboration with the AI startup. In March, Amazon concluded its $4 billion (£3.16 billion) investment in Anthropic, the company behind the Read more about Amazon-Anthropic Investment Investigated by UK Government – is it a stealth merger?[…]

New U.N. Cybercrime Treaty Could Threaten Human Rights

The United Nations approved its first international cybercrime treaty yesterday. The effort succeeded despite opposition from tech companies and human rights groups, who warn that the agreement will permit countries to expand invasive electronic surveillance in the name of criminal investigations. Experts from these organizations say that the treaty undermines the global human rights of Read more about New U.N. Cybercrime Treaty Could Threaten Human Rights[…]

Apple tries again to make EU officials happy with new fees for in-app purchases

Apple this week revised its alternative contractual terms for devs selling apps in the European Union – a revision that was immediately dismissed by critics as more “malicious compliance.” […] Essentially, Apple has allowed developers in the EU to choose whether they want to use its own In‑App Purchase system for App Store transactions or Read more about Apple tries again to make EU officials happy with new fees for in-app purchases[…]

‘Sinkclose’ Flaw in Hundreds of Millions of AMD Chips Allows Deep, Virtually Unfixable Infections

Security flaws in your computer’s firmware, the deep-seated code that loads first when you turn the machine on and controls even how its operating system boots up, have long been a target for hackers looking for a stealthy foothold. But only rarely does that kind of vulnerability appear not in the firmware of any particular Read more about ‘Sinkclose’ Flaw in Hundreds of Millions of AMD Chips Allows Deep, Virtually Unfixable Infections[…]

Warner Bros. Scrubs Cartoon Network Website, Erasing Years of History

Warners Bros. Discovery has not been having a great time recently, and is going through a wave of increasingly desperate cost-cutting initiatives because of it. Several of those movements have felt particularly targeted at the studio’s animated offerings, from its inability to release finished films to selling off its current, past, and would-be successes to other Read more about Warner Bros. Scrubs Cartoon Network Website, Erasing Years of History[…]

Oxford scientists’ new light-absorbing material can turn everyday objects into solar panels

Oxford University scientists may have solved one of the greatest hindrances of expanding access to solar energy. Scientists from the university’s physics department have created an ultra-thin layer of material that can be applied to the exterior of objects with sunlight access in place of bulky silicon-based solar panels. The ultra-thin and flexible film is Read more about Oxford scientists’ new light-absorbing material can turn everyday objects into solar panels[…]

After 33 Years, GameStop Shuts Down And Disappears ‘Game Informer’

[…] Nobody is going to let decades of journalistic output just suddenly get disappeared out of nowhere… right? When it comes to Game Informer, the GameStop owned video game magazine that has been in production for over three decades, that’s exactly what just happened. Staff at the magazine, which also publishes a website, weekly podcast, Read more about After 33 Years, GameStop Shuts Down And Disappears ‘Game Informer’[…]

Posted in Art

Google will let you search your Chrome browsing history by asking questions like a human – Firefox, you need this!

[…] you’ll be able to ask questions of your browsing history in natural language using Gemini, Google’s family of large language models that power its AI systems. You can type a question like “What was that ice cream shop I looked at last week?” into your address bar after accessing your history and Chrome will Read more about Google will let you search your Chrome browsing history by asking questions like a human – Firefox, you need this![…]

Europe launches ‘AI Factories’ initiative

[…] According to the Commission, AI Factories are envisioned as “dynamic ecosystems” that bring together all the necessary ingredients – compute power, data, and talent – to create cutting-edge generative AI models, so it isn’t just about making a supercomputer available and telling people to get on with it. The ultimate goal for these AI Read more about Europe launches ‘AI Factories’ initiative[…]

EU Commission opens stakeholder participation in drafting general-purpose AI code of practice

The European Commission has issued a call to stakeholders to participate in drafting a code of practice for general-purpose artificial intelligence (GPAI), a key part of compliance with the AI Act for deployers of technology like ChatGPT, according to a press release on Tuesday (30 July). […] a diversity of stakeholders will be engaged in Read more about EU Commission opens stakeholder participation in drafting general-purpose AI code of practice[…]

Thin edge-lit LCD TVs Break Faster Under Prolonged Use: tested for 10k hours

[…] At the time of this article’s publication, our 100 TVs had been running for over 10,000 hours since the launch of the test, which represents roughly six years of use in a typical U.S. household […] The results of this investigation are unequivocal: edge-lit TVs are inherently prone to significant durability issues, including warped reflector Read more about Thin edge-lit LCD TVs Break Faster Under Prolonged Use: tested for 10k hours[…]

Suno & Udio To RIAA: Your Music Is Copyrighted, You Can’t Copyright Styles

AI music generators Suno and Udio responded to the lawsuits filed by the major recording labels, arguing that their platforms are tools for making new, original music that “didn’t and often couldn’t previously exist.” “Those genres and styles — the recognizable sounds of opera, or jazz, or rap music — are not something that anyone Read more about Suno & Udio To RIAA: Your Music Is Copyrighted, You Can’t Copyright Styles[…]

Design flaw has Microsoft Authenticator overwriting MFA accounts, locking users out

[…] For those who rely on Microsoft Authenticator, the experience can go beyond momentary frustration to full-blown panic as they become locked out of their accounts. That’s because, due to an issue involving which fields it uses, Microsoft Authenticator often overwrites accounts when a user adds a new account via QR scan — the most Read more about Design flaw has Microsoft Authenticator overwriting MFA accounts, locking users out[…]

Chrome Web Store warns end is coming for uBlock Origin

[…] With the stable release of Chrome 127 on July 23, 2024, the full spectrum of Chrome users could see the warning. One user of the content-blocking add-on filed a GitHub Issue about the notification. “This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn’t follow best practices for Chrome extensions,” the Chrome Web Read more about Chrome Web Store warns end is coming for uBlock Origin[…]

Sonos apologized months too late for messing up its app and has offered a roadmap for fixing everything which has already slipped

Sonos seriously stepped in it a couple of months back when it released an overhauled first-party mobile app that shipped with a number of missing features. These included core functions like sleep timers and alarms. Many of the company’s speakers would not appear as a pairing option and it became extremely difficult to precisely adjust Read more about Sonos apologized months too late for messing up its app and has offered a roadmap for fixing everything which has already slipped[…]

Etsy goes USA level prude and will kill Artisanal sex toy businesses – without having told them that their policies were changing. Surprise!

Simply Elegant Glass has been selling hand-crafted sex toys on Etsy for nearly a decade. In that time, the shop has made over 7,000 sales and racked up more than 1,500 mostly five-star reviews. The Etsy shop — which offers glass dildos, anal plugs and other insertable items — drives the majority of the small Read more about Etsy goes USA level prude and will kill Artisanal sex toy businesses – without having told them that their policies were changing. Surprise![…]

Posted in Sex