There have been a few too many stories lately of AirBnB hosts caught spying on their guests with WiFi cameras, using DropCam cameras in particular. Here’s a quick script that will detect two popular brands of WiFi cameras during your stay and disconnect them in turn. It’s based on It should do away with the need to rummage around in other people’s stuff, racked with paranoia, looking for the things.
Thanks to Adam Harvey for giving me the push, not to mention for naming it.
For a plug-and-play solution in the form of a network appliance, see Cyborg Unplug.
See code comments for more info. You’re welcome.
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For the record, I’m well aware DropCam and Withings are also sold as baby monitors and home security products. The very fact this code exists should challenge you to reconsider the non-sane choice to rely on anything wireless for home security. More so, WiFi jammers – while illegal – are cheap. If you care, use cable.
It may be illegal to use this script in the US. Due to changes in FCC regulation in 2015, it appears intentionally de-authing WiFi clients, even in your own home, is now classed as ‘jamming’. Up until recently, jamming was defined as the indiscriminate addition of noise to signal – still the global technical definition. It’s worth noting here that all wireless routers necessarily ship with the ability to de-auth, as part of the 802.11 specification.
All said, use of this script is at your own risk. Use with caution.
Source: Detect and disconnect WiFi cameras in that AirBnB you’re staying in

Robin Edgar
Organisational Structures | Technology and Science | Military, IT and Lifestyle consultancy | Social, Broadcast & Cross Media | Flying aircraft