Charlie Miller Finds Way to Hack MacBook Battery | News | The Mac Observer

Security researcher Charlie Miller has announced that he has found a way to hack the chips that control the batteries in Apple’s MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air. Using these chips, he was able to brick (or ruin) batteries, or even install persistent malware that would survive a physical hard drive change. via Charlie Miller Read more about Charlie Miller Finds Way to Hack MacBook Battery | News | The Mac Observer[…]

How to create and upload a flash app for IOS without a mac

I used OpenSSL to create keystore and self-signed cerficiate. Then used this to get developer certificate from apple. With OpenSSL I could then create the iOS certificate which I needed together with my apple provisioning certificate to export to a valid iOS installer file (*.ipa). Hooked up the iPad to my windows machine and installed Read more about How to create and upload a flash app for IOS without a mac[…]

iOSTracker.NET – view your iphone movements in windows

iOSTracker.Net displays the recorded location information from your iOS version 4.X Devices Backups on your computer that were done by iTunes.This program is inspired by iPhoneTracker for Mac OS X and uses OpenHeatMap for displaying the locations on the OpenStreetMap infastructure.iOSTracker.Net was coded by Tom Zickel @icebreak.No location information is recorded by the app itself, Read more about iOSTracker.NET – view your iphone movements in windows[…]

How to: Greenpois0n Animated Boot Logos

With the release of the untethered jailbreak of iOS 4.2.1 in the form of GreenpoisOn came the added bonus of custom animated boot logos. Today in Cydia, three new tweaks for this option were released. They include iDevice Daily BootLogo, Windows7 BootLogo and Windows Shattering Apple Boot Logo. Members of our own forums have also Read more about How to: Greenpois0n Animated Boot Logos[…]

Theme it – find themes for your jailbroken iphone easily

So far this looks like a great app – faster and easier to navigate than Cydia, it’s a shame that Saurik / Jay Freeman is showing exactly the Apple Monopolist Spirit that the jailbreaking community IMHO is trying to get rid of by forcing this package off the official repositories and by even going so Read more about Theme it – find themes for your jailbroken iphone easily[…]

Texas Instruments doesn’t want you to own your hardware either

In a growning and disconcerting trend among hardware manufacturers, TI has released a new version of it’s OS for the TI-Nspire series, that blocks off a whole load of its’ user base from using the machine the way they want to. I guess Apple, Android, TI, et al are afraid that the community will program Read more about Texas Instruments doesn’t want you to own your hardware either[…]

Adobe behind best selling iPad app

The Apple / Adobe Flash spat has reached a new level, with Adobe having a good laugh: The best selling iPad  App, Wired’s June Edition, it turns out, was built using Adobe’s new Adobe Digital Publishing Technologies. “Bwahaha!” says Adobe. “We Were Behind Wired’s iPad Magazine All Along!”. The Digital Publishing Platform being developed by Read more about Adobe behind best selling iPad app[…]

iPhone Folders

It’s simple: you install this and you can browse your iphone in windows explorer just like another harddrive. Whyever Apple removed this from the touch / iphone is beyond me, but I’m glad there’s a fix! iPhone Folders.

iPhone 3GS Jailbreak, ECID Grabber & iBEC and iBSS Grabber

In order to futureproof your iPhone upgrade, you need to get and save your ECID, iBEC and IBSS. In order to do this you need the following program: difrnt » Blog Archive » ECID Grabber & iBEC and iBSS Grabber. You can then follow these instructions from step 6 on – the grabber will do Read more about iPhone 3GS Jailbreak, ECID Grabber & iBEC and iBSS Grabber[…]

Chinese hackers crack iTunes Store gift codes, sell certificates | iLounge News

A group of Chinese hackers has succeeded in cracking Apple%u2019s algorithm for encoding iTunes Store Gift Certificates92, and are creating discounted certificates using a key generator. Outdustry reports that a number of the codes are available on the site Taobao, with $200 cards selling for as little as $2.60. The owner of the Taobao shop Read more about Chinese hackers crack iTunes Store gift codes, sell certificates | iLounge News[…]