Enable emoji

It’s Apple cripples your 2.2 software update but hack it time! This time it’s the emoji, which only Japanese iphones got. So if you want it on your iphone or ipod, try the following: You need to edit the file /User/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Preferences.plist on the device -> whether you use a jailbreak to achieve this or merely Read more about Enable emoji[…]


Unbelievable but true: Apple doesn’t offer any way for you to use your iphone as a modem for your computer. Fortunately, if you have a jailbroken iphone, this app alows you to tether your PC to your iphone and internet off a BIG screen!

Push and Synchronization – Email, Calendar, Address Book

Synchronica is the one solution I’ve found for synching the iphone. Winfonie Mobile 2 has been tested and known to work allowing you to synchronise your iphone with lotus organizer 6.1. There are two versions: one for your contacts and one for your calendar. No to do list or notes as the iphone doesn’t support Read more about Push and Synchronization – Email, Calendar, Address Book[…]


Like VideoLan, Flumotion from Fluendo offerts a streaming media server based on the GStreamer multimedia framework. Fluendo creates plugins for different formats as well as a DVD player, Media Center and Streaming Java applet (Cortado). The Fluendo Site The Flumotion site

Road Traffic Simulator

The university of Dresden has developed a simulator in a java applet which allows you to change loads of variables on a road with an inroad in an attempt to see what causes traffic jams. Watch your road congest in front of your eyes as you add traffic lights!