[…] most recently in January 2024, when physicists Arnab Priya Saha and Aninda Sinha of the Indian Institute of Science presented a completely new formula for calculating it, which they later published in Physical Review Letters.
Saha and Sinha are not mathematicians. They were not even looking for a novel pi equation. Rather, these two string theorists were working on a unifying theory of fundamental forces, one that could reconcile electromagnetism, gravity and the strong and weak nuclear forces
For millennia, mankind has been trying to determine the exact value of pi. […]
One famous example is Archimedes, who estimated pi with the help of polygons: by drawing an n-sided polygon inside and one outside a circle and calculating the perimeter of each, he was able to narrow down the value of pi.
A common method for determining pi geometrically involves drawing a bounding polygon inside and outside a circle and then comparing the two perimeters.
Fredrik/Leszek Krupinski/Wikimedia Commons
Teachers often present this method in school
In the 15th century experts found infinite series as a new way to express pi. […]
For example, the Indian scholar Madhava, who lived from 1350 to 1425, found that pi equals 4 multiplied by a series that begins with 1 and then alternately subtracts or adds fractions in which 1 is placed over successively higher odd numbers (so 1/3, 1/5, and so on). One way to express this would be:
This formula makes it possible to determine pi as precisely as you like in a very simple way.
As Saha and Sinha discovered more than 600 years later, Madhava’s formula is only a special case of a much more general equation for calculating pi. In their work, the string theorists discovered the following formula:
This formula produces an infinitely long sum. What is striking is that it depends on the factor λ , a freely selectable parameter. No matter what value λ has, the formula will always result in pi. And because there are infinitely many numbers that can correspond to λ, Saha and Sinha have found an infinite number of pi formulas.
If λ is infinitely large, the equation corresponds to Madhava’s formula. That is, because λ only ever appears in the denominator of fractions, the corresponding fractions for λ = ∞ become zero (because fractions with large denominators are very small). For λ = ∞, the equation of Saha and Sinha therefore takes the following form:
The first part of the equation is already similar to Madhava’s formula: you sum fractions with odd denominators.
As the two string theorists report, however, pi can be calculated much faster for smaller values of λ. While Madhava’s result requires 100 terms to get within 0.01 of pi, Saha and Sinha’s formula for λ = 3 only requires the first four summands. “While [Madhava’s] series takes 5 billion terms to converge to 10 decimal places, the new representation with λ between 10 [and] 100 takes 30 terms,” the authors write in their paper.Saha and Sinha did not find the most efficient method for calculating pi, though. Other series have been known for several decades that provide an astonishingly accurate value much more quickly. What is truly surprising in this case is that the physicists came up with a new pi formula when their paper aimed to describe the interaction of strings.